August 24, 2024


Ep. 455 - A Castaway Childhood: Growing Up with Disney Cruise Line

Hosted by

Brian Sam
Ep. 455 - A Castaway Childhood: Growing Up with Disney Cruise Line
DCL Duo Podcast: A Disney Cruise Line Fan Podcast
Ep. 455 - A Castaway Childhood: Growing Up with Disney Cruise Line

Aug 24 2024 | 00:58:07


Show Notes

Camden joins us this week to share what it was like to grow up with Disney Cruise Line (DCL). Her family started sailing DCL when she was a young girl - and Camden has now been able to experience sailing on Disney Cruise Line as teenager and adult. From the kids clubs to the 18-20 Society to having her first dinner in Palo, DCL has been a part of Camden's life for family vacations and major milestones. Come hear what she's thought about her time on DCL and whether she's ready to branch out to some new experiences.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Do you go to, like, the shows in the adult lounges, like, match your mate or pop? [00:00:07] Speaker B: And did you have to witness any family members participate and match your mate? And how's the therapy going? [00:00:12] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:00:27] Speaker B: Welcome back, everybody, to this week's episode of the DC L duo podcast, brought to you by my path, unwinding travel and Sam, it's review time. Mail call. Mailbag. The pigeons have come. I don't know. I put a call out on our last episode for listeners to send me in their thoughts and ideas on a potential way to preview the mailbag or whatever we're going to call it. And so. Still waiting. Still waiting. Still waiting. All right, well, here. Here comes the listener review for this week. It's from Patrizia L, who writes five stars with stars in all caps. I found the DCL duo podcast on a social media page that suggested an episode to listen to based on a question I had about DCL. I have been hooked ever since. Brian and Sam are excellent hosts and I have learned so much from their experiences and experiences of their guests. I love the fact that their guests are from everywhere and given honest opinions based on their personal experiences. I have learned so much about DCL and just tips and tricks in general. From pre cruise to during the cruise to post cruise. I have yet to take my first Disney cruise. Hopefully next year. Until then, I will continue to live vicariously through them and their guests. It makes my hour plus drive to and from work much more enjoyable. I would have given more than five stars if I could. Also, I would have never known about Rick Steves without hearing their latest episode. And the London book is currently on its way to my house. Brian and Sam, y'all are great. Hope to maybe meet you both next year on a cruise. And then there's a little cruise ship emoji and a blue heart emoji. So there you go, Sam. [00:01:48] Speaker A: I love that. Well, I, you know, I'm. I guess we're helping Rick Steve sell some books. He doesn't really need article selling books, but no, I love that review. Thank you, Patrizia. I didn't realize, like, Patrizia interacts a lot with us on Facebook and I didn't realize she hadn't sailed yet, I think. Well, this review was written the end of last year, Brian, so I think she's 2023. Oh, July. So I think she might have already sailed by now. But anyway, speaking of great listeners, we've got a great guest for you today. She has been sailing on Disney Cruise line for quite a long time. Longer than Brian and I have been sailing on DCL, and she has essentially grown up on DCL, we would call it. So welcome to the show, Camden. [00:02:32] Speaker C: Hi, guys. Thank you so much for having me. [00:02:34] Speaker A: Yeah, thanks for reaching out to us, Camden. Why don't we start with how many cruises have you been on and what kinds of itineraries and what got you started with DCL? Obviously, you started as a young person. So what got your family started with DCL? [00:02:51] Speaker C: Yeah. So I have some notes over here, just so I don't forget the amount of cruises that I've been on. But to start, I started cruising when I was about ten years old. And we weren't big Disney people, not like we were going to Disney World all the time or anything, but we really did enjoy, like, Disney movies. And I loved, you know, Disney Channel as a kid. My brother loved cars. Like, we loved watching the cars movies. So I think when we were about ten, I don't know how my dad found it, but we started going on Disney cruises. That was the summer after, after my fifth grade graduation, so I was going into middle school, just turned ten or just almost eleven, and that's when I started cruising. So we've been on 15 cruises total throughout my time since I've been cruising. I'm 20, almost 24 now, so about 1213 years since I've been cruising. So it's been a long time. I've seen everything from the Oceaneers club and the lab to the 1820s. Society and my brother, who was, I believe, eight, nine at the time when we started cruising, is now turning 21 next January. So he's done everything. He's gotten a taste of it all. So, yeah, we've definitely grown up on the cruises. It was basically our vacation pretty much every summer. We did it when I was ten, and then the next year, and then we took a gap for a little while. So from 2013 to 2015, we didn't cruise. We were also big Myrtle beach people, which is down in South Carolina. So we did a lot of beach trips. And then in 2015, I went on a four night. That was our first time going on, like, a themed cruise. We went on a very merry time before Christmas, and then we took a little small gap again. And then we went on my junior year of high school, spring break with my family. So my uncle, my uncle Brett, who has actually been on the podcast before, they go with us quite a. Quite a few times. Yeah. And then my other uncle, I have two uncles, and we all love to Disney Cruise. Mostly, though, we have done just small like, four or five nights, or we've done a back to back a couple times on the dream and then on the wish, the three and four nights. I think our longest cruise up until last summer was a nine night. And then last summer, we did the Mediterranean eleven night. We haven't really done a whole lot of different itineraries, mostly Nassau, Bahamas, but we have done Mediterranean last year. [00:05:05] Speaker A: And you've done all five of the ships, right? [00:05:08] Speaker C: Yes, I've done all five of the ships. [00:05:09] Speaker A: Awesome. Fantastic. Now, you said your parents weren't or your family weren't really Disney people. Why the heck did they say, we're going to do a Disney cruise? Then? Like, where did that come from? Do you know? [00:05:22] Speaker C: I always ask him, like, how did you find that? I'm like, what? What was up with that? And we actually, my dad, one of his best friends in college, was working for Disney Cruise line at the time. And I'm like, did he, did he give you, you know, did he tell you that you should take us on a DCL cruise? And my dad was like, actually, no. I just saw it on, like, some kind of ad. And my dad was like, well, that seems for my family, like, we should go. So at that time, we were really close with our next door neighbors, and they actually went with us. So we went with them a couple of times, and then our friends who actually worked for DCL came with us the second time, our second time ever cruising. It was such amazing service. We had an amazing time because we got some people who were pretty high up at Disney on the cruise with us. So that was really nice. [00:06:03] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. You get some star treatment there. Well, you've had experience, like, as we said, growing up on DCL, you mentioned the Oceaneers Club and lab and then moving to edge and then moving to vibe and then moving to 1820 society, and now you're a full fledged adult. Your brother is almost an adult. I say almost an adulthood because he's still in 1820. I feel like if you're once, you know, once you're 21, then you're like, that full adult because you can do all the adult things. What was your favorite, like, between those different sort of times or different time periods in your life? Like, did you. I mean, there are obviously, there are some kids who love the Oceaneers Club and other kids who love edge and other kids who love vibe, others who are, you know, bigger fans of when they get to be a full adult or when they're in the 1820s. What was, like, your favorite experience? And if so, did you have more than one? [00:07:00] Speaker C: Yeah. I would say my favorite was the Oceaneers club in the lab. For some reason, one of my core memories of growing up was going to the lab on one of those nights where they had, like, slime night and everyone got to make slime. Like, that was one of my core memories. I remember sitting there with my friends and being like, this is the best ever. I'm on a cruise in the middle of the ocean, and I'm making slime. Like, I don't know. That was one of my favorite things, for sure. And then also they had this, like, little pixie hollow area in there where you could, like, print pages out and color them. And I remember my mom came to pick me up, and she was like, how many pieces of paper did you print? And she was like, you just have killed so many trees. And it was like, well, I'm sorry, I was coloring. So those are, you know, I loved the lab and the club for that. I wasn't, I would say, because we went on shorter cruises, I didn't get too involved in edge or vibe, any of those, like, tween teen clubs just because we were usually doing family stuff. And then on those shorter cruises, we did have friends we brought with us. So, you know, if I had a friend that was riding the cruise with me, her and I, or him, and I would go do something off on our own rather than go in the club. And I love on cruises to just sit out on the sun deck. And I've always been that way, even when I was, obviously, when I was a tween and when I was a teen, I just loved sitting out in the sun. So as much sun as I can get, I love sitting on the pool deck and watching movies and eating on the pool deck. That was. That was it for me. So. [00:08:21] Speaker A: Yeah. Are you. Are you a soft serve kind of a girl? You know, I get that ice cream, soft serve on the pool deck and. [00:08:29] Speaker C: Yes, yes, I love the ice cream. I love chocolate. Chocolate's, like, my favorite dessert, so the chocolate ice cream is my favorite. And we actually, my dad is obsessed with finding, like, little things on etsy that he can bring with us on cruises. And we did an ice cream counter a couple years ago, and my youngest cousins, who were like, I think nine and ten at the time, had, like, I think they each had 42 ice creams. [00:08:51] Speaker A: Oh, my goodness. 42 in the. In the course of, like, a week or something. [00:08:57] Speaker C: Yeah, I think. I think that was our back to back. So I want to say it was seven days total. But, yeah, it was quite. It was like, wow, 42 ice creams. That's about six a day. So quite a. Quite a few ice creams. I wasn't eating six ice creams as a kid, but they were so. [00:09:14] Speaker A: Well, I. I think that's funny you brought up, though, the slime. I want to just let you know that your core memory is, like, the parents worst nightmare, because I literally hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. I know kids love slime. We literally, as parents, hate slime because we had a, like, the upholstery of a chair ruined by slime, and we ended up having to get, like, a cherry upholstered. So I'm just going to put it out there. The slime, Nathan knows this now, if he makes slime or he gets slime as a. You know, as, like, a party favor from a birthday party, it's not allowed to leave the kitchen. [00:09:52] Speaker B: It's literally, to be fair, Sam, the upholstery on that chair was ruined by more than just slime. The dog. [00:09:59] Speaker A: True. It was dogs, too. [00:10:01] Speaker B: It was not Nathan and the slime's fault that the chair needed to be reupholstered. [00:10:05] Speaker A: So, to be fair, we would have waited probably a little bit to reupholster that chair, because the worst thing was the spot from the slime, and it was. Yeah. [00:10:16] Speaker B: But there were nothing a blanket couldn't cover up. Let's move on. I'm curious. So I think a lot of parents take their kids on Disney cruises, and they're like, oh, I want to make these core memories for my kids. Like, what is the earliest memory that you have on Disney cruise line? Like, how old were you? [00:10:32] Speaker C: I think. I think I was ten. And I want to say my first memory, which is weird. It was the villain show. I think it was, like, a show all about villains on the dream and tonight. [00:10:43] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:10:44] Speaker C: Yes, yes. I remember sitting in that show with my mom. Like, I don't. That's like, my. One of my first memories on DCL is sitting in that show with my mom, and we aren't huge show people either, so it's odd that someone that I remember so fondly is sitting in that theater with her. [00:10:58] Speaker A: So I love that. Now, when you guys would go, would you go, like, for. You said mostly in the summertime, so just, was this just, like, family vacation or were there, like, for birthdays or I. Special celebrations, anything like that? [00:11:13] Speaker C: Every now and again, it is for, like, a special celebration. I think when we first started going, it was to see if we liked it. You know, how how my brother and I liked it and if my parents liked it, because my parents went on cruises when they were first married, they did their honeymoon on a royal caribbean ship, I believe. So they wanted to see, well, you know, we liked it back then. Do we still like it? And do our kids like it? So that's how it started out, I think was family vacations. Our second cruise ever that we did, I believe, Washington over spring break when I was in middle school. And then we went to Disney world afterwards. And then the next one was for Christmas and then we went on another one for my spring break in high school. And then I think it was around our fifth or 6th cruise that I graduated high school. And my high school wish was like, my graduation wish was for my whole family to go on a DCL. Like, that was all I wanted was for all them to go on a cruise with me. So I had my entire family, so my mom's side, my dad's side, and that was actually my uncle Brett's first cruise and that's how he got hooked. So we accidentally hooked my, like, whole family going on Disney cruise line. But yeah, so I would say they're, they more recently have become about like celebrating things. We try and do them close to celebrations. We were two summers ago supposed to go on the Mediterranean. And that's a whole very long story about my brother got Covid, so we had to switch it to a nine night southern Caribbean later on in the year. But that was for my 21st birthday and then my parents 20th anniversary. We try and do things to coincide with either birthdays or anniversaries or when I graduated college, that as well. [00:12:44] Speaker A: So what age do you think is perfect for a Disney cruise? Like for you? What was like the best age to be on a Disney cruise? Like, is it now as an adult? Was it as a kid? Like what are, what were your. Yeah, I mean, what's the. In your mind, what's the best age? [00:13:01] Speaker C: I think when I was in high school I would have told you like 1110, 1112 because like you're in that good age range of maybe being oceaneers, maybe being an edge, kind of being able to go off on your own once you're a little bit older, check yourself in and out of the clubs and all that. And then now I would say it's this age because I love to do like palo dinner and the tastings and I love the adult section, especially on the fantasy and the dream. I love like satellite poles. I would say at this point in my life, I would say right now. Yeah, I would say this is the perfect age. I think not everyone has that. Like. Like, my boyfriend, he's never been on Disney Cruise line, so he thinks it's for younger age kids and it's for families with, you know, younger kids. And I would tell him no. I'm like, no, I love going on them. I can't get enough. [00:13:43] Speaker B: So this seems like a critical point of alignment for you and, you know. [00:13:47] Speaker A: Your boyfriend, so, yeah, I think you have to. I mean, I think you're going to have to introduce them to the world of DCL. Absolutely. And sometime soon. So he. [00:13:57] Speaker C: Yeah, he's actually going on his first one with us this summer, so we're all very excited. My whole family is very excited. [00:14:03] Speaker B: Critical decision point. Critical decision point. A lot of pressure on that cruise. [00:14:06] Speaker A: Yes. I mean, he doesn't like it. I say, you got to break up Tamdin. [00:14:11] Speaker B: It's like a love it or leave it situation, it seems like. [00:14:14] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. My dad's working his hardest. [00:14:18] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, it's like. It's like a standard compatibility question. Right? [00:14:23] Speaker C: Like, do you like Disney Cruise line? That's a litmus test. [00:14:30] Speaker A: Yeah. It's okay that he hasn't been on one yet. I don't. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I think it's just a matter of like, he's got a, you know, he's got to jump in headfirst and enjoy. I was going to switch gears and ask about independence on a Disney cruise and you kind of brought it up, actually, in your answer to my last question. But, you know, checking yourself in and out of the club is sort of one part of independence and that's something that we've now been able to give to Nathan on the cruise line now that we feel confident he will be, you know, safe and communicative and all of that. And he's ten. At what age did you feel like your parents started giving you some independence? If they did, and what, you know, did that teach you or what did that help you with, do you think? [00:15:17] Speaker C: I would say right around that, like eleven year mark, I think on our first cruise, I was not allowed to check myself out. In and out of the oceaneers lab. And then the next cruise that we went on, I was allowed to do that and then I was allowed to check my brother out as well. I'm actually the oldest child of my whole family, so all of my cousins are younger, my brother's younger, so I've always had that kind of adult. More adult, like, mentality. Or, like, I've been a little bit more mature than people my age, because I do love to, like, take care of my cousins. So when I was able to, like, have that independence of being able to check myself out, my parents were like, well, you can check your brother out as well. I think that you're. You're capable of that. And we really didn't split off from them a whole lot during cruises. I think if we wanted to go to the lab or the club, we would go, but there wasn't, like, my parents were like, okay, we're dropping you guys off. See you later. We'll come pick you up whenever you want to be picked up. It was more like I was allowed to go, and I won, and if I didn't go, I didn't have to. [00:16:09] Speaker A: Right, so you could go back and meet up with them or go get ice cream on the pool deck and then meet up with them or something like that. Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. I think, you know, I think that's one of the great benefits about being on a cruise. A Disney cruise in particular. But even other cruise lines, I would say, you know, they are relatively safe environments. I say relatively. Cause obviously there's. You know, there's not padded walls everywhere, so it's not completely safe. And, you know. But, yeah, I think one of the great things about the crews for a younger person in particular is that they can establish that level of independence and sort of start getting incrementally more independence than they might get at home. Like, we're not gonna let Nathan go out, you know, walking in the neighborhood at 08:00 at night, but we might let him on a cruise. [00:16:56] Speaker B: Wait, you don't. I give him a flashlight, like, a $5 bill. Go for it, buddy. [00:17:01] Speaker A: Or a Starbucks card, actually, probably, yeah. $5 wouldn't even be enough. Get him anything at this? [00:17:08] Speaker C: No. No, it would not at Starbucks. [00:17:10] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, what were your favorite family things to do on board Camden when you were younger? Because it sounds like you guys did a lot of, like you said, family time, especially when it was shorter cruises. Um, yeah. What. What were the kinds of things that you all enjoyed? And then, of course, we'll talk about more about what you enjoy nowadays now that you're an adult. [00:17:29] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. Um, I would say we've always been a huge game family. Like, my dad always has a new game to play, so we're always bringing a new game on the cruise. Plus, we love uno. There's this game called five Crowns that we love. So we play that more now than we did back then. But I would say we. We always played games up on the pool deck, and then we also really like to, like, love movies. So if there's a new movie that had come out on the cruise or a movie that we knew that already, would go watch that as a family. I remember when I was, I think, a sophomore in high school, which is, like, my third or fourth cruise, we went, it was Star wars, first Star wars movie back. So it was like the 7th one that had come out, and it was premiering on the ship. I have a shirt that says, like, premiere, and it's like, ear at the end, so premiere at sea. So we went. And also that, as a family, and then that's a huge memory for me, is going to see, like, the first Star wars movie back after, you know, that long hiatus. And that's just. It was. I mean, it was amazing. Like, the clapping at the end of the movie was just something that I'll never forget. So that's something we definitely, definitely enjoy to do. [00:18:29] Speaker A: I love that. What about now? What are your favorite? Well, first, actually, I gotta ask you, you said games. Have you played Lorcano yet? [00:18:34] Speaker C: I have not, but I love to, like, read about it. Like, I see it on Twitter everywhere. But I haven't played yet because I feel like I might get confused. [00:18:41] Speaker A: I get confused. I get confused. Cause I don't understand that style of game, I'll be perfectly honest. But Brian really likes it. Nathan enjoyed it, but Brian is much more into it than Nathan is. But I do think it's one of those games. [00:18:56] Speaker B: Well, I can't be all that into it because I have no one to play with. My own family. My own family has abandoned me, sam. [00:19:03] Speaker A: Brian, we have other. [00:19:05] Speaker B: It's not called larcana's solitaire. Like, I can't just sit there and play by myself. Like, I have to have someone to play with. Poor Emma on our upcoming cruise is, like, dying to play me. She's gonna wipe the poor games ever. [00:19:17] Speaker A: It's poor Brian, not poor Emma. [00:19:21] Speaker B: I've invested so much in these decks too, sam. Huh? Jeez. [00:19:27] Speaker A: Some of our cruising friends, Emma and her dad, craig, they really like to play Lorcana. And it seems like it is a good, like, multi generational game for people who get into it. So that's why I needed to ask, because if, you know, dad's really into games, it seems like it might be something, maybe a future endeavor for the next. Yeah. What about stuff you really like to do now on cruises, like, what are your favorite things or places to hang out, things to do on a Disney cruise ship? [00:19:58] Speaker C: We definitely love to do the tastings, like, the mixologies or, like, the wine tastings or martini tastings. We do the martini tastings quite a bit, so we definitely enjoyed that. I actually, this last cruise we went on, I went to do the walking of the wish, which I was really excited about, to see all the little small things about the wish. And I showed, and I was the only person there. So the girl was like, yeah, I was the. It was. It was a day at castaway, but it was like, 04:00 p.m. so we were, you know, the ship was going to be leaving soon, and I was the only person there. So the girl was like, well, I can walk around with you, but it'll kind of be like school, and I'll be, like, teaching you, like, a one on one teacher session. I was like, yeah, I don't really want to do that. I was like, I'll just sign up for another day. So I didn't get to do that, but I definitely would be interested in doing something like that. I love to learn about, like, the ships. I love the YouTube videos that go into, like, detail. The documentary about the making of the wish, I watched that. Like, I swear I watch that, like, three times a year. Like, I really find that documentary to be super interesting. I don't know why. I just love it. [00:20:58] Speaker A: There's. There's some other really good documentaries about, like, cruise. Building cruise ships. I don't know if you've seen any of them. Nathan actually, like, one of the first introductions to cruise ships he had was watching about. It was like a. I can't even remember what series it was. [00:21:15] Speaker B: It was the. It was the building of the world's. [00:21:17] Speaker A: Most luxurious cruise ship, and it wasn't. It. [00:21:21] Speaker B: That's a different one that was about cruise, like, operation of cruising or something. Anyway, the one he liked was about the building of the Regent seven seas Explorer was a super luxurious cruise line. He really enjoyed. [00:21:33] Speaker A: It's just, you know, it's like making the wish about the building of a ship and the design elements and things like that. And so it's just super interesting. But there are. Yeah, there are some great documentaries out there. I. Of course, there's not as many on Disney ships. I wish there were. I'm hoping they'll do something for the treasure and maybe the destiny as well. But I don't know if it'll be as interesting because the wish was the first of its kind, and so, yeah, maybe that's why they did that. But, yeah, I think those are great. Have you done the art of the theme ship tour, then on the other. Or art of the theme show tours on the other ships, you have to be 18 to do them. But obviously that's what the wish one is. Sort of the replacement for that on the wish. [00:22:14] Speaker C: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. I actually haven't been able to do that one yet. I don't think I've known about the tours or anything like that until recently. I watched a YouTube video. It was like one of those, like, vlogs about the cruise, and they went on the art of the animation, and I was like, wow, that is super interesting. Didn't even know they offered that. Usually when we go on cruises, we're a very relaxed family. We like to get up late, go eat breakfast, sit by the pool all day, and then maybe go to one or two drink tastings or go see a movie. My brother loves to do the golf simulator on the dream in the fantasy, so he usually does that, like, maybe once or twice during the cruise. Yeah, we usually just like to play games and hang out, and we like to meet people, so that's been really. [00:22:54] Speaker A: Fun, too, actually, when you reached out to us, you mentioned about making friends on Disney cruise line, and you guys have made some of your closest friends on Disney cruise line. Tell us about that. Tell us who you met, how you met them, and what it sort of blossomed into today. [00:23:11] Speaker C: Yeah. So a couple. I think I mentioned this earlier a couple of summers ago, we were all set to leave around, like, July 4 or fifth for the Mediterranean. At this point, we were still testing for Covid. So you had to go over there, make it all the way over there, and then test at the port to make sure that we did not have Covid. I had come home. I lived at that time. It's still in my college town. So I'd come home for a day, my dad's birthday, to get my hair done, come home, and my brother had just gotten back from a mission trip, and my mom's testing him every day just to make sure that we don't get over, you know, before we even get on the plane. We're all sitting in the kitchen and test positive. At that point, it's my dad's birthday, and he's like, what the heck? Like, now we have to cancel our mediterranean cruise that we had had planned for, you know, two years prior because. Because of COVID it's gotten canceled up until this point. So we've waited two years to go on the mediterranean cruise, and then we had to move it again because my brother had Covid. But it actually turned out to be the best thing because we ended up booking. It was one of the only cruises left for the summer that was, like, a longer vacation. It was a nine night southern Caribbean to four islands that I had never been to. My parents had been to one or two of them, but my brother and I had never been to any of them. And then it stopped at Castaway, and we get on the cruise, and our first day, our first full day at sea, we're up at, like, near the satellite falls area, and we're sitting, and this lady and her husband come over and sit next to my mom, and she sees that we have, like, Virginia tech football stuff. So she starts talking to my mom about football. She's a huge Georgia football fan. And we're talking, and then I'm. At this point, I'm, like, taking a nap. I'm not even awake. My mom wakes me up, and she's like, this woman wants to talk to you about football. And I'm like, okay. So I talked to this lady for a good bit about, which is, like, college football, and this other guy walks up to this woman, and he's, like, sits down next to her on her chair. So I'm thinking, these are people that went on the cruise together. And we're like, oh, look, where are you guys from? And they say two different areas. Are you guys on the cruise together? And they're like, no. We met yesterday on, like, the very first day on the cruise. And we're like, what is going on? So his name was Mister Will. So mister will's down with Miss Patty. And then from there on out, they were like, why don't we go get a drink tonight at the meridian bar? And we're all like, cool. Yeah, we'll meet you there. We're thinking we're gonna show up, and they're not gonna meet us. Like, well, we wouldn't ever see them again on the cruise. Nope. They brought their whole families. So we were all up at the meridian bar, and then every night from there on out, we met the meridian bar, and then we all went to dinner. We all sat at separate tables, and then we'd all meet back up at whatever bar we were going to or, like, up in the adult section. And now they're our, like, like, best cruise friends, so. And we actually convinced them on that cruise to go on the Mediterranean with us the next summer. So we went with, we went with them all the way to Italy and got on the cruise there. And then their families, too. Yep. [00:25:52] Speaker A: Wow. [00:25:52] Speaker C: Yep. And there they were. So throughout the week, because Miss Patty, she loved the satellite falls area. That's where we sat every day, was we would sit in the satellite Falls little ring area all day long. And then we actually ended up meeting two other families. So then it was five families total. And every night we'd meet up at the meridian bar and we'd invite more people. We'd be like, come on. And then we met some people from Canada and we were like, you guys got to join us every night. We were adding, like, more and more people. And at that point, we were all outside in that little corner of the meridian bar, just sitting there talking. And we convinced about half of them to go on the Mediterranean the following summer with us. [00:26:27] Speaker A: Oh, my God. That's awesome. I honestly, though, love meeting cruise friends. [00:26:34] Speaker B: That's like Tracy and Michael for us. [00:26:36] Speaker A: Actually, the morals, right? Like, we have methadone on our southern Caribbean. We met our friends Tracy and Michael, who we affectionately refer to as DCL duo senior, and then our other friends, the morals, who have sailed with us now multiple times and are actually sailing with us as we speak. They're sailing with us literally in, like, five days. At the end of this week, we're on a royal Caribbean cruise for the, for Memorial Day weekend. They're sailing with us and they have sailed with us many times. So it's really, really fun to, I think, meet people on board. The way that we met the morals was because of the faith Facebook group. The way that we met Tracy and Michael, the Andreco's was just randomly on an excursion. They were sitting across from us on a catamaran excursion. But, yeah, it's. We have met, like, and these are now some of our closest friends as, like you mentioned. Yeah, I mean, people who we have traveled with, people we sail with, and people who we talk to on a regular basis. Like, frankly, we talk to some of them more than we talk to people who live near us. We were talking, Ryan and I were having this conversation yesterday, like, isn't it funny that some of our closest friends live all the way across the country from us? But, yeah, it's like you have this shared love of Disney cruising and you have many other things in common that you find out and it just becomes, I think, much more fun. I don't know if you think, but I think it's much more fun to sail with friends than especially for us. We're such a small family of three, right. So it's more fun to have more people to talk to. Not that I don't like talking to you, Brian. [00:28:10] Speaker B: I just talked to myself, and then I don't have any problems, Sam. Except people staring at me weird. There you go. [00:28:17] Speaker C: Oh, my gosh. Yeah, it definitely is more fun to be dealing with bigger groups, and it kind of feels like seeing family again. I think when we left, it was like a pretty sad, like, when are we going to see you guys next? And then now we actually meet them every year for New Year's. We saw them, you know, summer of 2022, and then met them in, I want to say, charlotte New Year's into 2023. Saw them on the Mediterranean. 2023. And then saw them this past December in Myrtle beach. So we actually met up with them in Myrtle beach for New Year's. So, yeah, it definitely is. It's super fun. And you know Miss Patty, who's, like, I call her, like my, like my adopted grandma. Like, she's amazing. She's this amazing woman, and she's kind of who brought us all together, so we've actually named satellite Falls paddle light falls. [00:28:59] Speaker A: In honor of her satellite falls. I am going to shout out to paddle light falls the next time I'm on the fantasy. [00:29:07] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:29:08] Speaker A: Or the dream, but it's going to be the fantasy. We're going to be on in for New Year's, actually, this year. So I'm going to. I'm going to. I'm going to say hello to paddle Light Falls for Miss Patty. Shout out to Miss Patti if you're listening. [00:29:21] Speaker C: Yeah, shout out Miss Patty and Walter. They are amazing. They brought the whole group together. We call her the matriarch of the group. Like, she's the one who. It was kind of like the different. It was like the multiverse of Miss Patti. Like, she just kept bringing more people in, so she. She is an amazing lady, though. But, yeah, we've gotten really close with Mister Whale and his wife, Kelly, or his Kellys, his wife, Hailey, and then their son Jackson, who is the same age as my brother. So they got really close to doing 1820 together. And then my parents just recently met them at Disney World for the races. So Hailey was running the races down there in Orlando. My parents just went down to hang out with them, even though nobody else was running but her. They went to Disney and got to hang out every night. [00:29:57] Speaker A: Oh. So they went for a springtime surprise then, just to meet up like, just to meet up at the race? Yeah. Oh, that's. Yeah, yeah. See, I mean, lifelong friends, lifelong bonds are made now. Okay, so now that you're an adult and you can go to, as you mentioned, Paulo, and you can go to all the adult, like, bars and spaces on court, do you go to, like, the shows in the adult lounges, like, match your maid or pop or all the other, like. And do you enjoy them? I never. [00:30:28] Speaker B: And did you have to. And did you have to witness any family members participate and match your mate? And how's the therapy going? [00:30:34] Speaker C: So I want to say we didn't know about a whole lot of those adult shows because we didn't do a whole lot of, like, family time in those adult areas until my brother turned 18. So one of our first cruises where my brother was old enough to go on those adult areas was a cruise that my grandparents were on. I did not witness this because I knew that it would send me to therapy. I was like, I cannot be in there when. If they get picked for match or mate, it's just going to traumatize me. But I have heard all the stories. So, yes, my grandparents did do match your mate. They had to have a dance off. They had a dance off with another couple. And my grandma, my baby, shook her butt in front of a whole crowd of people with the entire 1820 society there, who, for the rest of the crews, were like, let's go, bb and van. We love you guys. And I was like, oh, my gosh. [00:31:22] Speaker A: They were cruise celebrities. I love that you see, you. It was your grandparents. You should have gone see, I actually think it would be more traumatizing to see your own parents. I think grandparents wouldn't be as bad. It's like you. It's, like, one level removed. It's not as gross. [00:31:35] Speaker C: That's true. That's true. That is true. I wish. I wish now that I would have gone, because the stories are hilarious and I didn't get to see them dance. My granddaddy isn't a huge, like, outgoing person, so I can't believe that he did it. But my dad's the same way, so my dad would never, ever in a million years go up and do matron with my mom. Even if we paid him, he would say no. Yeah, I do love the matro. [00:31:58] Speaker B: Mate, are you listening to our show? Because you want to make the most out of your next vacation. Great news. The fabulous team over at mypath unwinding travel can help guide you so you don't miss a thing. Their team of professional travel advisors are caring, knowledgeable and experienced. It's why we use them to book our own travel. Mypath Unwinding Travel is an authorized Disney vacation planner which means they are recognized by Disney for their expertise and service. They have sailed on all the Disney ships including in concierge, visited the theme parks, adventured with Disney, relaxed at Alani and so much more. Whether its a Disney cruise, a theme park vacation or adventures by Disney, or if you are looking to expand beyond the mouse, Mypath Unwinding travel will elevate your next vacation planning experience. Even if you have already booked, reach out for a complimentary consultation to make your vacation even more magical. Ready to talk to the experts? Head over to dclduo or email so they know we sent you their thanks. My path unwinding for sponsoring today's show. Now back to the episode. All right, well, I have to, I have to hear about, I have to hear about Paolo. We hear about so many kids who are like waiting for that glorious day when they can go to Palo, especially like Palo brunch. [00:33:08] Speaker C: Oh, my gosh. [00:33:09] Speaker B: What was it like the first time you got to experience Palo? Was it as good as us adults think or are we just like old fuddy duddies and it's just, you know, it's a meal and it's okay. [00:33:17] Speaker C: My parents had really hyped up palo. They were like, oh, it's just amazing. They had gone to both Palo and Remy before I was old enough to do either of them. So my graduation cruise when I graduated high school and I was 18 was I got to go to Palo and I was the only, like young adult there. So everyone else was like my uncles and my grandparents, my mom and dad. And it was amazing. Like, we as a family, like, all of us love to eat like we love good food. So first time I got to go to Palo, like when we ordered the charcuterie board, I was like, this is amazing. Like, this is, this is amazing. And then the, I think I ordered steak and a steak came and that was amazing. And then the chocolate souffle has changed my life, I will say. Like, I could eat the chocolate souffle every day for breakfast, lunch, dinner, every meal. I love it. I've tried to recreate it at home. It's not the same, but it's close. [00:34:02] Speaker A: So have you tried the amaretto souffle or are you strictly a chocolate souffle person? [00:34:08] Speaker C: I've tried my dad's my dad does not like the chocolate souffle, so he gets the amaretto. But it's just for me, I'm all chocolate. I even asked them to not put the vanilla sauce in there. I just say just to the chocolate sauce, that's all I want. [00:34:21] Speaker A: See? And I actually like it without any of the sauce at all. I just like. Yeah, I don't know what it is about this. I think it's just the sauce is like. So I'm not a super, super sweets person, and so. And the both sauces, the vanilla sauce and the chocolate sauce are both very, very sweet, whereas the souffle itself is not very, very sweet. Yeah, yeah. [00:34:44] Speaker C: Yes. [00:34:44] Speaker A: So you've done the dinner and brunch because the souffle is only at dinner, right? Yeah. Do you have a favorite between the two? [00:34:50] Speaker C: Now, I would say I think the difference. So with the wish being the steakhouse versus, like, the regular palo and all the other ships, palo steakhouse, to me, is the best. It's, like, my favorite. I could do palo steak. I could do Palo steakhouse every night of the wish. I wouldn't even have to go to any of the restaurants. I could just do Palo Steakhouse. So I would say that's my favorite. I do love brunch. I just think when I leave there, I feel so sick because I've eaten so much. I'm always like, oh, I need to take a nap. I need to lay down or something because it's so hard to carry. [00:35:19] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. That's a good point. That's a good point. I'd love to know about, you know, how it has been over the years eating on DCl. I mean, we love. We always love to talk about food, but, like, I mean, our kid just eats Mac and cheese pretty much every meal on DCl because he thinks the Mac and cheese is the best. He thinks Mickey's Mac and cheese is better than all other cheeses with only. I think red Robin Mac and cheese is, like, second to Mickey's Mac and cheese. I don't know why, but, like, he likes that better than the stuff in the box. But I'm curious, like, I hear about other people's kids and them trying different things and all that. I'm curious what your sort of history has been with eating on DCL. Obviously, you like Paulo. Paulo is not, like, the most super adventurous, but it's really good food. But, yeah. How did you eat as a kid, and how has that changed over time? [00:36:08] Speaker C: As a kid growing up, we always had this rule at my house that you have to try a little bit of everything. Does it matter if you don't want it or nothing? So when we got on the cruise, and I would say most ten year olds aren't gonna try, like, adventurous things, especially when you're at the, you know, world court and they have the escargot. But I was like, sure, I'll try it. And that was one of my favorite things growing up. I couldn't wait to get back on the cruise to go to royal palace or rural court and have the escargot. So I don't think most kids liked escargot, but that was my favorite thing. And my dad would be like, we'll have two of those each, please. And I was like, yes, I can't wait to have. Which is, like, weird as a kid. But I would say I'm not a super adventurous eater. I'm not gonna, like, go out of my way to try, like, really weird stuff, but I will try a little bit of everything. And if I like it, I like it, you know? Yeah, it's definitely. It was fun growing up on DCL, being able to eat the adult menus, because I love Mac and cheese, and I love pizza, and I love the chicken tenders. I love all those things. But I like to have a fancier dinner if we're. If that's offered, so. [00:37:02] Speaker B: Well, have you. Have you tried? I don't know if your family has tried. I'm trying to remember, but have you tried to, like a Remy or an enchante yet? [00:37:09] Speaker C: We have done Remy. My parents have done enchante. And my mom says the sea urchin enchante is, like, to die for. She's like, it's the best thing I've ever eaten. I mean, I have not had that yet, but I. [00:37:20] Speaker B: What did you. What did you think of Remy? [00:37:21] Speaker C: I really enjoyed Remy. What'd you think of Remy? Yeah, I loved it. Yeah. It's definitely more adventurous. I think some people do not like Remy, but, yeah, it was really, really good. I did the american side, I believe. My mom was the only one who did the french side at Remy. So I did have the steak. I think she had a fish. But I love. There was only one thing I didn't like, and my mom didn't like hers. So we switched, and she ate my portion of that meal or that course, and I ate her portion, so. [00:37:46] Speaker B: All right, let's. Let's switch gears. Let's move into the confessional for a second here, Camden, and, you know, nothing nothing that, you know, you don't want the world to hear. But what's one thing you got up to on a Disney cruise that your parents never knew about, but you had just a great time doing it? [00:38:03] Speaker C: Oh, my gosh. I'm not even sure I was really, like, a mischievous kid, I would say. If anything, I probably just went and had too many ice creams out on my own and walked on the deck without, you know, answering their text messages. I wasn't a crazy kid or anything. I. So recently, we were on a cruise where there was a whole bunch of kids who were crazy, and they threw a lifeboat off the side of the ship, and so the boat had to stop and turn around because they thought there was a man overboard. To me, that's a big thing. That. [00:38:30] Speaker A: One of the rings. It was just one of the rings then. Oh, my God. [00:38:34] Speaker C: Yep. My brother was walking around at night with our friend Jackson, and the, like, the deck officer stopped them and was like, did you guys throw a lifeboat off the side of the ship? And my brother was like, what? No. What do you mean? And the guy was like, just keep going. You know, thanks for answering our question. And then we found out the next day that a family had gotten actually removed from our crews because their kids threw a lifeboat off the side of the ship. [00:38:58] Speaker A: Yeah. So don't do that, people. If you're listening, don't throw. Don't throw a life jacket or a life preserver. One of the, you know, don't throw any of that stuff. Don't throw anything, frankly, off the ship because you might get kicked off the ship yourself. Um, because. Yeah, that can create. I mean, it's one. It's. I mean, obviously scary, but it creates a whole bunch of unnecessary worry and, frankly, a lot of crew hour time because they're, like, looking to see if somebody went overboard and if that's why. Yeah, that's in the water. Wow. That's crazy. Yeah, we have. Yeah. We have heard of people getting, let's call it, banned from DCL or kicked off of ACL for misbehavior. [00:39:40] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:39:41] Speaker A: But, yeah. And it's. It's unfortunate. I don't. I generally usually agree. I'll be honest with what Disney decides, because it's usually really bad behavior. Not like, you know, stealing a magnet off of somebody's door, which is also bad behavior that you shouldn't do. [00:39:57] Speaker C: But we've had that happen to us, too. We've actually had our magnets stolen off our door, so. And when you. When I think of like, things I shouldn't have been doing on the cruise or, like, getting up to, like, you know, crazy stuff. And I'm like, well, I maybe had two ice creams, and maybe I went off and I ran around the ship for a little while by myself, but I don't think I ever did anything like that, so. [00:40:16] Speaker A: Yeah. Or if the lollipop holder said, take one lollipop, I took two lollipops. [00:40:21] Speaker C: Yeah, I maybe took two. [00:40:24] Speaker A: That's. That's always what I. That's the kind of mis. Mischievousness that I hope Nathan gets up to when it says take one long, two or three, maybe. [00:40:35] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:40:38] Speaker A: It'S. Yeah. But there is, like, a, you know, of course, a level of behavior and misbehavior on the cruise. Well, I have to know, like, what. What is the. What's the. The itinerary that you're most looking forward to? You mentioned, you know, you've gotten. You've gotten to do a couple of bucket list ones. I know you said most of your sailings have been sort of caribbean, but, like, you've done the med now. You've done nine night southern Caribbean. I mean, those are great itineraries. What are the. What are the other things you're kind of looking forward to that Disney that Disney is currently sailing? [00:41:12] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm definitely. This summer, I'm looking forward to going to Lighthouse Point. So our ten night southern Caribbean this summer stops at both Castaway and Lighthouse. So I'm really excited to see Lighthouse. But next summer, we have a nine night alaskan book. And I think before my dad booked it, I was like, I don't want to go somewhere cold for vacation. But the more that I've looked into it, it just seems like a beautiful, like, place, and I really am excited to go and do all the things there that are recommended, especially by our previous listeners who have gone on. And then the videos I've been watching about the alaskan trips. [00:41:42] Speaker A: We almost booked that cruise, by the way, the nine night Alaska cruise for next summer. We're not on that. We ended up booking a seven night just because of the dates. It was just the dates. It's. That one's in July, which it normally is. And that conflicts with Nathan's sleepaway camp schedule. And it's also, to be perfectly honest, it's the most expensive time of the summer to sail is July. [00:42:06] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:42:07] Speaker A: So we were like, yeah, well, we could do the nine night, but then Nathan can't do the sleep boy camp session he wants to do. And we have to pay, like, twice as much for this Alaska cruise. Yeah. So we booked a seven night at the end of the summer instead. [00:42:20] Speaker B: Well, I kind of want to ask, Ken, have you thought about sailing any other cruise lines outside of Disney? [00:42:25] Speaker A: Oh, great question. [00:42:26] Speaker C: So I think until recently, it was a hard no. I was like, nope, I'm good. But listening to you guys podcast about your recent royal Caribbean and then what we watch. My family loves to watch cruise vlogs. It's like our way of winding down after work or, you know, when we're all together as a family, we watch a couple of different vloggers who do. Royal Caribbean, the icon of the sea, looks like an amazing ship. I mean, truly, like, one of the coolest things that you could. You could go on one of the coolest cruise ships. So I don't think we've been looking into booking anything, but I think if we were to, it'd probably be Royal Caribbean or princess. We have a friend who works over at princess cruise lines now. [00:43:04] Speaker A: So, honestly, I mean, if you were to ask me which ones to do, that's where I would tell you to go. Right? Like, I would tell you, because we're hearing amazing things about icon. We haven't been, obviously, on that class, but we're. We're going on the allure of the seas, which is the same. It's the Oasis class. It was a sister ship to the oasis that we went on. I mean, they're doing some great stuff on, and there's a lot of great things available on those lines that aren't available on Disney, even though the service and the food is not. And the entertainment, not quite Disney level, but very, very. [00:43:34] Speaker B: But, no, I disagree with you there, Sam. [00:43:38] Speaker A: I think specialty diethye like is great. [00:43:41] Speaker B: Well, main dining. Yes, main dining. I think there are some good restaurants on some of these other ships, and I think there's some good shows on these other ships. They're just not. They're different. Right. [00:43:50] Speaker A: It's just not. Yeah, but I'm. Okay, fair. But I'm not. I'm not. It's, like, not apples. [00:43:55] Speaker B: Can we tell from this discussion who is the one who's looking at other cruise lines? Who's the one who's like, we are only sailing Disney. Stop talking about those other cruise lines. [00:44:06] Speaker A: I'm excited, actually. I'm excited about sailing on princess, because just on the new. The new new ships that are coming, because that's. They look really cool, and there's some cool stuff on them. I'm not sure. I'd be excited about sailing on one of their, their older ships. But I think, point being is there's some new stuff that's coming out that some of the other cruise lines are doing that is kind of giving that. Giving more of a competitive edge in certain areas and, yeah, making that. That door open more. Although I really want to be on with superhero Minnie on the Destiny, so obviously, yes. [00:44:41] Speaker C: She looks amazing. I'm so excited about the destiny. There's so many things I think that you guys have talked about too, like the Edna mode thing instead of like, the bibbie Bob boutique. That would be such a cool, like, addition to the destiny, for sure. That'd be so cool. [00:44:54] Speaker A: I know I'm. I'm more looking. I'm not that I'm not looking forward to the treasure. I'm definitely looking forward to the treasure, but I'm more looking forward to the destiny, to be perfectly honest. I think that just the theme just speaks to me more than. Which is funny. I think a lot of people, the treasure, the theming is speaking to them in a way that the wish did not. But I think my favorite of the three is I'm just going to put it out there right now. Prediction the destiny is going to be my favorite of the wish class. Yeah, absolutely. [00:45:24] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. I love that they're bringing like, the parks onto the treasure. I think that'll be super cool with like, the whole trader Sam's kind of vibe with that little bayou area and then all the bars and then I'm. I love haunted mansion. So I very, very excited about that. So I'm really excited to see what they'll do with the treasure with all those or the destiny with all those spaces. [00:45:44] Speaker A: Now, do you, have you, have you mentioned the lighthouse Point cruise booked and. Well, that's your longer cruise, essentially being Lighthouse Point and castaway. Is that on the magic or is that on the fantasy? [00:45:57] Speaker C: That's on the fantasy this summer. [00:45:59] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. I couldn't remember which one it was. And then, of course, you'll be on the wonder for Alaska. Are you going to book the treasure then at some point? [00:46:08] Speaker C: Yes, we are booking the treasure for my brother's next year college spring break. So it's about. I think it's a seven. Yeah, seven night within the first year. So inaugural. It's a western Caribbean with a lighthouse point. Stop. So I think we're very excited about that as well. [00:46:23] Speaker A: All right, Brian, were there any other topics that I've missed? [00:46:26] Speaker B: I don't think so. I don't think so. Well, let's head on over to rapid fire Sam. I think it's time for some arbitrary questions, some arbitrary rules, and a dash of judgment. Or the round we know is rapid fire Sam, take it away way. [00:46:35] Speaker A: Zachary. All right, Camden, you knew this was coming. You told me you're excited about it. I'm excited about it, too. We're going to start with your Disney favorites. Tell me, who is your favorite Disney character? And Disney means everything and anything that Disney owns. [00:46:51] Speaker C: My favorite Disney character is Boo from Monsters, Inc. Growing up, people said I looked like her. So I've actually been boo for Halloween, like, four different times throughout the years. I think last year I was boo from Halloween. I was boo for Halloween, and I made my boyfriend dress up as Sully Zachary. [00:47:06] Speaker A: Oh, I love that. Now, were you boo in her monster costume? [00:47:12] Speaker C: Yeah, I wish, I wish I was. I wish I was. I was just the pink t shirt. Pink huge t shirt and the leggings and, like, the pigtails. But I would love to eventually one day be her in the actual costume. That'd be so cool. [00:47:26] Speaker A: Yeah. I feel like you need to take it to that next level now, Camden, because I totally could see you as boo. And I love boo. She's amazing. But I feel you need to bring it to that next level. And boo in her monster costume. [00:47:38] Speaker C: Yes. [00:47:39] Speaker A: With head sticking out of the mouth. Yeah. Okay. [00:47:42] Speaker C: I love that. [00:47:43] Speaker A: Your favorite Disney movie. [00:47:45] Speaker C: Favorite Disney movie is in game. And it's actually from. From Marvel. Um, it's actually my favorite movie ever. I can watch that movie, like, three times a week. It is my, like, I don't know why. It's my comfort movie. I think that, like, everyone talks about it is. It's my guilty pleasure. I love Marvel, so that's one of my favorite movies of all time. But definitely favorite Disney movie for sure. [00:48:06] Speaker A: Awesome. I love it. Like, listen, big avengers fan, very happy to watch Infinity wars and endgame. [00:48:14] Speaker C: Yes. [00:48:15] Speaker A: Okay. Favorite Disney song. [00:48:18] Speaker C: My favorite Disney song. I think this one goes back and forth. I love the song from the cars movie that sung by Sheryl Crow. I think it's called real gone. That's one of my favorite songs. It's a real niche song. I feel like nobody thinks of that as a Disney song, but it's on the cars album, so I'm gonna count it. [00:48:33] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, yeah, I know. Exactly. Yeah. [00:48:37] Speaker C: Yes. It's such a good one. Or would say how far I'll go from Moana. [00:48:41] Speaker A: Love it. All right, great. Both. I love your picks. Both of them. Great. Okay, now we're moving on to the ship. I know you said you're not a show person, and I almost cringed when you said that. [00:48:50] Speaker C: I know. [00:48:51] Speaker A: I'm so sorry. But I'm gonna, I'm gonna ask you the question anyway, of the what if. I don't know how many shows you've seen on DCL, because sometimes people like Brian, who don't like shows that much, don't go see all of them. So he hasn't seen all of the ones on all five ships, even though he's been on all five ships. What's your favorite of the ones that you've seen? [00:49:11] Speaker C: So I have seen tangled, I've seen Beauty and the beast. I've seen Golden Mickeys and then the villains show. I think at least those four. I may have seen a couple others. I know this isn't the right answer. I know the right answer, but my answer is Golden Mickey. And I just remember, I know. I know it's not the right. So good. I don't know what about it? It's just so good. I still have the confetti from, like, the first time that I ever saw it, like, in my room. So I love it. [00:49:38] Speaker A: That's hilarious. Okay, fair enough. You should see the frozen show if you haven't seen it on DCL. That's another really good one. Yeah. Okay. [00:49:48] Speaker C: Yes. [00:49:49] Speaker A: All right. Going to back. Staying on the sh, on the ship. What is a favorite adult bar space on any of the ships? [00:49:58] Speaker C: I would say it's a big, like, I either say meridian. Love the meridian bar up there in between Paolo and Remy on either the fantasy or the dream. But I also love Nightingales. And it's not because I just, like, love the Nightingale space, but the bartenders, every time we go down there, are amazing. Like, we've met some of our favorite cast members down in Nightingale. So, like, the last time we were on the wish back to back, we made some really good friends down there. And we went down there every night just to see them. So I think it just depends on where your favorites are working. [00:50:28] Speaker A: I gotta say, shout out to Fred and Nightingales. He's amazing. He does a lot of the martini or mixology type stuff in there. And. Yeah. So I have to hardcore agree with you. Nightingales and Marty in both fantastic spots. Okay. Favorite on board activity. [00:50:45] Speaker C: I would say recently I've loved trivia. I, we really, and my friends mentioned this earlier, we, we really do like trivia. My brother and I went and did the, like, overall DCl tribute. I think it was like, medium became, like, third place. So didn't win any medals, but we have won before. And I think that that feeling of winning and that big group of people is just so much fun. We are. We are competitive people, obviously from the games we like to play, even on board with, like, uno and stuff. Yeah, we love to do trivia for sure. [00:51:11] Speaker A: I feel like you need to do Marvel trivia because if you've watched Endgame that many times, you must be pretty good at Marvel trivia. [00:51:18] Speaker C: We have won Marvel. We did win Marvel trivia. Yeah. [00:51:21] Speaker A: Yeah. There you go. [00:51:22] Speaker C: It was a great, it was a great feeling. [00:51:25] Speaker A: All right, favorite rotational dining. [00:51:28] Speaker C: I've got to say, animators palette, just from the longer cruises, those menus on, like, the later half of cruises at animators pallet are so good. Like, all the appetizers, all of the, like, mains are just amazing. So definitely a mare's palette. [00:51:42] Speaker A: Awesome. All right. I love when I get to ask this question, Remy versus Paula, which one is better? [00:51:49] Speaker C: I'm gonna go with Palo just because I did feel like Remy was a really long experience. Obviously, you're in there for all those courses, so I would definitely say Palo just from, like, we do get to leave around, like, ten depending on, like, what time we go to dinner and still be able to go do things afterwards where after Remy, I was stuffed and it was a little bit late, so. [00:52:08] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, some people, like, it's a more efficient. I mean, they're both longer meals, but, like, Apollo meal is generally more efficient than, uh, yes, than a remy. Okay. Aqua dunk, aqua dock, aqua mouse. Pick one. [00:52:24] Speaker C: I've got to go. Aqua duck. Just, that was the first ride I've ever been on, on a DCl cruise. And it's nostalgic to get on that ride. Um, I wasn't. I'm not a huge daredevil. Like, not a huge thrill seeker. So when I first got on it, I was scared to death to go over that, like, little side loop where it was over the boat. I was like, I really don't want to fall out. I don't know why I thought that. Um, but I loved it and it was amazing. So I would definitely say aqua dog. Aquamans is a great ride, but it's pretty similar to me, except, like, the show part. [00:52:49] Speaker A: Okay. Very controversial question coming. You knew this was coming. Which one is your favorite ship? [00:52:54] Speaker C: So I think up until I went on the fantasy, I would have said the dream. I love the dream. It's like going home. It's like being. That's the. You know, I went on the dream a ton when I was growing up, so I would have said the dream, but when I went on the fantasy, all those little things on the dream that you just don't love about the dream are gone. On the fantasy. Like, the paddle light falls area. There's so much better. Yes, yes. I just think satellite falls. [00:53:21] Speaker A: Yeah, right. The adult bar area is just, like, a better configuration and skylines a little bit bigger. Like, it's just. It's not like night and day. It's just, like, a little bit better than the trees. Yeah. Great answer. Love it. Okay, now the last question to rabbit fire is your bucket list cruise. Camden, you've been on. You mentioned you have a couple of bucket lists, actually, already planned and booked. I want to know your, like, dream bucket list cruise, something you don't have booked that you would love to do anywhere in the world. It can be you'd be traveling on a Disney cruise, and it could be someplace Disney Cruise line doesn't currently go. Where would you go? Camden? [00:53:57] Speaker C: I think I would love to do a hawaiian cruise, which I know that Disney does offer one of those, either ones that come from Canada and come down, or you go from Hawaii over to Australia. I think that was an option as well. I would love to do one of those. I think that would just be amazing. I've been to Hawaii once, but, you know, I was younger, said, I don't think I fully got to really understand what Hawaii was, and I'd love to go back. And I think DCL is, like, a good. It's great to, like, get off and get back on. Like, you get off, you do a bunch of stuff. You're worn out, you get back on, you get to relax. I do. I do love that aspect. [00:54:27] Speaker A: Perfect. I think you got to do a back to back where you're going to, you know, sail around the hawaiian islands, and then you're going to do one that goes to Australia from Honolulu. I. [00:54:35] Speaker C: Yes. Yeah. [00:54:36] Speaker A: I mean, you'll be on for, like. You'll be on for, like, three weeks, but it'll be worth it. Perfect. [00:54:41] Speaker C: Yeah, absolutely. [00:54:43] Speaker A: All right, well, Camden, other than picking the golden mickeys, you did great. So I'm giving you. I'm going to give you a solid b plus there. Thank you. [00:54:55] Speaker C: I'll take a b plus. [00:54:56] Speaker B: Well, that's. That's high praise. I guess a b, Sam, doesn't hand out too many a's around here, including to me. So. [00:55:05] Speaker A: I was going to say Brian doesn't even get, like, a see so. [00:55:09] Speaker B: Well, Camden, we super appreciate you taking time to come on the show and share your experience growing up aboard Disney Cruise line and can't wait to hear what's next. You should reach back out and let us know and we'd love to have you on. I'm keen to hear how the boyfriend experience goes on Disney cruise line. If he passes the test. If he's listening to this, you have a test to pass here. So. Yeah, but Camden, thanks for taking the time out of your day and your weekend. We really, really appreciate it. [00:55:35] Speaker C: Yeah, thank you guys both. It was super exciting for me and I was looking forward all week. So thank you. [00:55:44] Speaker B: Well, thanks to everyone out there for listening this week. We really, really appreciate it. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast. You can keep getting great content from us every week. In fact, twice a week we publish shows, so be sure to hit the subscribe button to get all of those great episodes. And if you want to watch us alive, we have a live show now every week. Monday nights 05:30 p.m. pacific 08:30 p.m. eastern over on dclduo so be sure to head over and check that out. 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Thanks again for listening and well see you next time for another fabulous adventure with the DCL duo. It.

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