July 11, 2024


Ep. 441 - What's Old is New Again: Returning to Disney Cruise Line After a 9-Year Hiatus

Hosted by

Brian Sam
Ep. 441 - What's Old is New Again: Returning to Disney Cruise Line After a 9-Year Hiatus
DCL Duo Podcast: A Disney Cruise Line Fan Podcast
Ep. 441 - What's Old is New Again: Returning to Disney Cruise Line After a 9-Year Hiatus

Jul 11 2024 | 01:02:02


Show Notes

Beth joins us this week to share her family's experience returning to Disney Cruise Line (DCL) after a nine-year hiatus. Come hear what Beth thought of all the changes DCL has made over the past nine years, and what her family thought of their experience on the second-ever Disney cruise. Beth also shares some great tips and tricks for sailing with a nervous teen and how to connect your teenager with up to make friends onboard before you set sail. All that and more on this episode of the DCL Duo Podcast.

If you are looking to book your next Disney Cruise, then head over to My Path Unwinding Travel so Karen and her team of expert travel professionals can help you find the perfect vacation for you and your family.

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Would you like a little downtime for date night or just some time to reconnect as adults on your next Disney vacation, check out Nanny Land and use affiliate Crown Code: KING85 to get a discount.

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We're listed alongside some other great Disney podcasts at:  Top 100 Disney Podcasts and Top 30 Disney Cruise Line Podcasts

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: So it took a little while, and then eventually one of the girls was like, meet me after the pirate party, you know, at the ice cream place. And so after that, she kind of was chatting with her and was totally fine to go off and hang out with her. And, like, then it was like she was gone. [00:00:20] Speaker B: Yeah. And then you didn't see her for the rest of the cruise. [00:00:22] Speaker A: I was like, Zoe, are you coming to dinner? Where are you? And she's like, no. I'm like, what? [00:00:42] Speaker B: Welcome back to another episode of the DCLDuo podcast, brought to you by my path unwinding travel. As you can tell, I am your host today, Sam. I am hosting without my partner in crime, Brian. But I think we'll be okay because I've got a great guest here today. I'm super excited. When I saw that this was the guest I was going to talk to today, I just got, like, really happy because, you know, there's those people that you interact with online. You have never met them in person, but you feel like you already know them because, you know they're active in your Facebook group, and so they comment on things and you comment on things, and they just feel like they're friends already before you ever meet them. Well, that's my guest today. I'm super excited to welcome Bethe to the show. Welcome, Beth. [00:01:26] Speaker A: Hi. It's so nice to talk to you in person. [00:01:30] Speaker B: Yeah, I know. We're like, for those who aren't watching on YouTube, who are just listening to the podcast, we are like, face to face on video, so it's like we can actually see each other and interact, which is always cool. We've been trying to do that more and more lately so that we can get more of our content on YouTube. But, Beth, it's great to have you. As I mentioned, you've been super active in our Facebook group. I've interacted with you a ton online, and I know that you cruised DCL kind of a ways ago and then cruised very recently. But why don't you tell folks, you know, where your love of Disney comes from and what your cruising background is prior to the cruise that we're going to talk about today? [00:02:11] Speaker A: Well, we kind of had the thing where my husband and I both went to Disney World as a child and then not again until an adult. And so, like, I was 16 and I think he was eight. I grew up in the eighties, nineties, so I was like, in that heyday of the new Disney movies coming out. [00:02:33] Speaker B: The best Disney movies. [00:02:35] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:02:35] Speaker B: Lion King, Aladdin Little Mermaid. Not in that order, obviously. Reverse that order, but, yeah, yes, exactly. [00:02:42] Speaker A: So I was just, like, obsessed with all of those movies, wore out the soundtracks, and I was always an artist growing up, and so I was, like, super into the animation and, like, would practice drawing the characters and stuff like that. [00:02:59] Speaker B: Oh, I love that. I'm jealous because I. Well, I am a very, very amateur artist. And, like, when I say that, like, I'm better than the average non artist, but I'm not an artist, if that makes sense to you. But I'm not, like. But one of my best friends could draw, like, all the characters. He's, like, an amazing, amazing artist. And I was also obsessed, but I can never draw any of the characters, except I learned how to draw Mickey's face. And to this day, that's the one character, I can't draw his body, but I can draw his face really, really well, but only straight on, not the angle. All right. [00:03:31] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. And so I think what happened was we were just kind of looking for a vacation we could take with my daughter, who was four at the time. That would not be as overwhelming as the parks, but obviously she was into Disney. Like, when she was two, she was obsessed with finding Nemo. So that was the show that we had to watch, you know, almost every day we had the movie on. [00:04:01] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. That was cars for us. Yeah. [00:04:03] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. And then I think her very first movie I took her to was that live action Cinderella that came out, and then I took her to frozen when the first one came out. So I knew she loved Disney and would really enjoy it, but we were just like, oh, my gosh, I don't know if we can handle Disney world with her. She was always, like, really anxious and kind of a handful. And so we knew some friends at church that had done the Disney cruise line, and they were just, like, gushing about, oh, my gosh, it's amazing. You have to do it. And so they kind of, like, hooked us up with their travel agent, and we were just like, let's just go for it and see how it goes. [00:04:50] Speaker B: Awesome. I love it. So you had not done. So basically, you've done one cruise prior to the cruise that we're going to talk about, and it was, like, eight. [00:04:59] Speaker A: Years ago, right on Disney Cruise line, 2015, in December. [00:05:04] Speaker B: Oh, my goodness. So it was like. Yeah, it was nine years ago. Almost so long. Yeah. Well, let's talk about. Let's talk about how that went a little bit. Obviously, we won't get into every single detail, but that was a long time ago, and, you know, did you guys have fun on that cruise? You waited, obviously, a long time before booking your next cruise. I'm imagining it wasn't maybe a great experience if you waited nine years before your next cruise. [00:05:33] Speaker A: It was. It wasn't that it was a bad experience, but it was just, like, an overwhelming situation. Like, with my daughter, she was, like, kind of having separation anxiety type stuff with the kids club. And so the thing about, like, dropping them off and having all this free time did not happen. And, I mean, some of it was really amazing. Like, the couple or the family they put us with at dinner was really amazing. It was another family of three. They had a three year old, and Zoe was four. And we just, like, really connected. And, like, we still talk online to this day and, like, they have become, like, mega cruisers and, like, they will do, like, every single cruise line and all over the world, and we're just like, oh, my gosh. Like, that would be fun. But we're just like, we can't imagine taking my daughter on those big, like, flights and all of this. And so that worked out where, like, we could take both of them to the kids club. Like, they would bring their food out and they would eat really quick, and then we'd be like, okay. Like, the dads would take the girls and we would, like, order dessert. And so it worked out really nice in that aspect. But, yeah, it was just, like, enough to be overwhelming to where we were, like, well, we probably won't do this super quick after this. And then I think it was. It wasn't that we intentionally didn't do it. It was just kind of like, you know, you get busy doing other things and, like, we had a lot of years trying to figure out my daughter's, like, behavior where she has, like, ADHD anxiety, some combination of that going on. And we were just, like, you know, dealing with her. And so, like, okay, travel is hard. [00:07:33] Speaker B: Like, I want to put that out there. Like, travel is hard enough with children, and then when you add something like ADHD and anxiety to the mix and ASD for us as well, it can be very overwhelming. And sometimes going on vacation doesn't feel like a vacation. It just. It's actually harder than being home because your kid is out of their normal routine. So I completely know what you're talking about, Beth, when. When you mentioned this, and we did, you know, have a big question mark after our big. Our first cruise with Nathan of, like, like, how. How are we going to make this work? To be fair, we were lucky. Like, the. With him, the more exposure he had, the better it went. And we flew a lot because our families are back east and we live on the west coast, and so we kind of had to push him through some of those things. But, yeah, I don't want to at all. You know, I want to be clear. Like, I think people should be aware that travel is hard enough with kids with no disability, with kids who are neurotypical, but kids who have this extra layer, it becomes, can become really, really daunting. And the idea of planning another vacation, or particularly one far away, is very hard. So what made you decide, okay, we're going to book this cruise in 2024. She's twelve years old now, your daughter. What sort of prompted you to say, okay, we're going to pull the trigger and we're going to try this again? [00:09:10] Speaker A: Um, well, okay. It was kind of a combination of in 2022, we decided we were going to finally try the big parks trip. And so it was again, like, friends of mine who would go every year and they, like, had started going again after Covid, and we were just like, okay, we need to do it before she's too old. You know, when she thinks it's lame. [00:09:38] Speaker B: She still's gonna enjoy it. Yeah. Before she thinks it's lame. Yeah, she kind of still likes princesses and characters and all of that. Yeah. [00:09:46] Speaker A: So she was eleven, and we had, like, really gotten into Harry Potter over the pandemic, and she had listened to all those with me, and so we were going to try to visit universal and see all that, and that was kind of the main focus. And then it was like, the peer pressure of, like, oh, my gosh, you can't go to Orlando and not visit Disney. [00:10:10] Speaker B: That's hilarious. I mean, that's. I'm that person, too. I love Harry Potter. So for people who listen to the show, probably know, I actually am obsessed also with all things Harry Potter. Yeah. And I'm not a big universal person, but you have to go and see Harry Potter world, obviously. [00:10:28] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. So my trip kind of, like, ballooned into, like, four days at universal and four days at Disney, and we ended up just loving Disney so much more. But so I kind of got into the super planning and, like, discovered all the podcasts and stuff, and, like, I had no idea this, like, whole underworld existed of, like, all these Disney fans, Disney adults and all that. [00:10:57] Speaker B: You know, I was like, what is this? [00:11:00] Speaker A: I was like, I've always liked Disney, but I've never, like, obsessed over going to the parks and that sort of thing. And so we did that in Thanksgiving break 2022, and it was really fun. And then I just kind of got hooked on these Disney podcasts, and I'm, like, searching, and I'm like, ooh, there's ones about cruising, too. And so I, like, found your podcast, and kind of just like, the more I listen, you know, it's like, oh, you know, you get that fomo. So I, like, then booked a Disneyland trip for June 2023 because I was like, I have to figure out both parks, you know, and check out that. And so obviously love Disneyland, and. Yeah. And, like, I don't know. Sometime that summer was when I was like, oh, my gosh, we really gotta look at maybe going on a cruise again. And I was kind of like, you know, dropping hints at home. And then I guess it was probably not until the fall 2024 schedule dropped that I was like, why don't we schedule it for Thanksgiving, 2024? And my husband was like, okay, fine. And it just seemed, like, so far away, you know? [00:12:27] Speaker B: And then you couldn't wait that long, obviously. [00:12:30] Speaker A: I know. And then I was like, oh, my gosh, that is so far. So sometime, like, we ended up going back to Disney World fall break last year in 2023. And so sometime after that trip, I was just like, oh, my gosh, I'm not going to have any Disney until November. Yeah, it's just, like, a total obsession now. And so what did you ultimately book? Okay. So I decided to try for spring break, and we booked the double dip to cast away on the dream, and it was one stop at Nassau and then Castaway and then a sea day and then castaway again. And it was out of Fort Lauderdale. [00:13:20] Speaker B: Nice. So it was a five night cruise then? [00:13:24] Speaker A: Yes. [00:13:24] Speaker B: Perfect. That's a great itinerary to select. Now, which ship had you been on for your first cruise? [00:13:30] Speaker A: Okay. It was the wonder, and it was out of Galveston. It was a six night, and it was a very merry time. [00:13:38] Speaker B: Gotcha. So, yeah, so you got to do different class of ship. You get to do different time of year. Spring break versus Mary time. You get to see the. And you get to go to Castaway, obviously. Although, did you go to castaway your first time? We had a Galveston. [00:13:55] Speaker A: That was when they were still going from Galveston to Castaway, and they. We stopped at Nassau. We also stopped at Key west. [00:14:04] Speaker B: Oh, I'm so jealous. That's the one stop. We keep saying we're actually going to get to go to Key west. I'm crossing my fingers. Assuming nothing changes because we're going on virgin voyages in October, just the two of us, and we're supposed to stop in Key west. So keep your fingers crossed for me, because I've never been to Key West. I don't think Brian has been. But anyway, okay, so you book this cruise. You're getting all hyped for it. Do you do anything special to prepare Zoe for the cruise, knowing that she had been on the earlier cruise? But it's been many years. Like, did she watch YouTube videos, or did you sort of point her toward anything to get prepared for the cruise? [00:14:46] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, we were kind of like, how do we bring this up? Because she's kind of like a reluctant Disney vacationer at this point. Like, she had a lot of fun once she got to the parks, but there was a lot of anxiety with first the flight. Cause I don't know why she, like, she had flown prior to Covid, but not since. And she was, like, really freaked out about it. And so that was, like, the 2022 trip. We were, like, trying to conquer that. And then she wouldn't do any thrill rides, stuff like that, but she, like, loved the dark rides and that sort of thing. So then when we went to Disneyland, she was, like, more adventurous, did more, like, she did Indiana Jones and that kind of thing. So we were like, oh, my gosh, is she going to have another panic attack? Basically, about a new thing? And her main issue was, like, she really wanted to bring a friend, and we were like, I don't know how we can make that work. [00:15:47] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, it's expensive, and you're also going to all be sharing a room, right? Like, there's. [00:15:53] Speaker A: Yes. [00:15:54] Speaker B: We've thought about with having an only child, we've considered, like, would we want to, at some point, bring a friend with us? But there's a lot of, like, hurdles. I mean, you got to have, like, documentation for that child and agreements that you can take the child with you because you're going to multiple countries. And so, yeah, it's. There's hoops, but also, like, the price and sharing a room. Yes. Yeah, those are hurdles. What did you all decide? [00:16:19] Speaker A: Yeah, well, we kind of put some feelers out, and it was like, yeah, the parents were not willing to spend that much money. I mean, the main thing was, like, they didn't want one of their children to have that experience without the rest of their family. It was kind of like, well, the siblings are gonna be like, why do they get to go on a Disney cruise? You know? [00:16:41] Speaker B: Yeah. So you gotta find, like, a family who has an only another hasn't only. That's the only way to tell. [00:16:46] Speaker A: Totally. Yeah. And we tried to, like, get a cousin that was kind of, you know, financially not able. It was kind of like, you know, just so many hurdles. And then, like, also, like, her being twelve, it's like, you don't really wanna just bring any preteen girl to, like, stay in a hotel room with my husband being there, you know, it's kind of weird. And so we were like, okay. And so I was kind of pushing, like, okay, we've got to get her to find a friend on board. And I'm like, you remember last time you made the little friend, you know, when you were four? And she, you know, she remembers minimal bits of that trip. [00:17:28] Speaker B: She was four. I mean, yeah, when they're four, yeah. Did you end up then, you know, trying to hook her up with somebody else through, like, the Facebook group or something like that? That's always a good resource of getting your know, kids, particularly ones who are a little bit more shy or a little bit anxious to, like, meet someone, you know, through the Internet first. [00:17:50] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, that's what I was trying to do. And so I, like, was really active in the Facebook group. Like, okay, is there a group of tween girls that would like to start a chat? And so I was, like, putting a poll, like, which platform do your kids use? I like all of this stuff to try to, you know, prompt some conversation. And eventually a mom got on there that just started a regular chat in the messenger, and I was just like, okay. So I was like, here's my daughter's number. She's like, mom, why are you giving my number out to random people? [00:18:27] Speaker B: I love it. [00:18:27] Speaker A: Because then they're like, all over. [00:18:29] Speaker B: Because you need to have some friends so that I can enjoy my cruise is how we come up. [00:18:34] Speaker A: Yeah. Hello. So, yeah, she was like, mom, these people keep texting, and I'm like, well, just ask them some questions, you know? And so there was a group going, but then what ended up happening is like, the kids weren't ready for the, like, Internet cut off thing, and so the ones that had, like, an Android, you know, got cut out of the iMessage situation. [00:19:02] Speaker B: Oh, that's a bummer. Yeah, yeah. And so you gotta use WhatsApp for if you have. Unless you're all on the Apple platform. If you're all on the Apple platform, it's fine, but otherwise you got to switch over to WhatsApp on the show. [00:19:14] Speaker A: Yes. [00:19:15] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:19:16] Speaker A: And yeah, everybody didn't prep their kids for that, and we were too kind of like, oh, gosh, she's gonna freak out when she knows there's no Internet. And we were trying to keep it, you know, as device free as we could, but, like, we were like, you need to get the app. And so I, like, sent her the app and put it on her phone, and she, like, deleted it because she was like, why do I have this, you know, weird Disney cruise app on my phone? I was like, oh, my gosh, you need that for the cruise? Yeah. And it, like, I think it, like, didn't have time to download, like, before it was cut off, like, from the cloud or whatever. And so, yeah, you have to really. [00:20:02] Speaker B: Always try and tell people, like, you need to download the app, the navigator app, before you get on the ship because you won't have sufficient. Well, unless you. I mean, you have to buy the package through the app for. So, like, you need to have the app first, and then you can buy, you know, Wi Fi in order to, like, if you need to send emails and stream and things like that. But. But once you. If you have the app, you don't need a Wi Fi package on board if you wanted to, as long as you don't have to do any, like, work or work, like a podcast where you have to post on social media. But, yeah, you don't need. You don't need an Internet package, but you do need the app because that has the entire schedule, and that is one way you can communicate with either the rest of your party or with friends you make on board. You exchange. You have to do this onboard identification numbers through the chat. And so you can't, like, look up somebody's name. You have to actually have their number, which you can get from them, like, in the boarding terminal. Or if you have their phone number, you can text message them through iMessage or through WhatsApp. Right, right. Okay, so you get her, like, in this chat with other, you know, tween girls. Did she end up like, let's talk about how that translated to onboard. Like, did she end up making friends through that chat that she ended up hanging out with on board, or. Or did she, or how did that go? Sort of onboard? [00:21:26] Speaker A: Well, I, like, I took her to the kids club on the first day for the open house or the edge and was kind of like, okay, this is where you can hang out. And there weren't really any kids in there when we went. It was like, hardly anybody. There was a couple of the crew members and so she's like, okay. And the kids. The kids didn't know about exchanging that code either. I mean, I got caught in this thing, too, because I had been chatting with a lady on messenger, and, like, totally got cut off from that. We were going to meet on board, too, and then, like, I totally forgot about it. And I was, like, looking for her because she had pink hair. I was looking for her on board. There she is. She has pink hair, so that was funny. And, like, I recognized her from her picture. And it took until, like, the third night to where she, like, felt like she could meet up with some girls. Like, they tried to meet up. We had a facebook. We were supposed to do a ice cream. You know, meet up at the ice cream machines on the first day. And so some of the girls were kind of texting, and. And I think she went and talked to a couple of them, but it was kind of like, she kind of shy before she gets to know people. So it took a little while. And then eventually, one of the girls was like, meet me after the pirate party, you know, at the ice cream place. And. And so after that, she kind of was chatting with her and was totally fine to go off and hang out with her. And, like, then it was like, she was gone. [00:23:07] Speaker B: Yeah. And then you didn't see her for the rest of the cruise. [00:23:10] Speaker A: Like, Zoe, are you coming to dinner? Where are you? And she's like, no. I'm like, what? [00:23:17] Speaker B: That's hilarious. Yeah. We go from, like, total anxiety about the cruise. [00:23:23] Speaker A: Yes. [00:23:24] Speaker B: Difficulty, like, connecting with people ahead of time. And at the beginning of the cruise to see a mom and dad, I'm hanging out with my friends I love. [00:23:34] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Yeah. She even had, like, a total meltdown in the hotel the day before the cruise. That was like, I'm not going. And I was. We were like, what? Like, what in the heck are we gonna do? We're like. You're like, no, you're. [00:23:50] Speaker B: You're going, kid. You're going. We paid for Mickey's boat, and you're going, yeah, there's no choice here. There are some times as a parent where you just have to say, yeah, no, this is like, you don't get to choose this like we've chosen for you. And I know that's really. That can be really hard. But listen, you did all the things right to prepare her for it, and she ends up obviously having a good time. You know, one of the things I wanted to talk to you about, Beth, was, you know, ways in which this cruise was different than your prior cruise, right? Yes. There's a lot of stuff that's changed over the years, and that. And your prior cruise was nine years ago. Your recent cruise was a month ago, basically, or this past month. Right. So let's talk about some of the things that you noticed that were different. Let's start with. Let's start with the board process. Was there. Was there anything different with the boarding process or perhaps even with the booking process on the front end that you can think of? [00:24:52] Speaker A: Well, I used a ta both times, but the prior cruise, I don't remember doing, like, the online check in and all of that stuff. And, like, I think, I don't know if my husband did it or what, or if the ta did it for us. I don't know. [00:25:14] Speaker B: Yeah, it was. [00:25:15] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:15] Speaker B: I'm not sure what. [00:25:16] Speaker A: No memory. [00:25:17] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm not. I'll be honest, I'm not sure what the old process was either, you know, but I know the timeframes have changed for online booking now, but that's been more recent change. But, yeah, I mean, your ta can do a lot of that stuff for you. So if you are working with a travel agent, like, you just got to talk to them and figure out, like, who's. Who's doing what. What about the boarding process? You were, you know, you're at a different port, obviously. You were going from Galveston versus going from Fort Lauderdale, you said. Right. So was there. Did you notice any big difference? Like, did it take a lot longer or a lot shorter time or, you know, was there any sort of major difference you could. [00:25:59] Speaker A: I remember it taking quite a while in Galveston, and I remember, like, showing our passwords a lot and, like, going from desk to desk and that sort of thing. And this time, we actually use our magic bands to check in initially. [00:26:16] Speaker B: And I love that. [00:26:19] Speaker A: Yeah, we had the ones from the parks that we used, and so she scanned them. She was having trouble, like, I don't think these are connected. So we had a little bit of an issue there where she had to send us to another little kiosk to get them connected to our room. But. So the technology is, like, the major thing. Like, we had the wave phones on. [00:26:42] Speaker B: Oh, yes, the wave phones. I forgot about those. So we didn't use our. Yeah, there was an advantage to the wave phones that you didn't have to have your own device, and then you had the paper navigator. Yeah. You didn't have. You didn't there. You didn't have a Disney cruise line app. You didn't do anything in a Disney cruise line app, you had a paper schedule of the day. Yeah. And then you. There were only two wave phones, though, in your cabin. And so you could call from one person to the other. And so, yeah, it was, it was. Or you could leave one in the room, obviously. But they were like, like walkie talkie phones, I guess. I mean, they're real phones, but like, yeah, they. I don't know how they worked, but. [00:27:22] Speaker A: Right, yeah, I remember they still had the code that each cruiser had or each cabin because I remember getting the code for our dinner partners that. So we could talk to them, but. And then I remember it was your. [00:27:36] Speaker B: Stateroom number and then it was a one or a two, depending upon which phone you had. Right. Like it was something like that. It was because, like, I would have phone one and Brian would have phone two. Right. So I could call him, but I had to, like press, like our stateroom number and then it might have been like zero one or I don't remember exactly, but I. But it was some combination of the stateroom number and then your number. Yeah, a little bit easier. [00:28:00] Speaker A: And I remember buying the Internet package and it like getting used up in like five minutes with like some data download, you know, it was like per kilobyte or something. And it was just like Zoom, you know? [00:28:14] Speaker B: Oh my God, how did we use all that? One email and that I will say only has changed for the better in the last like couple of years since they upgraded the wifi on all the ships post the wish coming out. So like it was still where you had to buy those megabytes or whatever and they would be gone. And if you didn't turn off like everything on your phone. Phone, forget it. You might, like you said you might be able to send an email, you might be able to load one webpage and that was. But yeah, a very, very different experience for sure. [00:28:50] Speaker C: Are you listening to our show because you want to make the most out of your next vacation? Great news. The fabulous team over at Mypath Unwinding travel can help guide you so you don't miss a thing. Their team of professional travel advisors are caring, knowledgeable and experienced. Its why we use them to book our own travel. Mypath Unwinding Travel is an authorized Disney vacation planner which means they are recognized by Disney for their expertise and service. They have sailed on all the Disney ships including in concierge, visited the theme parks, adventured with Disney, relaxed at Alani and so much more. Whether its a Disney cruise, a theme park vacation or adventures by Disney or if you are looking to expand beyond the mouse, mypath unwinding travel will elevate your next vacation planning experience. Even if you have already booked, reach out for a complimentary consultation to make your vacation even more magical. Ready to talk to the experts? Head over to mypathunwinding.com dclduo or email dclduoypathunwinding.com so they know we sent you their way. Thanks. My path unwinding for sponsoring today's show. Now back to the episode. [00:29:49] Speaker B: Anything different in terms of, like, on board activities? Like, what did you, did you notice, like, new offerings? I mean, it's been, like I said, a long time. Offerings, like, similar or different? What was sort of new for you all? Because obviously they had trivia back then. They have trivia now. I mean, sure they had different names and stuff, but. Yeah. What kinds of things did you notice? [00:30:12] Speaker A: Well, I don't remember doing a lot of that stuff. I think it was because we were just entertaining our daughter and, like, we did a lot of the character meet and greets when she was four. She was, like, super into that. And, like, we, our ta had given us a. A ceramic plate to get signed, which was like, how do you carry this on vacation? It was, like the most awkward thing, but it was really cute once it was done and you, like, hang it in your kid's room, but. [00:30:43] Speaker B: Yeah, but that's a terrible, like, you have to keep it from breaking. [00:30:48] Speaker A: Yeah. And then when you see the character, like, who has the plate? You know, it's crazy. [00:30:54] Speaker B: You have to carry a plate everywhere you go. [00:30:55] Speaker A: Yeah, we're carrying ceramic breakable item around the ship. But she just loved the princesses at that time. And, like, we found this, like, cast door, basically, where they'd be going in and out and, like, she would just sit there and, like, corner Belle when she came out and she would just sit down on the floor and, like, chat with her. It was just so magical. And so we did a lot of the character lines and then we also did some of the animation classes. I love getting to learn how to draw the characters. And so, so we did some of those that she would kind of sit for. And then she liked to go to the pool deck and watch the movies. I remember it being really chilly and windy because it was mid December, and so she would, like, want to sit in those hot tubs that are, like, on either side of the pool. [00:31:55] Speaker B: And the wonder, they've got a great view of the funnel vision as well. Yeah. So, you know, different. Yeah. Obviously very different experiences doing with a four year old. What were the kinds of things you all got up to on this cruise, then on sort of the onboard activities? [00:32:10] Speaker A: Yeah. So I really loved in the app where you can favorite what you want to check out, and then it'll send you a reminder, like, 15 minutes prior. And so I would just get on there in the morning, just heart, heart, heart everything. And so I really liked the trivia. I went to a bunch of those by myself, even. And, like, my husband and I did the brain teaser one together. I did the Pixar one, and I did, I think it was a Monsters, Inc. Only or a Toy story only. Oh, wow. Yeah, several of those. And then we took Zoe, we went to one of those family game shows. And fun. She thought that was fun. It was one where, like, the parent is supposed to guess the answer of the kid, kind of like, oh, it's. [00:33:03] Speaker B: Like, how do you know? How well do you know your family member or something like that? [00:33:08] Speaker A: Yeah, that was really cute. And she had, like, recognized some of the kids from the chat, so she was like, oh, that boy's in the chat. That's so and so. And, like, so she thought that was neat. And let's see, what else did we do? [00:33:24] Speaker B: Did you go see the shows? Yes. I imagine when she was four, that was maybe a little bit different, and maybe you didn't get to sit through the shows so hard. [00:33:36] Speaker A: Yes. [00:33:37] Speaker B: Yeah. Did you get to sit through the shows with your twelve year old or without your twelve year old work? [00:33:42] Speaker A: So, yes, she loved the shows. The first night, they were actually just playing wish in there in the big theater. And so we kind of went, and we had seen it when it came out, she said she wanted to see it. So we got our popcorn and get in there and everything, and my husband was like, what are we doing? We're just watching a Disney movie. Like, he was, like, really bored. And so he was like, I'm gonna go check out some other things. So he left after, like, 20 minutes, and then Zoe was like, she wanted to go try the aqueduct. And so I was like, well, you've already seen those, you know, if you want to do it, that's fine. And so we, like, maybe left after 40 minutes and went and got our swim stuff on, and. And there was no line at the aqueduct at that time, and we did it three times in a row. So I was like, okay, this is a little much for me, but that's the best, though. [00:34:46] Speaker B: Like, the best time to do the water slides is, like, either during like a dinner seating or I guess during dinner seating is during a show seating because most people are either in dinner or at the show. And so if the water slide's still running, you're not going to have a line. Now it is going to be colder because it's usually, you know, it's nighttime. But yeah, that's the best time to do it. I love that. And I'm kind of with your husband on the. Watching the movie on the cruise. I have no, no judgment for people who like to watch movies on Disney Cruise. I will tell you, I have done it a few times. I would rather do other things and I'll watch the movie at home. I have. I still haven't seen wish. I have to put that out there still. Maybe by the time this podcast comes out, I will have seen wish, but I haven't yet. So I'm kind of, I'm waiting for it to be free on Disney. I'm always waiting for the movie to be free on Disney or included, I should say not free. Right. Well, let's. What about the deck party? That's another thing that was, you know, it was happening. The pirate deck party was happening back when you went previously, but would have been a little bit late and maybe a little bit noisy or scary for Zoe at the time as a four year old. [00:35:59] Speaker A: Yeah, I remember going to it and just thinking like, this is total chaos, like, what is going on? And we, like, fought our way through the crowds and we had borrowed pirate costumes from a friend who had a family of three that had been pirates for Halloween. And I was like, this is awesome. So we had our costumes and stuff, but it was like, like, yeah, like, this is so late. Yeah, she was really into it this time. And, like, pirates of the Caribbean was her favorite ride at Disneyland and Disney World. And so I was hoping she'd get into it and, like, really enjoy it. And we also went to the little, I forget what it was called, the Mickey's pirate show that they have before the main, like, fireworks show. [00:36:42] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:36:43] Speaker A: So we went to that right after dinner, and then I think we went back. That was really cute. And then I think in between that, they had a show in the theater that was like a magician. [00:36:57] Speaker B: Oh, fun. [00:36:58] Speaker A: And so we went to that and she really enjoyed it was like a close up magic guy that had, like, won one of the, like, oh, the. [00:37:08] Speaker B: Penn and tellers, their pen and. [00:37:10] Speaker A: Yeah, he had fooled them. And he had also been on that, that other one, the, I forget what. [00:37:16] Speaker B: It'S called, like, America's got Talent. [00:37:18] Speaker A: Yes, one of those. Yeah, he was really good. I can't think of his name right now, but she liked that. And then it was time for the late shows. We went back up and tried to get a good spot on the deck twelve. And so we kind of stood, like, right by the aqua duck entrance and had a really good view. And so we could see the fireworks really well on the screen. And she thought that was really fun. And then the edge and the vibe had actually been working on doing, what do you call it? Flash mob. That up in the middle of the deck party. So that was really cool. [00:37:57] Speaker B: Oh, that's awesome. Did she participate in the flash mob then? [00:38:01] Speaker A: No, she was like, mom. She was too shy to try that. But it was kind of cool to watch the kids just come out of. It was like, right in the middle of the deck that they popped up and started dancing. There was probably, like 15 of them that did it. [00:38:17] Speaker B: That's really fun. I love that. Well, you know, one of the things you mentioned, I just want to kind of highlight, which is the magician in the theater. There are. We talk, I should say we. I talk a lot about the main stage shows, and I talk a lot about, you know, like, beauty and the beast and frozen and tangled. And I don't talk as much about those variety acts, not because they're not wonderful. They really are like Disney. Like, they don't actually work for Disney, the contract. Right. They're vendors, but Disney highly vets their performers, and so who they'll let on board performing on that main stage. It's got to be, obviously, a clean show. It's got to be. But they do a really good job of choosing those performers. And so I've seen some great magicians, I've seen some great ventriloquists, some great mentalists, some great jugglers, you know, so, like, I don't go to every single one because I want to do other stuff and there's so much to do. But if you are into those, like, magicians or. I actually think the magicians in the ventriloquist are probably my favorite of that sort of group. I would put jugglers and mentalists lower down on the list, just in general. Not, not individually, but just in general. But there are some great performers. Yeah. Well, I feel like we've got to talk a little bit about dining. Is your daughter picky? Is a big question. [00:39:42] Speaker A: Oh, yes. [00:39:43] Speaker B: And if so, you say yes. Okay. So how did things go with food? I feel like they do a really good job on the little kid, little kid food on the kid food on the kid menu. But I want to put out there, like, you don't have to be under a certain age to order from the kid menu. Like, you can be an adult like me and order the barbecue chicken pizza in Arendelle and nobody will look at you twice. And I have done that. But, yeah. How did food go with Zoe on this cruise? [00:40:12] Speaker A: It was interesting. So the first cruise, she ordered the Mac and cheese every single meal, and they, like, had it ready for her. And it was, like, no variation. And this time, I was hoping she'd try a little bit more. But she is like, she still just eats chicken strips, fries, and maybe some spaghetti noodles, you know, like, stuff like that. And so she did order, like, the plain pasta, you know, no marinara sauce. And she ordered off the kids menu, and so that was okay. She enjoyed, like, doing the desserts. And then she, like, some nights she would just order, like, a bowl of fruit, like, and she would want to eat fries and chicken strips on deck. And so, you know, she would maybe get hungry at, like, four or five and get something up there or something. And then. [00:41:12] Speaker B: Or she always wanted dinner. [00:41:15] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. And then, yeah, she wasn't super hungry. So it was kind of interesting what she would order, and I was like, you can order off the adult. What is that? You know, the fancy food. And one thing that was really frustrating to us was they did not seat us with anyone this time. [00:41:37] Speaker B: Oh, that's a bummer. [00:41:39] Speaker A: Yeah. And I was, like, under the impression that, like, unless you request not to be, you're pretty much automatically paired with someone. [00:41:47] Speaker B: Yeah, it's really random. I will say, like, there. There are times where you. I generally tell people, unless you request, you're likely to be seated with somebody else, but that's not always true. It's just. It's just likely. Right. Like, sometimes they have enough tables that they don't see people together. And so, you know, but as a family of three, I'm with you. I kinda of like it when we get seated with somebody else. So one thing I will recommend to you and to anyone else out there listening, if you want to be seated with another family, that's a good thing to think about, linking up with somebody in your Facebook group. Right. So find another family that has a similar makeup as you. Right. Like, another three person family with a kid who's of similar age. Maybe they're of the same gender. Maybe they're of a different gender. That's sort of your personal preference. And then ask if they want to connect for dining, because you can do that. You just have to make the request to Disney cruise line, and then you'll get seated together. Right. So then you have a built in. It's like you had with the four year old. Right. The built in friend is really, really, I think, key to a successful cruise when you're not sailing with friends or family that have kids of similar ages, because it's key to how much you enjoy your cruise, not just how much child enjoys their cruise. Well, what about the entertainment within dinner? Now, you were on the dream, so you had an animator's palette. I'm imagining you just had the crush show, though, probably animation magic, because you were on a five night sailing. Yeah. Did you all enjoy the crush show or was that too young for her? To her? [00:43:35] Speaker A: Well, I had put in, like, you can request kind of where you want to sit, and I had put at a quieter table. And so our seating was kind of weird. I didn't feel like they put us at a quiet spot, but they also didn't put us by the screens. So, I mean, we were like, maybe one table removed so we could see and. But I was kind of disappointed that there's no, like, like, big show on the dream at dinner. And, like, last time, we really enjoyed the animators palette. It was when they still had, like, the sorcerer Mickey show. I don't know what. [00:44:12] Speaker B: Yeah, so that's. They still do that. So it's just so on the classic ships, they do that in animators palette. [00:44:19] Speaker A: Oh, okay, okay. [00:44:20] Speaker B: But they. Because they don't have crush. Right. But again, so on every sailing, I think it is on the shorter ships, they do that. They only do animation magic on the classic ships, on the longer sailings. And then on the fantasy and the dream, it is the same in that they only do animation magic and crush on the longer sailings, and they just do crush on the shorter sailings. And when I say shorter versus longer, really, we're talking seven nights or more. And the reason they do that is because one night is pirate night. And so it has to be that every cruiser is going to be an animator's palate twice. Right. So it really means you need six nights of rotational dining, and then you can have a pirate night also. So that's why you need it to be a seven night or longer. So for booking your next cruise, if you really want animation magic, and if you want sorcerer or Mickey, frankly, you gotta book wonder or magic seven night cruise. So that's what I'm gonna that's what I'm recommending for you for your next cruise. [00:45:17] Speaker A: Yes. [00:45:21] Speaker B: Let's switch topics here just a little bit. I want to. We have to, you know, before we. I get to rapid fire and, you know, of course, give you some judgment. And I, of course, I have to introduce myself because Brian's not here with me, so it's very awkward. But before, before I do that, I got to ask you any highlights from your double dip at Castaway? You had been to castaway once before, but you. This is many years had passed. Any highlights? You had two days at Castaway. [00:45:51] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:45:53] Speaker B: What did you like or not like about castaway? [00:45:55] Speaker A: Well, the first day, we had a bit of weather that we had to outrun, so they actually docked the night before when we left Nassau. They, like, booked it, and I guess they had never done that before. [00:46:08] Speaker B: Yeah, that's very unusual. That's very cool, though. [00:46:10] Speaker A: And so they. We were already there when we woke up, and so, so we were kind of lucky to miss any of the storms, but it was still, like, really windy and kind of, like, maybe low seventies or something. And so the water was freezing cold. And so we kind of just frigidly stood in the water like, you know, my daughter doesn't care. She gets used to it. And so we got her a tube and she kind of floated around. But we purposely didn't book anything because we were like, we don't know what we're going to feel like doing. And so I had brought snorkels with us in case we wanted to do that. And I had tentatively decided I was going to do the five k on the second day. When we were there in 2015, we had rented the bikes, and that was really fun. And she was able to do, like, the ones with the training wheels and stuff. And so we thought we might do that again. We were just kind of playing it by earth, but we ended up so not doing a ton the first day, kind of lounging or just swimming a little bit. And we got the tube, and then the second day was, by that time, she had found her buddies, and so she was, like, long gone down the beach. Like, they got. We got her the long foam floaty that day, and then her friend had the tube. And so they were, like, taking turns on those, and, and it was, like, sunny, perfect weather. And so I went and did the five k, which was interesting. Somebody had, like, turned one of the signs that says, like, five k, go this way and, like, move. Turned it around backwards. So I was like, oh, no, I don't know where to go. Do I just keep running down this airstrip? And so. [00:48:09] Speaker B: So did you miss the loop instead of going to the end of the air strip instead of the loop? [00:48:14] Speaker A: I saw the loop on the way back. I was like, oh, I think I'm supposed to go here, because I can see the sign going the other way. But the first sign was, like, missing. So, anyway, I, like, kept running and, like, checking my watch, and I'm like, I haven't gone far enough. And so I ended up, like, basically doing the airstrip twice and the loop twice. I don't know how far I ran, but. Okay, so I did that, and then I. My husband wanted to rent the bikes. After that, Zoe wasn't interested. And so after lunch, we went and got the bikes, and so we did that little path which goes out by the cabanas. So that was kind of cool. We never did end up, like, going over to Serenity Bay, where we kind of, like, drove by, and then spent some time at the very end of that path down there on our bikes, just, like, looking out, and it was a really pretty view down there. We did the barbecue buffet, cookies, and there was, like, the character dance parties that we fun and checked out. And, like, goofy and Minnie were doing, like, a conga line. It was so cute. They had their new outfits on. [00:49:32] Speaker B: Oh, they did. I haven't seen them in person in their new outfits, only the pictures. And I brighten. They're so bright and fun and colorful. Yeah, they're really cute. [00:49:41] Speaker A: Yeah, very cute. And I was sad that I didn't get pictures with them on the island with their new outfits. I ended up doing a lot of character pictures by myself because I was like, you know, Zoe's in that stage where she's like, mom, she doesn't want to be cheesy. [00:49:57] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Listen, I take pictures by myself with characters all the time. Brian doesn't like to wait in the lines. No shame. Doesn't like to wait in the lines. Yeah, no shame for me. I love it. I'm all about it. All right, Beth, before I hand you over to myself for rapid fire, is there anything, you know, any highlights from the cruise that you wanted to make sure people out there know about? Anything that was particularly good or bad? I think that's always. I feel like it's actually sometimes even more helpful when people know about something that went wrong than something that went great. [00:50:32] Speaker A: Yeah, we didn't really have anything. That was the only thing was that not having a dinner match and we had asked our head server on the first night, like, is there any way you can find a family that would want to switch or, you know, be seated with us? And I think it was maybe, like, logistically too difficult at that point for him to figure out. But, yeah. So we were just like, okay, it's just gonna be. [00:51:02] Speaker B: Yeah, I will say it is. It is certainly harder for them to do it on board because they're having to move. You know, they might have to move around tables, depending upon what size table you're seated at, and then your servers got more people to serve, you know, so there are a lot of logistics. Yeah. But I honestly, I'm going to recommend for you and for anybody else who wants to sit with people on the cruise, make friends through the Facebook group. You can. It's also nice. Cause you can kind of vet them a little bit before you decide you want to sit with them. Right. You can chat with them. You can chat them up, say, hey, you know anybody? Yeah, anybody? This is the structure of our family. Anyone have a similar family structure? And then see what you get. Talk to them and see if they're weirdos or if they're great, and hopefully you'll make new cruising friends for life as you did. Yeah. On your first cruise. Okay, well, Beth, this is a time in the show where I hand you over to myself for some arbitrary questions, some arbitrary rules, and a dash of judgment, or the round brian likes to call rapid fire. All right. I actually did that. Well, I usually don't introduce it well myself, but I tried to channel brian for this, so. Okay, we're going to start with your Disney favorites, and then we'll ask some. I'll ask you some Disney cruise line favorites. So who is your favorite Disney character? And when I say disney, I mean anything that Disney owns. [00:52:27] Speaker A: My favorite character is belle. [00:52:32] Speaker B: Oh, love it. Favorite disney movie. [00:52:34] Speaker A: Favorite movie is the little mermaid. [00:52:37] Speaker B: Oh, interesting. Not beautiful beast. Interesting. That's an interesting. Okay, favorite Disney song. [00:52:43] Speaker A: That's difficult. I think it would probably be a tie between can you feel the love tonight from the Lion King and then a whole new world from Aladdin. [00:52:54] Speaker B: I love it. You're mixing up all of, like, the Disney greats, though. I mean, we've picked Beauty and the Beast. We've picked little mermaid, Aladdin, and Lionde King. All four of them. This is the quad facta of late 1980s, early 1990s. You can tell. [00:53:10] Speaker A: I was, like, in my formative years then. [00:53:13] Speaker B: Yes, yes. Me, too. We are contemporaries, Beth. So I love it. All right. Your favorite Disney Cruise line stage show. Now, this could be from your prior cruise on the wonder or from your recent cruise on the dream. [00:53:25] Speaker A: Gianna. I honestly do not remember the main stage show from our previous crew. And if I saw it, it was very difficult to do the shows, like we were saying, but we really liked beauty and the beast this time. I thought it was just right answer. The set was so amazing how they had the, like, multi layered set and then. Yes, the puppetry was so cool. I just thought it was great. [00:53:56] Speaker B: Yes, it's fantastic. I will tell you, beauty and the beast on DCL has won awards because it is so good. It is so well staged. The technology is really well integrated. It's fantastic. It's just fantastic. Okay, favorite rotational dining on Disney cruise ship. [00:54:14] Speaker A: I guess I'm gonna have to stick with animator's palette. [00:54:17] Speaker B: Yeah, love it. All right, favorite onboard activity on a Disney cruise ship. And why is it trivia? Because I think you're gonna say trivia. [00:54:27] Speaker A: I had a, yeah, I really like the trivia. I also love the character animation, so I probably lean towards the character drawings. I had one where she did three in a row and she did Goofy Donald and Pluto. And at the same time, Donald was meeting in the atrium. And so I, like, grabbed my Donald drawing and went down to get a picture and he signed it for me. [00:54:58] Speaker B: That's so cute. I love it. That's awesome. That's really fun. All right, favorite space to relax on the ship? [00:55:04] Speaker A: Well, let's see if I did any relaxing. [00:55:08] Speaker B: Yeah. Pool deck. I mean, the pool deck for the Promenade deck is a great place. Adult pool areas are a great place. But honestly, you could just read a book in Cove Cafe or in one of the bars, too. I mean, any of those are great. [00:55:22] Speaker A: I think the pool deck, we did a little bit of, of laying around, watching funnel vision and kind of resting out there. So, yeah, I would probably say pool deck. I didn't get to try out the adult pool deck very much. [00:55:39] Speaker B: Next time. Next time. That's the thing. There's plenty more to do. Okay, we're going to talk food. Now I need a favorite sweet item, and then I'm going to ask you a favorite savory item, because savories are the best, in my opinion. So we're going to start with favorite sweet item. [00:55:54] Speaker A: Let me think. My favorite dessert was actually on pirate night, and I got, like, the ice cream that was like coconut and pineapple mixed. I guess it was the Sunday of the night. [00:56:06] Speaker B: Nice. [00:56:07] Speaker A: Yeah, sounds good. [00:56:08] Speaker B: All right, a favorite savory item. [00:56:10] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. I really. This is crazy because everyone hates the pirate night, but I liked the jerk chicken on pirate night quite a bit. [00:56:20] Speaker B: Let's not say hate. Some people just prefer other menus to the. I actually don't hate it. I think it's better than it used to be, too. They updated it and I think it's better. It's just not. It's just still not my favorite menu. Let me put it that way. But the jerk tick. Jerk chicken. That's great. Okay, two more questions left in rapid fire. You've been on two ships. One of them is the wonder, one of them is the dream. So you've been on magic class and dreamcast class? [00:56:46] Speaker A: Yes. [00:56:46] Speaker B: Which of the two ships was your favorite? [00:56:49] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. I think I'm going to have to go with the wonder. I just like the intimacy and having less people. I just felt like there were lots of spaces on the dream that were feeling super crowded. [00:57:02] Speaker B: Interesting. Okay. All right, fair assessment. Now, the last question that I ask everyone, which is your bucket list cruise? If you could cruise anywhere in the world on a Disney ship and it doesn't have to be someplace that Disney currently cruises, where would. Would you go? [00:57:18] Speaker A: This is really difficult. I think the med is probably the one that I'm really wanting to do. We kind of like. The Mediterranean or Alaska are kind of like. [00:57:32] Speaker B: Yeah, both of them list. Yeah. Yeah. [00:57:35] Speaker A: The next cruise. I don't know. There's so many that just sound awesome. [00:57:39] Speaker B: Awesome. All right, well, you have finished rapid fire. I'm going to tell you, you passed with flying colors. The right answer, of course, was beauty the beast. The right answer was the wonder. I'll give you an honorable mention for choosing jerk chicken because I don't agree. But it's fine. It's fine. But it's fine. [00:57:58] Speaker A: No one's ever picked that before. [00:57:59] Speaker B: No one's ever picked that before. So it's an. It's. It's not. It's. Yeah. It's not a common choice, but that's fine. But I have to ask you. Brian is usually the one to ask this question, but I have to ask you, what's next? Have you booked. Did you book a placeholder? Have you booked your next cruise? If you haven't, that's okay. Are you gonna. Are you taking and any other Disney trips coming up? [00:58:21] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, we booked actually, like, before the spring break one, we booked a Thanksgiving. [00:58:27] Speaker B: Oh, the Thanksgiving one. Yeah. [00:58:29] Speaker A: Yeah. Which is on the magic out of Galveston. [00:58:33] Speaker B: Oh, fantastic. [00:58:35] Speaker A: And we also booked a placeholder so. [00:58:38] Speaker B: Oh, so you've got two. Okay. Okay, so you've got two. So you've got one that's chosen for Thanksgiving out of Galveston and then another one to be determined. So maybe that'll be your med cruise or your Alaska. [00:58:52] Speaker A: I hope so. We're looking at 2025, either summer or fall, for our 20th anniversary. [00:58:58] Speaker B: Oh, congratulations. Well, Beth, I have to say, thank you so much for coming on the show. I really appreciate you reaching out. Really appreciate, of course, your activity in our Facebook group. I know you've also left us a listener review. I'm going to put a plug in there right now. For those who haven't left us a listener review yet, hit those five stars on Apple podcasts. It helps get our show out there. And if you give us a verbal review, we will, if it's an appropriate one, we will read it on the air on one of our shows in the future. Well, but thank you so much, Beth, for joining me. Really appreciate it and we'll see you real soon. [00:59:34] Speaker A: Thank you. It was fun. [00:59:40] Speaker C: Well, thanks to everyone out there for listening this week. We really, really appreciate it. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast. You can keep getting great content from us every week. In fact, twice a week we publish shows. So be sure to hit the subscribe button to get all of those great episodes. And if you want to watch us live, we have a live show now every week, Monday nights, 05:30 p.m. pacific 08:30 p.m. eastern over on YouTube.com dclduo. So be sure to head over and check that out. If you want help support the show. Be sure to hit those five stars on Apple Podcasts. And if you leave us a written review, a five star written review, we will read it at the top of one of our main episodes. So please head over there and hit those five stars. Of course, you can also help support the show by supporting our fabulous show sponsor, my path unwinding travel. You want to book your next Disney vacation, head over to mypathunwinding.com dclduo or email [email protected] so they know we sent you their way. If you've got questions or you'd like to connect with us, the best way to do that is to head over to dclduo.com dot. It's got links to all of our things. Full catalog of the podcast episodes, including a searchable catalog for the podcast. Links off to our vlog, a link to our Etsy store where we sell some fun, fan inspired magnets. Link to our Patreon if you'd like to help directly support the show each and every month, just head over to the website or patreon.com dclduo also, as a way for you to sign up for our substack newsletter that we're hoping to start really pumping out monthly here, at least on a few blog articles that we've written. So dclduo.com is the best way to connect with us. You can also, of course, email [email protected] or reach out to us on our voicemail line at 402-413-5590 that's 402-413-5590 the DCL duo podcast is not affiliated with Disney Cruise Line, the Disney Company, or the Disney family of theme parks. The views expressed on the show are solely those of the individuals on the podcast and in no way reflect the views that Disney Company or Disney Cruiser. If you have questions about a Disney Cruise or Disney vacation, please contact the great folks over at mypath unwinding travel or Disney directly or your own travel agent. Thanks again for listening and we'll see you next time for another fabulous adventure with the DCL duo.

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