August 02, 2024


Ep. 448 - Live Bonus Show - It Looks Marvel-ous: Recapping All the Announcements from Days 2 and 3 of the Disney Destiny Reveal

Hosted by

Brian Sam
Ep. 448 - Live Bonus Show - It Looks Marvel-ous: Recapping All the Announcements from Days 2 and 3 of the Disney Destiny Reveal
DCL Duo Podcast: A Disney Cruise Line Fan Podcast
Ep. 448 - Live Bonus Show - It Looks Marvel-ous: Recapping All the Announcements from Days 2 and 3 of the Disney Destiny Reveal

Aug 02 2024 | 00:48:19


Show Notes

Chelsea from our show sponsor, My Path Unwinding Travel, joins us as we recap all the announcements from days two and three of the Disney Destiny reveal. The Desting is Disney Cruise Line's (DCL) newest Wish-class ship, and will set sail November 2025, with bookings starting September 6, 2024 for Castaway Club members and the general public on September 12. Heroes and Villains themed - she'll feature spaces and characters evoking some of Disney's greatest stories, including, as we learned, a heavy emphasis on the Marvel Cinematic Unviverse with Black Panther as the Grand Hall statue and Spiderman as the stern character (both are firsts for Disney as they have never had non-animated characters adorn the Grand Hall or stern of the ship). We're chatting through De Vil lounge, a Cruella De Vil themed bar onboard. The new Cask and Cannon, a pirate-themed bar. The Sanctum, a Dr. Strange themed bar that will replace the Bayou. As well as a host of other new experiences coming to the Destiny. Get your capes aflutter - it's time to chat about our Destiny!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: I'm going to go out on a limb and say they're going to meet in it Thanksgiving. This is my prediction. I don't know, like, not Thanksgiving Day, but, like, a couple days before Thanksgiving. And do, you know, like a five night that includes Thanksgiving. And I'm going to say, sign me up for that. So if they. If they made in this ship over Thanksgiving week, the duo plus Nathan will be on this ship on the maiden voice. [00:00:24] Speaker B: And. And dear princess, you will be giving me some of my money. [00:00:27] Speaker A: Yeah, princess. Sorry, Princess Cruise. [00:00:41] Speaker B: Welcome back, everybody, to this week's live episode of the DCL duo podcast, brought to you by my path unwinding travel. And I guess I said this week's is the third one in a week. So it's been a week, people of out of Disney Cruise line. So we're under a time constraint tonight. Cause we gotta get out of here to get our son picked up from an appointment he's at. So we got a 45 minutes episode. We're gonna try to keep it a tight episode tonight. And what I'm gonna do is actually tee up a whole bunch of the announcements that Disney cruise line has made over days two and three. I won't revisit the announcements that they made on day one that we talked about with CT from tinfoil mouse years. Although I wish CT was here to keep us honest over what we got right and what we got wrong. [00:01:26] Speaker A: It's in the comments. [00:01:28] Speaker B: I've. I have traded out my tin foil mouse ears for my club 33 hat. So I'm going to throw up the presentation that we've put together. I took some notes from CT on how to. I used keynote tonight, and we're going to give that a shot, see if it works. I'm going to go through the presentation. So you're going to listen to some talking from me for the next, you know, 15 minutes, and then I'm going to open it up to the group to discuss. And Sam's already breaking the rule that. [00:01:51] Speaker A: No, I'm not breaking the rule because Brian has yet to introduce our guest. That's. [00:01:56] Speaker B: Yes. Welcome, Chelsea. Thank you, Sam, for keeping me honest there. Welcome, Chelsea from my path unwinding travel. We invited Chelsea on because we were hoping to talk itineraries. We'll get into a minute about now. We just need Chelsea's opinions on the actual announcements. We'll get into why in a minute. But Chelsea, welcome to the show. Great to have you. [00:02:12] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:02:14] Speaker B: All right, let me add in the presentation that I put together and start off with the announcements from day two. Day two was not a heavy announcement day. We got really two key announcements out of Disney about the Destiny. The first is this DeVille Lounge, a Cruella DeVille themed piano bar that will replace Nightingales and scat cat for the Destiny. You can see here it will have a spotted piano. They made a big deal out of calling out the spotted piano. It will also serve martinis and other fun cocktails. They also made a big deal about it opening up onto the atrium for a little bit of, like, people watching vantage point. My memory is that the other two venues, well, the other venue for sure, that we've seen. We haven't seen the treasure yet, actually does have, like, windows that face off toward the atrium. It doesn't actually open onto the atrium. So I'm sort of curious to see if they actually have this as an open space and how people will react to that, given their reactions to the open space around Luna. But maybe it's that they have the ability to open it and they can close it at times too. I don't know. But we'll be interesting to see how they implement that. They made a big deal about calling that aspect of it out. Next up, I gotta find my presentation window here. There we go. Next up, we got the Aqua mouse. I think it was the silly sing along, but the idea is Mickey and Minnie are going to have fun with your villainous friends, including. You can see Chernobog there on the screen. So it's a new show for the Aqua mouse. It will complement the three other existing shows for the Aqua mouse, which include the Kraken storyline, the Yeti storyline, the new golden egg storyline that will be on the treasure. They are saying that Destiny will have all four available to them. I would assume that will mean that the other ships will also have all four available to them at some point. But we shall see. But essentially, you're going to ride the aquamau through a bunch of screens with some of your favorite villains. Hijinks ensues, silly songs in the style of kind of the new animation they've been doing with Mickey and Minnie. So that is the new Aqua mouse show that was announced. We also got the announcement that the Haunted Mansion parlor is returning. Want. So I think Ct and I had vigorous debate about this on the last show. Uh, I will reserve my thoughts on this, but the haunted mansion parlor will be returning as the sort of technology bar or the tech bar on board. Uh, so that will be there today. Man, it was Marvel all day, all the time. Today. So the announcements were, like, titled, it's Marvel in your face. Like, it's. It's Marvel. Marvel. Marvel. And so here's the grand hall. Uh, I want to be very clear, like, these are artist renderings, and in particular, like, this strikes me as a very rough drawing of the grand hall. This is not kind of the third or fourth iteration of a rendering. This looks like a very rough iteration of rendering. Some people have been calling out online, like, frosted glass and stuff. I just really want to remind people. Artist. Artist. Rendering. Rendering. The keyword there. So this is not a photo of the grand hall or necessarily what it will look like in its final state. But you can see the big news on the grand hall. We finally got our grand hall statue, and it is the black Panther. So the black Panther will be the statue in the grand hall. A fitting tribute, I think, to that character and what was his. Chadwick. [00:05:36] Speaker A: Chadwick Boseman. [00:05:37] Speaker B: Chadwick Boseman. Thank you. I knew Chadwick, Chadwick Boseman. I just think a really nice little tribute to that character that he played. So fantastic, I think, addition to the grand hall. First time we will have a grand hall statue. By the way, that is not a Disney animated character, is a Disney live action character on the back of the ship. Another controversial decision today. Spider man is back there fighting off the spider bots. If you've been to Avengers campus in Disney's California adventure, you know that this is kind of the game Spider man plays. He throws webs to fight off the spider bots. And so Spider man hanging back on the back of the ship. Some like, you know, web based art there or web art there. Also in the painting. Again, a first for Disney, a non animated character is hanging off the back of the ship with Spider man. So it really is putting a stake in the ground for Marvel. We also got the announcement of the tower suite. I like to call it the Stark tower suite, but it is Tony Stark Tower suite. You can see they've got a bedroom rendering there and a rendering of the sort of the main room area there. Gorgeous suite. Again, I like to say, only one family, a ceiling really gets to experience this thing. So gorgeous to see. We'll probably never see it in person, but gorgeous to see. Hats off to those of you who you never know. Yeah, maybe. Yeah. If we win the lottery. Right. That brings us to. What else is new? So there were some things that they announced that they did not give us renderings for, so I can't really show them to you. Today, they announced a doctor strange bar called the sanctum bar. That will be, we think, where the bayou is today on board the wish. So more incorporation of Marvel there. They also announced a number of villainous encounters that will be on board and some of the villains you should expect to see on board. Off the top of my head, I'm remembering Maleficent. I'm remembering Cilier. Cilier trying to remember some of the others. They announced Loki. [00:07:37] Speaker A: Loki. [00:07:37] Speaker B: Oh, yes. Loki. [00:07:38] Speaker C: Loki and Bruno. [00:07:40] Speaker A: Oh, yes. And they mentioned about oogie boogie as well. [00:07:45] Speaker B: Yes, but there were some. They announced that some things will continue from other ships on the fleet. So some people saw an announcement around an oogie boogie lair where he would do his oogie boogie bash. We're pretty confident. That does not mean there's going to be a dedicated space for Oogie Boogie and his bash on the ship. That wouldn't make a ton of sense, quite honestly, because it's only like an hour to two hour thing that they do occasionally on some of these sailings. What they have done is turn the hero zone into Oogie Boogie's lair and done the bash there. So I suspect that's what they're referencing. They're also referenced. I'm calling it a new trivia, but we've heard it was actually tested on the wish shortly after she released and then kind of faded into the background, and people haven't seen it since. But it's a trivia where the villains interrupt the game. And so that new trivia or that existing trivia that hasn't been seen on the wish, I guess, in a little while, might be coming to the destiny. Let's talk about really quickly what's returning, and then I swear I'm going to pause because I want to get Chelsea and Sam. They can have the airtime for the next 1520 minutes. So what's returning? Disney also put out a separate press release today, sort of walking through the experiences that you would expect to find on the ship, putting everything together, and then announcing some of the things that will return. 1923 will return, although it will have some slightly different tchotchke in it. They mentioned Baymax, which is near and dear to my heart, but it's sort of a heroes and villains themed tchotchke around the restaurant worlds of Marvel. Of course, at this point, if they don't have worlds of Marvel on the ship, I'd question what they're doing. But worlds of Marvel will indeed be back. It will indeed have that Groot show that they are starting up on the treasure Marceline market will be returning. That wasn't specifically called out in the press release, but they did provide the media with some art for Marceline market. So I'm assuming that Marceline market is coming back. Frozen will be one of the shows on board, as will be seize the adventure. Please, everyone. There's a few people that have been freaking out in the community like, oh, my God, they're putting frozen on. We are still expecting an announcement for one more show. All right, so these two shows are coming to the destiny, but we expect one more show. The Pirates rock and Parlay party will be coming back. Hero Zone and the Incredi chorus will be coming back. The wonderland and Neverland cinemas will be coming back. The Rose Paolo Steakhouse and Enchante will be coming back. The untangled salon and hooks Barbary will be coming back as well. The entire census spa, the pool deck will be largely the same. They have announced a Toy story splash area. And I put Marceline market on here twice. I don't know why I did that. So yes, Marceline Market is doubly coming back. [00:10:21] Speaker A: I don't know if you mentioned this in your list of things we don't have pictures of, but saga is a replacement for Luna and that's going to be Wakanda themed. So that's just one other thing that was on the list. But I think Brian neglected to put it on his list. [00:10:36] Speaker B: They didn't provide. Yeah, it's Doctor Strange themed, I think is what they sort of called out. But yes, the Luna saga. [00:10:44] Speaker A: No, not. That's. It's Wakanda themed. Not. [00:10:47] Speaker B: Oh, sorry, Wakanda themed. You're right, you're right. Wakanda. So yes, that will be the replacement for Luna. Uh, so that's it. [00:10:53] Speaker C: And. [00:10:53] Speaker B: And I just. I'll cap it off by saying much like the wish and the announcements for the treasure. Right. They basically told us if we don't tell you it's changing, it's going to be the same. So, you know, there's a lot of stuff they've specifically said is coming back. There's a lot of stuff they announced that's new. But until we hear something else, you should just expect it's going to be the same as it is on, on the wish and the treasure. Last thing I'll say is sort of what we're missing. Just to highlight third stage show, we don't have the itinerary we were fully expecting based on everything we were hearing, to see itineraries today and booking to open up next Monday. And that did not happen. So. [00:11:31] Speaker A: And they should say November 2025, not 2025. It's all right. But one thing. [00:11:37] Speaker B: I'm putting this together on the fly. Yeah, just let me just wrap up really fast and say, so we don't have the Iterians. We do know she'll be sailing four, five night bahamian and western caribbean sailings that will stop at lookout key or castaway key. We'll be sailing from Port Everglades, which we just discussed on Monday, will go on sale to the Castaway club starting September 6, will go on sale to the general public on September 12, and the maiden voyage will be November 2025. We don't know when exactly. I will just quickly add all of that is different. Disney had announced the maiden voyage would be December 2025. It's now November. And they had put up on the website initially that bookings would open in August, and now they've reverted to September. So I think there's, you know, there's a lot happening at Disney Cruise line right now. And with that, Sam comments away. [00:12:27] Speaker A: Wait, let's. Let's start with some other stuff that we know. Chelsea travel agents got a little bit of extra information about itineraries. Of course, we still don't know the exact dates and we don't know, you know, the order of the sailings exactly right. We just know November 2025. But what was the other information about ports of call that you can share with us? [00:12:47] Speaker C: So we know that the four nights are going to stop in either castaway or in Nassau, and then they're also going to do a day at sea, and then they will stop in lookout for the. So you're getting that lookout key regardless of what sailing you choose. With the five nights, same thing, except two days at sea. You're going to get either castaway or Nassau, and then you're going to get a day at lookout. And then for the five night western, it's going to be stopping in Cozumel and then stopping in castaway with Chicago. [00:13:28] Speaker A: So we've got like. So four night bahamian, five night bohemian, and five night western. Those are the itineraries. And that's very in line with what they've been doing with the Disney dream. But, of course, with the big change being lookout key being put into the mix, and I'm actually a little surprised about that, and I want to focus on that for a second. I'm surprised because normally you don't necessarily see the new ship with the new private island. Like, they tend to kind of mix that up old ship, new private island, like they've done with the magic and lookout key as opposed to the wish, for example. What do you think about that, Chelsea? [00:14:06] Speaker C: Right. I mean, they did the same thing with the treasure. You know, they put the treasure on basically. What was the fantasies itinerary during that seven night out of Port Canaveral? I think maybe that upset some people, myself included, because I was booked on a treasure at sale and I was like, oh, I don't get to go to lookout now. Great. [00:14:25] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:27] Speaker C: So I think that probably upset some people. And so maybe they're just switching it up a little bit, testing the waters. They want to take advantage of that beautiful new port that they've got in Fort Lauderdale. It's closer, so I think they just want to switch it up. [00:14:41] Speaker B: Yeah, I think also just there's a couple of comments here to highlight. So ct saying the lookout stop backs up my assessment that Disney's willing to do a lot to sell the port Everglades. I really do think that that is part of it. And then there is this comment here from Taryn. Nice. I'm glad it's going to look out k. I'm surprised at that, too. I'm really not. Because they need more ships going to look out key. And the pier is set up, obviously for some bigger ships. That was apparent when the magic was docked there. So, yeah, that lookout key decision doesn't strike me as, as too odd. So, yeah. And then just real quickly, I wanted to say that, um, one thing I forgot. Everyone is killing me in the chat right now because I forgot the pirates bar. They did announce a pirates of the Caribbean themed bar that will replace the. It is the cannon. The cannon. [00:15:30] Speaker A: Cask and cannon. [00:15:31] Speaker B: Cask and cannon. Thank you, Cask and cannon. For all of you out there who watch my 1 minute recap today, it took me 20 tries to get cask and cannon out without stumbling. The cask and cannon will be where the Kegon compasse or the periscope hub is today. Again, no renderings out of Disney for that one, so we don't have any pictures to show you. [00:15:49] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, the, the other thing I wanted to mention about itinerary specifically is I will share with you all. Of course, everybody saw that Disney accidentally had posted at one point that itineraries were going to go on sale to the public for the destiny on August 9. And I will also tell you we had heard that the ship was going to sail in early December of 2025. And that's consistent with some artwork that Disney had also put up that said, sailing November or, sorry, December 2025. Well, what we have heard from insiders is that that had all shifted very last minute, and so they're perhaps getting early delivery of the destiny, and so moved up sailings into November. So I don't know if it moved up by one week, two weeks, three weeks, whatever. But I know it moved up. And I think that's what has led to this delay in bookings. I still think that they were supposed to announce itineraries today and supposed to start bookings on Monday. I don't think we were wrong about that. I just think that they changed it up. So I think that part is interesting. [00:16:59] Speaker B: Let's walk back through and tackle some things in order here, because there's a lot of good comments in the thread I'd love to highlight. I mean, a lot of the stuff that they've announced over the last couple of days is bar spaces. And Tracy's saying the bar spaces are on point. Um, there's some, uh, folks asking, where was it? If, you know, they think that the pirates bar should have switched with haunted mansion. I'll go one better. I think they should have put Doctor strange into the tech bar because you could have had those cool windows like they have in the, like they have in the kids club. So, I mean, what. How are we feeling about there's. So to sum it up, there's a Pirates bar, Cruella Deville bar, a Doctor Strange bar, and the haunted mansion bar. That feels like a list of, like, which one of these things is not like the other. How are we feeling about that? That lineup of bars? And I'll just say, like, the only note I have to. The only note I have to Disney on the ship. I am excited about the destiny, and the only note I have is that haunted mansion bar just stands out as, like, not belonging. So I don't know. What. What do you, what do you both think about the bar lineup on the ship? [00:18:00] Speaker A: Zachary, let's go to Chelsea first. I talk all the time on this show. I want to hear what Chelsea. [00:18:05] Speaker C: I mean, I love the haunted mansion. I'm very excited for it on the treasure. But I would agree. I think that they kind of. They should have put the sanctum there. That would have been really cool. They could have done a lot with that technology in there, and it would have been a really cool space, especially with all of the marvel that they seem to be incorporating on the ship. I think they kind of missed an opportunity there. But I think a lot of people were excited about the Haunted mansion bar on board the treasure. So I think they're hoping it's going to be a hit because Haunted Mansion doesn't get enough love. [00:18:38] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm with you. I I agree. I think Haunted mansion, although I'll say, one could say pirates, doesn't quite fit in with heroes and villains. Although Jack is, of course, an anti hero, right. Jack Sparrow is an anti hero. So he's kind of a hero and a villain all at once. So I would say those two kind of stick out as far as not being perfect fits with the theming. But I agree with you, Chelsea. I think so many people are really excited about the Haunted mansion parlor and so many people are huge haunted haunted mansion fans. I like haunted mansion. I wouldn't say I'm like hardcore haunted mansion fan. I'm more excited about the sanctum. I'm more excited about some of the marvel stuff on this ship. But I, yeah, I think that it would have been nice to see something different from the treasure to have, you know, multiple different spaces and different theming. Like we've got hyper space on the wish and now obviously haunted mansion parlor is going to be on the treasure. So I think it would have been nice to have something different. But if they were going to port something over from the treasure onto the Destiny, I don't think it's a bad choice. I think it's quite a fan favorite choice. So I think it was actually smart of Disney from that respect. I don't think you'll have a lot of people complaining because there are people that will only probably get a chance to sail on the treasure or the Destiny. And they'll, if they're big Disney Parks fans, they'll be really happy to be at the heart haunted mansion parlor on either ship. So that's kind of my feeling about it. [00:20:04] Speaker B: Let me throw up a few, a few listener comments here. So Nathan saying first and foremost that the deck plans are up online as of today, so you can go browse those. That was a fun spot to go before because you can really see, like, they'll leave things blank. And those are the things that we're missing right now. I think we've got most of the spaces locked down. What we're really missing is just the show, but that's a great resource to have. And then Nathan's also saying, well, they have a dog glass to match the cat glass from Scat Cat. [00:20:32] Speaker A: That would be fun. I do like, yeah, I like the cat and then the dog theming. [00:20:37] Speaker B: Fair question I did want to address. This come from Gabe, who says Cruella feels very out of place. I actually think she feels right at home because she is the quintessential Disney villain. I mean, she wants to kill 101 puppies to make a coat. So, like, I don't know that it gets any more villainous than that. Her reboot movie, I think, was also really popular, and I love sort of the origin story for her villainy. And I think they're supposed to be making another movie. I think they actually announced that they were proceeding into filming with a new installment of that. So I actually feel like she hits the theme pretty well. I think the ones that don't hit the theme really well are especially haunted mansion. I agree. Jack Sparrow is kind of like the anti hero. He's like the hero and the villain all at once. The Doctor strange one is odd because he's the hero. But if you think about it, what they're really trying to do then is they have hero bars and villain bars. Right. Heroes and villains. So I think the bar lineup is good, with the exception of haunted Mansion personally. So. Yeah. And then Nathan's also saying the sanctum in the movies literally had. Yeah, and they have this. They have this exact technology already on the ships with the little wheels. And so, like, I don't understand why they couldn't bring it into the bar. So. [00:21:44] Speaker A: Yeah, well, they said, I think in the description, they said something about there is going to be one sort of screen in the sanctum, but I'm not sure where that's going to fit in because I'm imagining the bayou and I'm just not figuring out where that's going to, where that's going to fit in the space. So that will be kind of interesting. I think the thing we really need to talk about, though, is stern character and what we all think about that. And also, of course, the atrium Grand hall statue, because I think there is differences of opinion about whether or not obviously, those should be animated Disney characters. Of course, now we've got for both of those. I mean, technically, Spider man is also an animated character, but he's primarily a live action character, at least in the MCU. And then, of course, T'Challa being in the. Being in the grand hall. I want to throw this to Chelsea. Let's start with the Grand hall statue. T'Challa Chadwick Boseman's black panther. What do you think about that? Like it? Love it? Meh. Dislike what? [00:22:54] Speaker C: I mean, it's definitely different than what they've done. Before, because you're right. They typically stick with the animated characters and kind of, like, original. Like, they haven't really gone past the nineties much with any of the animated characters that have been in the grand hall. So this is a big change for them. But, I mean, it's a beautiful tribute to him. I think he is a well deserved space to have a tribute to him. And, I mean, if you're going to do Marvel, go big, right? [00:23:27] Speaker A: Go big or go home. I'm with you, Chelsea. I love it. I love it as one. I'm a Marvel fan. I will call myself a Disney Marvel fan. I'm not a comic book person, but I have loved the MCU overall, with a few exceptions here and there. But I love Black Panther. It's probably one of my top three Marvel movies, for sure. And I think it's a beautiful tribute to Chadwick Boseman, and I think it's a lovely choice. And I like that it's different. I'm okay with it being different, especially because of the theming of this ship. Brian, what do you think? [00:24:08] Speaker B: Look, I. I don't know, like, disturbing the atrium characters aren't the thing that, like, define my Disney vacation. And so, like, for me, it's like, I think it's cool. I actually think it'd be cool if they went a step further. Like, I mean, I hope they have a little, like, in memoriam plaque maybe or. Yeah, make Chadwick the, you know, posthumous godfather, the something like. I. It's great to have that honor, I think, in that atrium that everyone's going to see. I also, the CT is making a comment in the chat. Tinfoil mouse ears. You know, they can't really use Marvel a lot in Florida, and so this opens the ability for them to do that on the high seas. Right. And so I don't know. I like it. I like Spider Man. I like Marvel. I'm a big fan of the MCU. I like it ps, more than Star wars. So, like, I enjoy it. I recognize this ship's not going to be for everyone, and there's a lot of people kind of complaining about the amount of Marvel on it. Don't book it. [00:24:59] Speaker A: Right. [00:24:59] Speaker B: There's a princess, a treasure themed ship. Like, not every ship is for everybody. And so there's going to be seven. [00:25:05] Speaker A: Ships with the adventure included in that count by the time this one comes out. So, like, you've got a lot of choices. You can, I think, pay with your. Yeah, you can. You can choose your ship with your pocket money. Right. [00:25:19] Speaker D: Are you listening to our show because you want to make the most out of your next vacation. Great news. The fabulous team over at Mypath Unwinding travel can help guide you so you don't miss a thing. Their team of professional travel advisors are caring, knowledgeable and experienced. It's why we use them to book our own travel. Mypath Unwinding Travel is an authorized Disney vacation planner, which means they are recognized by Disney for their expertise and service. They have sailed on all the Disney ships including in concierge, visited the theme parks, adventured with Disney, relaxed at Alani and so much more. Whether its a Disney cruise, a theme park vacation, or adventures by Disney, or if you are looking to expand beyond the mouse, Mypath unwinding travel will elevate your next vacation planning experience. Even if you have already booked, reach out for a complimentary consultation to make your vacation even more magical. Ready to talk to the experts? Head over to dclduo or email so they know we sent you their way. Thanks my path unwinding for sponsoring today's show. Now back to the episode. [00:26:17] Speaker A: Let's talk about stern character. Let's talk about Spider man. This one, I think, is a little bit even maybe more. More of a difference again, because it's not an animated character, but also because of the design being different. Right. Instead, instead of having the kind of swooshy, swirly filigree around, we've got web shape. So it's very angular in the design around Spider man. So not only is Spider man and the Spider bots different, but also the design around Chelsea. What do you think about that one? [00:26:48] Speaker C: I mean, it's definitely, again, it's different than what we've seen them do in the past. I mean, I love Spider man. He's adorable. And I do think that he's probably one of the more animated superheroes that they feature. I mean, they've got a lot of, like the Disney Junior shows featuring him in animated form. He's, they've done a lot of renditions of the comic books that are animated. So I do think that, you know, he's fairly recognizable in animation, and they do often like to pull in aspects from the parks. So having him fight the spider bots off the side of the ship is, you know, a tribute to Disneyland. And so I think he's fine to stay. He's adorable. [00:27:36] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, I'm with you. I love the spider bots from the Web Slingers ride. It was I recognized it right away. It's the exact same spider bots. I also, like, have to, on this point, really echo Ct's point in the comments that Brian pointed to, which is about the fact that they can't use the IP, the Marvel IP in the Florida parks and Spider man is. Is the most recognizable to, I think, kids around the world as far as superheroes go. There's been obviously, multiple different iterations of movies from, you know, Sony movies and now, of course, Marvel movies. And so I think it's a really smart choice. I want to say, with regard to that web design, I'm not hating on it. I'm not going to say I love the web design. It is maybe a little more different as opposed to, like, the swirly design. I kind of like that swirly, traditional design and that all the ships match. With regard to that, I have less issue with the character and only a little bit of issue with the web design. [00:28:39] Speaker C: But it's really clever. Matches a lot of what we seem like with the staterooms and stuff. Everything seems fairly elevated and more modern in its decor. And so I think that kind of is a nice nod to what's happening inside the ship, even if it's not matching the exterior of the previous ships. [00:29:01] Speaker A: That's a really good point. It is definitely a modern take on it, with that angular kind of feeling instead of the flourishy kind of feeling. [00:29:09] Speaker B: So I do want to pull up a couple of comments here. So Taryn's saying Angela Bassett should be the godmother, obviously, T'Challa's mother. That's a, like, that's a fabulous idea. [00:29:17] Speaker A: Taryn or Sheree, the one who plays Cherie, she would be great, too. [00:29:21] Speaker B: I want to pull up this one because, Taryn, love you. Thank you for being a part of our community. I chuckled at this because I was looking at it going, I think the single most polarizing ship is whatever his ship is next. Right? And so I think the wish could have been this was the single most polarizing ship in the fleet, and then it was the treasure because the treasurer's venues didn't really allow it. So I just think that they have and maybe pull this comment up that sort of signifies. This is Wesley's comment says they've got to good a good job. Diversify. Yes. These ships each have a different feel to them. And so, like, I actually. So I love the wish, but I can tell you right now, it's falling to the bottom of my list in terms of the wish class offerings right now, because I like the treasure and the destiny theming more. So while the wish was great, like, it's not my favorite anymore. I think one of these is going to be my favorite. So I think that's, that's the thing. They're diversifying and giving you options. And look, these ships aren't going to be sailing the itineraries that they're doing forever. At some point, they will trade up and switch out and look, Disney's going to build more ships at some point, right? We're hoping D 23, but maybe, maybe not, right? So, um, I just think it's good to have, um, good to have options. [00:30:25] Speaker A: So, um, we got to talk shows. Can we talk shows for a minute? Is this a good segue to just. [00:30:31] Speaker B: One last thing on Spider Man? I do love this comment. The destiny spirit jersey with Spidey will be really cool. [00:30:35] Speaker A: Oh, I agree. I agree. [00:30:37] Speaker C: It's already teed up to go in my closet. [00:30:39] Speaker A: There you go. [00:30:40] Speaker B: I love it shows, Joe. So a lot of people were really frustrated with frozen again, sees the adventure. Whatever we don't have, we don't have. I mean, sees the adventure. It's a fun, it's adorable. [00:30:54] Speaker A: It's a great, short first night show, let's put it that way. [00:30:57] Speaker B: It's a great way to introduce people to the shows, right? So, like, I love it and it's great for kids. So we don't have Hercules, although we still think it might come, right. We still think that might get announced. And then I will say the one show I quibble with is the pilot pirate parlay deck party. I think this was lean into that Marvel and let's do a superhero deck party. Or let's bring back the the captain. Was it Rogers show from Rogers the musical. Rogers the musical. [00:31:22] Speaker A: I would have loved that. Instead of the seize the adventure. I do love sees the adventure. So my thoughts on this are I'm not hating on seas the adventure. I'm not hating on frozen. They are two of my favorite shows across the Disney fleet. I think they're both great, but I really was hoping for, and I don't think we're going to get Rogers the musical on board. Rogers the musical is a shorter show, so it would have been a perfect replacement for sees the adventure, but it goes hardcore into the Marvel theming. So, you know, that could be, that could be good or bad. I think they chose frozen because they needed, like, something for the little girl crowd. And this ship does not have a lot that's focused on the little girl crowd. Like the wish is hardcore. For the little girl crowd, the treasure is a little bit more of a mix, but I think goes a little bit more, traditionally speaking, a little bit more towards the. The boy crowd. And this one, to me, also sort of went a little bit more towards the boy crowd. And that's, of course, being very generalistic. That's not true for every person, but I. That's this generalization. [00:32:22] Speaker B: Let's say it went more toward the princess crowd. On the wish princess favorites. There's plenty of people across the spectrum who love. [00:32:28] Speaker A: Right, of course. Exactly. [00:32:29] Speaker B: And this one's going to. [00:32:30] Speaker A: The better way to put it. Yes. So in that sense, I think that they were doing something a little bit different. But I want to mention Linda, Eve, who's in our Facebook groups and is usually on our live, I think she's listening in, but she's, I think in the car, she mentioned when we started the show, so she's not really commenting on here, but there you go. Yeah, there she is. So Linda had mentioned on Facebook and I think she's right. It would have made more sense, though, to go with tangled on this ship because you only have tangled the musical on the magic right now. You have frozen on two different ships. You already have frozen on the fantasy and on the wonder. So couldn't we get another ship with Tangled? So I'm going to agree with Linda that she was saying that on Facebook today. I agree, but I'm not hating on frozen because it's wonderful. And my prediction is still Hercules the musical is coming. That's the third show. That's why we keep seeing all that Hercules stuff and there isn't a space now they actually think everything we heard confirms Hercules the musical because there's no space left to really be themed Hercules such that it would be so prominently featured. [00:33:37] Speaker B: They got a coffee bar. [00:33:38] Speaker A: The hints. [00:33:39] Speaker B: It got a coffee bar. [00:33:40] Speaker A: It's not going to be enough. It's not enough. Chelsea, what do you think about the. Yeah, I agree. Announcement coming soon on the. [00:33:47] Speaker B: Alison's saying there will be a new announcement coming soon. [00:33:50] Speaker C: I do agree. [00:33:51] Speaker B: I hope not D 23, by the way, because I think that that, like, for me, that just means they're not going to have a big announcement. [00:34:01] Speaker A: We're going to get a show. Exactly. [00:34:02] Speaker C: I mean, I do think it's going to be a new show. So I do think that it's going to be probably Hercules. They have hinted that a lot that Hercules is going to have, and, you know, that's kind of like your classic good evil hero villain story. So I think that there is going to be. [00:34:21] Speaker A: And it's all about his journey to be a hero. [00:34:24] Speaker B: Right. [00:34:24] Speaker A: He's got a hero trainer even. Right with. [00:34:27] Speaker C: It's, like, the perfect show to do there. I don't have an opinion on CZ adventure because I think it's great. And frozen. Both of my boys are still, like, hardcore frozen fans. Rage singing let it go at any available moment. We love it in this house, so. [00:34:47] Speaker A: Oh, I love it. [00:34:47] Speaker C: This is, like, the perfect ship for us. Cause my husband and I get a little bit of the marvel and my kids get frozen, so I love that. [00:34:54] Speaker A: What about frozen two? Wouldn't it have been nice, though, to get frozen two? Maybe. [00:34:58] Speaker C: Yeah, maybe. I still feel like frozen two definitely was more for, like, the OG frozen kids. Like, I was watching it when I was younger, and then frozen two comes out and now I'm an adult watching it with my kids crying because I remember the original. Yeah, my kids like the original. They just want Elsa. [00:35:21] Speaker A: I love that. [00:35:22] Speaker B: I love his comment. I love his comment from Tracy. I still vote for villains tonight. I mean, it did seem like a sure bet that, like, maybe that would have been the second show and not frozen, so. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, so pirate deck party, though. [00:35:37] Speaker A: Pirate deck party. [00:35:38] Speaker B: Thumbs up, thumbs down. [00:35:40] Speaker A: I mean, I got to give it, like a. Yeah. Like, I got to give it, like, a halfway. I'm not like. I actually really like the pirate deck party on the wish, but it's also going to be on the treasure, so I was hoping maybe they would do a heroes, like, heroes unite. I keep hearing from Taran, who I know is watching how great heroes unite is and from others, and I really. I want to see it myself, but I would love if they would have rejiggered things and done maybe a new version of Heroes unite or the same version, but with the fireworks instead of doing pirate night, so. But I also think there are hardcore Disney cruise line fans who are like, I cannot go on a ship without a pirate night. So, yeah, pirate deck party is safe to tinfoil mouse or CT's point. Like, they know it's a crowd pleaser. People like, people like pirate. Having pirate night and dressing up for pirate night and it doesn't work the same, the dress up and everything for something else. So I'm not hating on it that they're porting this over from the wish and the treasure, but I was hoping for something a little bit different. Matthew is saying everyone loves pirates, especially when in the Caribbean. Totally true, accessible adventures with Andrew. Hey, Andrew is telling us, I hope they update the adventure show from ship to ship. Yeah, I think, you know, we, we would love to see an updated pirate party, but it is a great show, so I would guess it's going to be exactly, exactly the same. [00:37:05] Speaker B: Yeah. And I just, I want to hit on this comment from CT where he says, didn't the moana. Yes, the Moana musical, like, just got announced? Like, it feels like a year ago, but it was actually, like three weeks ago or something. No, not three weeks ago or like a couple. It was not. It was. It was recent. It was, like, fairly recent that they announced it, but, like, yes, and so did menus for the restaurants. Those didn't get announced until more recently. So, like, I mean, Disney has really, they love to dribble this stuff out to, like, just keep our hearts racing a little bit and, you know, all that sort of stuff. So, yeah, stuff is going to keep coming out. This is not the end. This was just like, okay, we're going to dump a bunch on you and then we'll keep dribbling some stuff out. So, yeah, I think that's what's coming. Let's. [00:37:44] Speaker A: We haven't talked about saga, which is the. The replacement for Luna. We don't have any rendering of it, so it's kind of whatever we can imagine it to be. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess it's going to be just like Luna and Sarabi and have that openness to it, even though I don't love the openness, but we just. We don't really know any predictions or thoughts on that, Chelsea. [00:38:07] Speaker C: I mean, they have gotten given us nothing. Yeah, there's really not much to go on, but, I mean, I think the Wakanda theming will pull in nicely from the grand hall, kind of continue that trend. So I think it'll be nice. I think hopefully it'll be a good space. I really hope that they go kind of over the top with the Wakanda theming. Like, I really want to feel like I'm in there. So I hope that those artists renderings are rough right now. [00:38:40] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, I'm with you. [00:38:43] Speaker B: We only have about ten minutes left here, Sam, or less than ten minutes left. And I want to keep us on time. So the other thing. So I think we have to talk about. I know we talked about upfront, sort of what we know about the itineraries, where they're going. I did want to bring up Thomas's comments about sort of DCL's agreement with Port Everglades and the amount of volume of passengers are trying to pump through there. So ps, if you want to know whether putting the newest ship going to the newest island in Port Everglades. Yes, this is why I. But this comment I think typifies what everyone is wanting to know right now, which is I wonder if they will make the maiden over thanksgiving weekend really drive up the price similar to the treasure over Christmas. [00:39:20] Speaker C: And so the same thought. [00:39:22] Speaker A: Yeah, same, same. [00:39:25] Speaker B: I just wanted to say like we did hear earlier this week that this kind of like blew up and there was like a lot of work going on and the company to figure out what to do. And my immediate reaction was some executive probably looked at the maiden voyage happening in December and went, have you guys lost your damn minds? Like, didn't we just do this? Like, we're not doing it again? But, you know, thanks. Now I will say thanksgiving, I think is a little different for some than Christmas. A lot of people will travel over Thanksgiving. I know a lot of people will travel to see family. But a lot of people also use this an opportunity to get away. Sam and I are two of those. Those people like who was it Vince Vaughn and whoever it was Reese. Reese Witherspoon in that movie that they do where they're traveling to Hawaii and instead of going. [00:40:09] Speaker A: That's called Christmas. [00:40:11] Speaker B: Yeah, but we love to travel on Thanksgiving and we sometimes go see family. But we also sometimes just decide to take a family trip. I think Thanksgiving could be a more accessible opportunity for families to travel. What we were hearing was an early December maiden, which would mean, no. Who's going to book a five night cruise in the beginning of December? If they're, you know, if they've got kids, they're in school. They're probably already planning to travel for the holidays. Which means pulling them out of school and then traveling again a few weeks later is probably impossible. You know, it just, it didn't make a lot of sense if they really wanted to sell the ship. Now maybe they don't want to sell the ship. I don't know, but. [00:40:51] Speaker A: Or maybe they just want it to be an adult only crowd, which, you know, adults without kids have more flexibility with that. [00:40:58] Speaker B: But given everything we know about how the December Christmas maiden went for the treasure, the blowback for the community, the fact that it didn't sell out until recently. And I'm still not convinced it sold out so much as Disney's just taken a bunch of rooms offline. Um, I don't know. What do we, how do we feel about when should happen in November. Is Thanksgiving the right date or do we feel like it should happen on a non holiday week? Yeah. What do you, what do you two think, Chelsea? Especially curious about you having to, like, sell these cruises to clients. So. [00:41:24] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, I agree with you. I think Thanksgiving is a more accessible feeling week for a lot of people. Um, you know, when with Christmas travel, first of all, you know, the price is insane. And if you're booking over Christmas or anywhere within that whole, like ten days surrounding Christmas, you've already booked your travel for Christmas. Like, you've booked it in July or earlier. So November feels a little bit more accessible. I'm hoping that they do a little bit earlier in the month because people still might have that. Oh, well, we're traveling for family. We can't miss Grandpa's. [00:42:10] Speaker A: Forget about family. Bring grandma along with you. [00:42:16] Speaker C: I mean, I think Thanksgiving's a little bit better than Christmas for sure, but hopefully they'll do it maybe around, like veterans day when kids are already out of school anyway, like give you a little bit of a break there. [00:42:30] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. [00:42:30] Speaker B: So Matthew's saying the weekend after Thanksgiving is the perfect time to start a vacation. Tracy's thinking, we think after Thanksgiving I'm going to go. [00:42:41] Speaker A: I'm going to go out on a limb and say they're going to meet in it. Thanksgiving prediction. I don't know, like, not Thanksgiving Day but like a couple days before Thanksgiving. And do you know, like a five night that includes Thanksgiving because they can get that premium price for that sailing, for them being a holiday and for it being a maiden voyage. And I'm going to say sign me up for that. So if they, if they made in this ship over Thanksgiving week, the duo plus Nathan will be on this ship on the maiden voice and, and dear. [00:43:13] Speaker B: Princess, you will be giving me some of my money. [00:43:15] Speaker A: Yeah, princess, sorry, have to call Kaylee because we had to cancel that Princess cruise that we have booked over Thanksgiving. So if this maiden's over Thanksgiving now, if it made us before Thanksgiving, I still might have to cancel that Princess cruise so that I can sail on the Destiny over, over Thanksgiving week. So that's what I'm hoping for. I'm hoping that it's going to be Thanksgiving week. I don't have any inside knowledge as to this. The only thing we know is that it was originally December and I think before Christmas was what I heard. I don't know the exact date, but it wasn't going to be Christmas. And then they moved up the date and likely because they're getting early delivery. [00:43:54] Speaker C: So I'm going to save the Friday after Thanksgiving. [00:43:58] Speaker A: The Friday after Thanksgiving. I like it. The day after Thanksgiving. Okay, there you have it, saying, I think the preview media cruises will be before Thanksgiving. It'll be five night during Thanksgiving. That's what I'm saying. Allison. I agree. I think preview media cruises before Thanksgiving, but the actual meet in, I'm hoping over Thanksgiving. [00:44:16] Speaker B: I gotta put up any comment from come on, son. Psych forever. Who said yes? Agreeing with you. But with that, we only have about a minute left here before Sam or I have to turn into a pumpkin and go get Nathan. So I just want to wind us down by saying a couple things. One is lots of information still to come, especially the itineraries. Expect those, you know, probably sometime in, in late August to early September, right before the booking windows open up. Uh, probably nothing earlier would be my guess. If you want a book, if you're listening to this, and you are those people who like the destiny and are interested in booking, we cannot advocate enough for you to please, you know, go talk to our show sponsor. My path unwinding travel. You can reach out to them by heading to dclduo or emailing [email protected] and they can't give you itinerary information right now, but they can get you on the list so that, you know, you're, you're on their list to book the day that those things go on sale. [00:45:12] Speaker A: And if you want book with Chelsea specifically, you can request to book with Chelsea as well. You would be in good company as the DCL duo, senior Tracy and Michael. They use Chelsea as their agent, so she comes highly recommended from two of our very close friends who love working and an amazing guest, of course. So, Chelsea, we hope that you will join us again. For now, we will say good night to everyone. We hope you enjoyed the show. And we will be back on Monday with popular cruising at our normal time, which is 05:30 p.m. pacific. 08:30 p.m. eastern. We will see you next Monday live. [00:45:56] Speaker D: Well, thanks to everyone out there for listening this week. [00:45:59] Speaker B: We really, really appreciate it. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast. [00:46:01] Speaker D: You can keep getting great content from us every week. In fact, twice a week we publish shows. So be sure to hit the, subscribe to get all of those great episodes. [00:46:09] Speaker B: And if you want to watch us. [00:46:10] Speaker D: Live, we have a live show now every week, Monday nights, 05:30 p.m. pacific 08:30 p.m. eastern over on dclduo so be sure to head over and check that out. If you want to help support the. [00:46:21] Speaker B: Show, be sure to hit those five. [00:46:23] Speaker D: Stars on Apple Podcast. And if you leave us a written review, a five star written review, we will read it at the top of one of our main episodes. So please head over there and hit those five stars. Of course, you can also help support the show by supporting supporting our fabulous show sponsor, mypath Unwinding travel. If you want to book your next Disney vacation, head over to dclduo or email [email protected] so they know we sent you their way. If you've got questions or you'd like to connect with us, the best way to do that is to head over to dot. It's got links to all of our things. [00:46:54] Speaker B: Full catalog of the podcast episodes, including. [00:46:57] Speaker D: A searchable catalog for the podcast links off to our vlog, a link to our Etsy store where we sell some fun, fan inspired magnets. Link to our Patreon if you'd like to help directly support the show each. [00:47:06] Speaker B: And every month, just head over to. [00:47:07] Speaker D: The website or dclduo. [00:47:11] Speaker B: Also as a way for you to. [00:47:11] Speaker D: Sign up for our substack newsletter that we're hoping to start really pumping out monthly here, at least on a few. [00:47:16] Speaker B: Blog articles that we've written. [00:47:18] Speaker D: So is the best way to connect with us. You can also, of course, email [email protected] or reach out to us on our voicemail line at 402-413-5590 that's 402-413-5590 the DCL duo podcast is not affiliated with Disney Cruise Line, the Disney Company, or the Disney family of theme parks. The views expressed on the show are solely those of the individuals on the podcast and in no way reflect the views of the Disney Company or Disney Cruise line. [00:47:44] Speaker B: If you have questions about a Disney. [00:47:45] Speaker D: Cruise or Disney vacation, please contact the great folks over at Mypath unwinding travel or Disney directly or your own travel agent. Thanks again for listening and we'll see you next time for another fabulous adventure with the DCL duo.

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