[00:00:00] Speaker A: I want to ask about coriander and sage generally.
I think that's a cool addition. What did you guys think?
[00:00:07] Speaker B: I think it's, it's the coolest part of, like, cast interaction that I've had since the Star Cruiser.
[00:00:28] Speaker A: Welcome back, everybody, to this week's live episode of the DCL Duo Podcast, brought to you by my Path Unwinding Travel and our friends over at WDW magazine and DCL magazine launching soon. So if you have not signed up, please head over to a dcl-magazine.com to sign up for their fabulous new print publication coming soon with an article, hopefully the D.C. duo in there that we're pretty proud of. So we can't wait that with you.
[00:00:53] Speaker C: Written by Brian Flock of the but it's, it's.
[00:00:56] Speaker A: It's. It's a.
[00:00:56] Speaker C: Collectively, it's a DC Edited by. Edited by Sam Written by music and.
[00:01:01] Speaker A: Lyrics by all right, so there we go. So that. That should be coming soon. Head over to dcl-magazine.com while you're over there. Check out the WDW store. Use code DCLDUO, all caps for 10% off everything in the store, including subscriptions to the magazine, digital subscriptions, the magazine. You don't have to get a print publication sent to you if you don't want to. They've got digital versions of these magazines that you can, you can look at on your iPad and phone where wherever you like to look at magazine, like content, you can have it. And actually, they just launched a new rope drop app for WDW magazine, so head over there and check that out as well. If you're looking for a park planning app, they just launched one. So pretty great stuff coming out over there. So seeing with that. We got friends. We got friends back. Let's introduce our friends. Yeah, yeah.
[00:01:42] Speaker C: We've got Drew and Haley. It's funny because it says Haley and Drew, but we have Drew. It's like your names are like reverse Brady Bunch.
For those who don't know. Hayley and Drew, we've had them on the show a whole bunch of times. We've talked about their year of Disney. We've talked about them sailing to Alaska on another cruise line, not Disney. Oh, my goodness. We've. We've had them on for plenty of shows. You can look back in our catalog to listen to them all. And of course, we got to meet them in person on our Norway sailing out of dover back in 2022. And of course got to meet Haley's parents as well on the cruise, which is A lot of fun. Scott is the human Shazam. So he was great for. For all things music, trivia. But we great friends of ours, Hayley and Drew, have even come to Seattle and we've gotten to hang out with them in Seattle as well. So welcome back to the show, you guys.
[00:02:44] Speaker B: Thanks. We're glad to be here and glad we could finally cruise again. It's been a while for us.
[00:02:49] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:02:50] Speaker D: Yes. We cruised last on Disney in May of 2023. So Drew was like, it's been an eternity.
[00:02:56] Speaker C: Yeah, it's been an eternity. I agree with you, Drew. It's like a year and a half. What's going on?
[00:03:01] Speaker D: That's like we went to Switzerland for two weeks. That's what happen.
You were not suffering.
[00:03:09] Speaker B: I planned the whole thing. It was my dream trip. So I was very happy.
[00:03:13] Speaker D: You were fine.
[00:03:14] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:03:14] Speaker C: Nice.
[00:03:14] Speaker A: Well, before we dive into talking about your recent cruise, I mean super recent, like you got off yesterday kind of cruise on the Disney Treasure, we have some DCL news to share with everyone out there. I'm going to start with a couple of news items. Sam's got a couple of news items. So kicking things off. Big shake up in the Disney management for interest to us as DCL aficionados. Thomas Maslem has been promoted to a new post.
He is going to be the. I'm trying to remember the.
[00:03:48] Speaker C: He's gonna be the head of Disneyland.
[00:03:49] Speaker A: Head of Disneyland. Yeah. Current president. So he's gonna be the president of the Disneyland Resort. So Sam, we may still be able to see him around. You can get.
[00:03:55] Speaker C: I know I might have to say hi and get a another picture with him at Disneyland instead of getting my picture with him on the Disney Treasure.
[00:04:01] Speaker A: Yes. So the new head of Disney Signature Experiences, which for those of you out there, Disney signature is the umbrella, the Disney Cruise Line Adventures by Disney Disney Vacation Club. And I think something else falls under. But the new head of that will be Joe Schott, who is.
[00:04:19] Speaker C: Isn't he the head of. He was the head of Shanghai Disneyland.
[00:04:21] Speaker A: That's what I was getting to. I was getting to this.
He's joining from Shanghai Disney where he was the president and general manager. And so there you go. I don't know what that forebodes. I kind of want to reach out to Benji to see what he might know over at Laughing Place about Joe and any tips we about or their suspicions he might have what it means for the future of signature experiences. But there you go. New head of signature experiences. Joe Shot joining from Shanghai Disney.
[00:04:48] Speaker C: Well, and Then, of course, we don't know why the head of Disneyland is no longer the head of Disneyland. And I don't know if he's. I mean, they didn't.
[00:04:56] Speaker A: It was a reshuff. No, it was a reshuffle. There was reshuffling going someplace. Yeah, it was a big reshuffle. I suspect this is all sort of leading up to whoever they plan to announce as the new head of the Disney company as they sort of start to wind down their search, hopefully right when they.
[00:05:12] Speaker C: When Bob's finally going to retire again.
[00:05:14] Speaker A: Yeah, well. And you know, there's some speculation that tomorrow Josh was kind of on the short list. So, you know, maybe this forebodes that that's what's going on. So, anyway, other news on my side of things before I kick it over to Sam. Disney Cruise Line did announce.
[00:05:31] Speaker C: Oh, Brian, your microphone is all fuzzy. I don't know what happened there.
[00:05:36] Speaker A: Am I okay now?
[00:05:37] Speaker C: Now you're okay.
[00:05:38] Speaker A: Okay. I don't know if that was for me. I don't think it was for me. Anyway, Disney Cruise Line announced that they have increased their recommended per night per guest gratuities. So for all of you out there, I don't remember if these were like 14ish dollars before, but now they're going up to $16 per night per stateroom guest. So per stateroom per guest at $16 a night, that is shared among your dining room server, assistant server, head server, and stateroom host. So split among four people.
The recommended gratuity for concierge has also gone up. I think it was around $25. Now it's 27 and a quarter.
That includes. That is split between everyone I just mentioned and all of the concierge lounge staff, including the concierge hosts and lounge team, in addition to the crew members. Bishop. So I had someone reach out to me and say that 27, 25. That seems like a lot. It is not when you divide.
[00:06:29] Speaker C: Not a lot when you divide it by all those people.
[00:06:32] Speaker A: So we always tip well in excess of that in concierge. Someone has said, well, you're paying so much for the rooms already. Like, none of that is going into the pockets of the crew. That is all going back to Disney Corporate as additional profit. So the crew rely on these tips. So I would say these recommended minimums are really the recommended bare minimum. I did see some comments come in too, about, I wish Disney would just build the tips into the price and pay people a better wage, you know? Amen. It's just not how the world's working right now, so if it happens, I would fully support it. I'm happy to pay a few bucks more on a cruise to make sure that these folks who bring the magic to us every day get paid well. So please, please, please remember to tip your servers. All right, so, Sam, what have you got news wise over there?
[00:07:17] Speaker C: Yeah. So the first piece of news is about luggage tag designs. This might not be super exciting for a lot of people, but we like to see new designs of things. Right. This is sort of. I remember Ducky, Will says he likes to draw things that are like throwaway stuff, like, you know, maps and, you know, park leaflets. Well, this is probably, you know, something that is considered sort of throwaway art. But anyway, the new DCL luggage tag designs have a particular one for concierge, a particular one for regular, and then a particular one for GTY or guaranteed category state rooms. And each ship is getting its own color. So this is kind of. This is a new thing. It hasn't rolled out yet on the Treasure, as Haley and Drew confirmed to us today. But on the Magic, you will. If you're sailing on the Magic going forward, which means probably a few weeks from now, you should be getting green luggage tags. If you're going on the Wonder, you should be getting orange luggage tags. If you're going on the Dream, you will get blue. If you're going on the Fantasy, purple on the Wish, maroon. And on the Disney Treasure, you will get yellow luggage tags. And if you don't get your luggage tags in advance of your cruise, fear not. Fear not. They will have luggage tags at the port. And you can just write your room number on those luggage tags that you receive at the port. So don't worry about it. It's pretty routine. A lot of international folks often don't get luggage tags ahead of time, and those of us on the west coast sometimes don't get them in time as well. So if you're not.
[00:08:50] Speaker A: In fact, one of the designs they released was the at port luggage tag, so.
[00:08:54] Speaker C: Exactly.
[00:08:55] Speaker A: It happens enough that they have its own design. Yeah, yeah.
[00:08:58] Speaker B: Now we're yellow. But not the new design.
[00:09:01] Speaker C: Not the new design. Yellow. Yeah. Okay, so it might be that the color is fairly new or has been implemented previously, but the new design just got implemented. Okay, this other piece of news, I'm going to share my screen because I.
[00:09:15] Speaker A: Got a breaking news.
[00:09:17] Speaker C: Breaking news just from today on the Interwebs. This was shared by our friend of the show, Ashley, and it was actually from a cast member, Steffi at sea. And it is basically announcing the Adventure Tea with Royalty. This is on the Disney Treasure and Haley and Drew confirmed it was actually on their sailing. It was not pre reserved, meaning you couldn't reserve it in the app ahead of time before the cruise. But they announced it on board. It is an extra charge and it is the replacement for the Olaf's Tea on the Wish or the royalty that's on the other four ships. And so what this picture shows is Tiana wearing pants. Mind you, Jasmine also wearing pants. Rapunzel wearing pants. And of course my favorite, Eugene or Flynn Rider. Of course he's wearing pants as well.
[00:10:12] Speaker A: Why are we, why are we indexing on the pants? Because the only character you named.
[00:10:17] Speaker C: Because I have never seen Tiana, character, face, character, wearing anything other than a dress. She's always wearing either her, like, ball gown dress or her, like, dress from when she's working in her restaurant. Right. So she's never wearing pants. This is an adventure themed, essentially princess tee. And so this is an extra charge. The teas that they've had on the other ships often come. Yes, it does look like it's the outfit from Bayou Adventure.
[00:10:48] Speaker D: She wears it in 1900 park fair.
[00:10:50] Speaker C: Oh, there you go. Okay, so it's it. But it is, it is an adventure themed tee. We don't have details on what it entails, but I will tell you from our knowledge of like the Olaf's Tea and the Royalty, it is basically, you can book it typically if you've got a little one with you, meaning someone who is between the ages of 3 and 12. And the child's cost is much more expensive than the adult cost. We're talking like over $200 for the child's cost. And about, I want to say like $70 per adult. And why that is is because you get served food and drink and there's a show and princess meet and greets and pictures and kid goes home with a bunch of goodies, a bunch of souvenirs. I don't know what the souvenirs are. From what we heard, this was a trial showing of the Royal Adventure Tea with Royalty on the Disney Treasure this past week, but she officially launches next month in February. I don't know exactly what date, and I can tell you at this point, I don't know exactly when it's going to be bookable, but it should be something you'll be able to pre reserve in the app either ahead of the cruise or once you log in to the wifi, the ship's WI fi at the port, my guess is when it initially launches, it might be the 30 day booking window, like a royal gathering. And when it fully launches a couple months out, it'll probably be when you open your onboard booking window. Opens.
[00:12:21] Speaker A: One last piece of news that you. You. I thought you were headed here, but you went to the T. The adventure.
So we had a. Forgot about that. We had some sleuthing on the Internet this week that discovered port arrivals or port days booked for the Disney Adventure in Long Beach.
So she's gonna be stopping in Los Angeles before she heads over to Singapore and that guess what that means she's got to be going through the Panama Canal. So I got quite a bit of feedback on. Well, she's too big, but apparently not because she looks like she's going to come from Germany through the canal. Would guess she'll make some sort of stop at Port Canaveral. But I don't know if they'll make her stop in New York again for Good Morning America. But we'll be stopping at Long beach before heading over to.
[00:13:07] Speaker C: Not Long beach, la.
[00:13:09] Speaker A: I thought LA was Long Beach. I thought long before Long beach was a. No, the port of la. All right. Yeah, okay, great. Port of LA in the Los Angeles area. That's where she's stopping. And so it does. We also learned from a friend of ours that it does look like it coincides with the travel agent conferences heading down to Disneyland.
[00:13:28] Speaker C: The earmarked owners conference is right before that is for like three days. Right before that. That's what Karen Shelton from My Path Unwinding told us. And so it looks like she's docked for two days. The it looks like November 6 and 7.
[00:13:41] Speaker A: Thank you, Ed. Thank you for that. Anyway, Port of LA is pretty much Long Beach. Thank you, ed.
[00:13:45] Speaker C: But anyway, November 6th and 7th and then she leaves and returns November 11th. So it looks like it could be that could mean a preview sailing, meaning non revenue invited guests only sailing out of LA for the American market. That would be super interesting. This is of course based on port information that folks sleuthed out. This was. We got this from DCL Cruising dad. So shout out to him Chris Kokanee for finding for sleuthing that out. But yeah, super interesting.
[00:14:16] Speaker A: Well, he got it from somebody else just to be fair. But thank you for Chris for highlighting it to us.
[00:14:21] Speaker C: Yes, he got the information but then he verified it by looking at the port.
What the ships were going to be at port in that time period. So he sort of confirmed it with his sleuthing.
[00:14:30] Speaker A: So CT I'm expecting an article next week.
What it means that it's stopping in LA before it goes over. All right, so there you go.
[00:14:38] Speaker C: I also love, by the way, that CT wrote in comment to the T, a treasure on a treasure, going on the adventure. That's exactly right, ct. We keep mish moshing the treasure and the adventure with the theming. Absolutely.
[00:14:53] Speaker A: All right. See, and we got to get into talking about Haley and Drew's experience with the treasure, because everyone's heard ours, so. Yeah. Haley, Drew just got back seven nights on the Treasure.
Was it an Eastern or a Western? I can't remember.
[00:15:08] Speaker B: In the Eastern.
[00:15:09] Speaker A: Eastern. All right, so. So St. Thomas, Tortola, Castaway. All right, great.
[00:15:16] Speaker C: We don't need to talk about the ports, though.
[00:15:18] Speaker A: We're not going to. I just want to make sure we know where. Where they went. So talk to us about what kind of stateroom did you book on board and what was it like kind of leading up to the Treasure? Because, you know, there's a lot of lead up to this ship, a lot of build up. So how are you feeling?
[00:15:33] Speaker C: From us, of course.
[00:15:34] Speaker A: Well, listen, maybe they didn't listen to it. Who knows? Yeah, we did.
[00:15:37] Speaker B: We did.
[00:15:38] Speaker A: I can't speak for her.
[00:15:39] Speaker D: I listened to them before you did.
[00:15:41] Speaker B: No, thank you very much. Well, to answer what kind of stateroom we had, I have given us the moniker the DCL Insiders, because we like to sell inside staterooms. And that's what we were on here on the Treasure. We specifically had an up room, which I really enjoyed, but we had the inside stateroom, the one with a single bathroom. I don't know what category that is.
[00:16:02] Speaker D: The cheapest room on the ship. Yes. I'm all selectively bougie. The less money I spend on the room, the more money I have to spend on the other things.
[00:16:11] Speaker C: Yes, on like the merch and the.
[00:16:13] Speaker D: Drinks, the spa, the excursions, the Apollo.
[00:16:18] Speaker C: Yeah, exactly. I'm with you. I'm with you. I love it. And Taryn's saying, shout out to fellow inside stateroom Pete.
[00:16:26] Speaker D: It's like, you know, you have a spectrum, and over here is concierge, and then over here is us. Yeah, we're out of frame.
[00:16:33] Speaker C: Well, and. And Taryn was on, I think, literally the cruise right before you. She was on.
[00:16:39] Speaker D: Yeah, I think she's in room 9059. Thanks for leaving. Leaving it in good shape for us.
[00:16:47] Speaker C: I love it.
[00:16:47] Speaker A: So what? So talk about the lead up to it. I mean, I assume you two were excited. I mean, most of the stuff out. There has been excitement around the Treasure. Not a lot of downside to it.
[00:16:57] Speaker C: And as Parks fans.
[00:16:58] Speaker A: Yeah. What were you sort of most. Assuming you were looking forward to it, what were you most looking forward to on board?
[00:17:03] Speaker B: Well, very lucky. We were definitely looking forward to it. You know, we had been on the Wish not long after it came out and we enjoyed it. It wasn't our favorite ship, but the theming of this ship, really, you know, it was the things we liked about the Wish, but with the theming that we love from the Parks, the Skipper Society, the Haunted Mansion Bar, and so many others.
[00:17:30] Speaker D: I was going to say I'm a huge Princess Jasmine fan. I purchased this lovely T shirt. This is a children's shirt, so don't get too attached unless you wear children's sizes. But you can get it for your kids or for your fun sized adults out there. But anyway, I'm a huge Princess Jasmine fan. Aladdin is up there in my Mount Rushmore of Disney movies, probably. So the Agrabah theme that and I studied abroad in Spain in college. And southern Spain has a lot of similar architecture because of the Muslims who conquered southern Spain. There's a lot of Islamic inspired architecture there. So the whole time I was just like, I love this mosaic. I love these geometric shapes. This is all my favorite architecture on a ship. It's so great.
[00:18:10] Speaker C: Oh, I love it.
[00:18:11] Speaker D: Just taking way too many photos of just like random architectural details.
[00:18:14] Speaker C: I love. Well, and there's a lot to take pictures of on the Disney treasure. What were your first thoughts when you walked into the beautiful Grand Hall? Because that's obviously like. I mean, she's just like an iconic shot. I don't know what you thought about it.
[00:18:30] Speaker B: Up until now. The fantasy was probably our favorite Grand Hall.
Atrium. Yes, atrium.
But now it's. For me, it's the Treasure. Like just the. The chandelier is like the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. So good with. Yeah, we. We got one of the.
[00:18:53] Speaker D: They have like a lantern that looks like a lanterns.
[00:18:55] Speaker B: These are the Christmas ornament.
[00:18:56] Speaker D: And it looks like the lanterns on board. It does light up.
And so that's.
[00:19:01] Speaker C: Oh, I like the light up feature. I didn't know it laid up. Yeah.
[00:19:05] Speaker D: So that's fun.
So I mean, just. It's so gorgeous. I didn't have the same concerns that maybe some other people had about it being too masculine because I'm not that into the Wish, really. And actually, I think maybe on like day one or two of this sailing, I was like, okay. So I never need to sail on the Wish again because, like, literally anything that I would have wanted to do on the Wish, I can do here, but on a longer sailing and on a much prettier and ship with a theme that makes me much happier. So for me, it was like, okay, great. Never again.
[00:19:38] Speaker C: I'll be honest, I'm. I fall into the same category as you there, Hayley. Like, I, you know, I. If you really. If somebody wants to juice up their castaway status, that's like a good reason to go on the Wish, right? You want to reach a higher castaway status quickly so you can do like those weekend three night cruises if you. If you live in Florida. Really, that's kind of the only way to do it. But for me, I could just not ever sail on the Wish again and be perfectly happy because everything. I love that the Wish has, the Treasure has, but better.
[00:20:10] Speaker D: Like, like the difference between, like, I can't remember a single coffee venue on the Wish, but the hey hey Cafe and.
[00:20:17] Speaker C: Right.
[00:20:18] Speaker D: The Cricket is beautiful.
[00:20:20] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:20:21] Speaker A: Was. Was the cast. Was the cast member at hey hey Still. He had this thing on the Maiden where you walked up, he'd be like, hey, hey. Yes, like everybody.
[00:20:30] Speaker D: No, I think maybe he ran out of juice on that joke before we got there.
[00:20:35] Speaker B: Five weeks in, it's over.
[00:20:37] Speaker D: I did want to also say, of course, we were really, like, really excited about the Tale of Moana stage show and Beauty and the Beast we've seen on the Dream. But we love it. So we were happy to see that again. But definitely we're very excited about the Moana show.
[00:20:49] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:20:49] Speaker D: So trying to think it's easier to say what we weren't excited about, which is like, the layout.
[00:20:56] Speaker C: Still don't love the layout.
[00:20:57] Speaker D: That's fine.
[00:20:58] Speaker B: The adult area layout specifically is like my one hang up.
[00:21:02] Speaker A: How was it? Because so on the Maiden, I actually found it to be pretty manageable in terms of, like, people back there most days. Like, I was able to get a seat, you know, near the bar and, like, it wasn't very crowded back there. And I don't know if that.
Yours was okay.
[00:21:16] Speaker D: We were, you know, keeping in mind we sailed during a time that kids are in school typically, so there were a lot, maybe more adults on our sailing than there were children. There definitely were still children there, but. But the adult space is to use a Brian oversubscribe.
[00:21:34] Speaker C: Sorry, I just hit my microphone, but I knew you were gonna say that Brian term. It's so funny.
[00:21:39] Speaker D: There are people.
[00:21:40] Speaker C: Somebody. Actually we got a New review on Apple Podcasts like a week ago or something. And they then they commented they learned prognosticate. Prognosticate is now in their vocabulary because of us.
[00:21:53] Speaker A: And so is just wait until I bust out prestidigitation.
[00:22:01] Speaker C: And so it's just funny that you use over subscribe. I do, I do love that. But that I don't use that word.
[00:22:06] Speaker D: But I know Brian does. So it's just, it's just purely for Brian's.
[00:22:10] Speaker B: Yeah, but it was like on the sea days, on the 3C days, all of them, all the chairs along the one side, the. The one hot tub that. The pole that the thing has always had 10 people in it. I will say though, that, like, the seats were.
[00:22:25] Speaker D: I didn't trouble getting into the hot tub when I wanted it.
[00:22:28] Speaker C: Yeah. That.
[00:22:29] Speaker D: I mean, I wasn't like. I was like, oh, I have to queue for the hot tub.
[00:22:32] Speaker C: Right.
[00:22:33] Speaker D: It wasn't as like the worst. And, you know, I was able to hang out in the pool some and not be feeling like. Like I was in person soup.
[00:22:42] Speaker C: And did you. Did you go even to Cove Cafe? This is, this is the one thing about the Wish and the Treasure that I feel like. I mean, we did go to a Cove Cafe when we were on, but I don't feel like you have to go to Cove Cafe because there's so many other coffee options on board. So I'm curious what you guys did for like your coffee or your drinks.
[00:22:59] Speaker B: Yeah. Now with that, you have Heihei and Jade, Cricket and. And even, you know, a few other places and things like that. It's like it, like the one time we went up there, it was empty and it just seems crazy to go that far out of the way. Like, there's nothing that draws you all the way around there to the back.
[00:23:20] Speaker D: If you're already over there and you're at the pool and you want a coffee, then.
[00:23:24] Speaker C: Sure.
[00:23:24] Speaker D: But like, otherwise it's like all the way over there.
[00:23:28] Speaker C: Yeah. Now how. How did you find the. The. The family pool deck then since you. It was, you know, heavily adult cruise. Now you did have MLK day falling on your. Falling on your crew. So there would have been some families, some people who will pull their kids out of school for, you know, the four days or maybe they have a couple days off if they have sort of a weird schedule. But how was the family pool deck?
[00:23:49] Speaker B: I would say we had more younger kids than maybe a normal sailing.
[00:23:53] Speaker D: So, like kids that weren't in school yet.
[00:23:55] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:23:55] Speaker C: Right.
[00:23:56] Speaker D: In the pool so the family pool still seemed like kids soup some of the time.
You know, we're our main.
Seeing it is walking through it because we don't have kids. So we basically beeline for the. The adult. Adult areas and make that our happy place.
[00:24:12] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:24:14] Speaker D: But I mean, it seemed like the pool deck, the family pool deck was still pretty full. People watching Funnel Vision. There was one lady who was, like, out there with her walk, her foot propped up on her walker, like knitting every morning.
[00:24:24] Speaker C: Oh, nice.
[00:24:26] Speaker D: And watching Funnel Vis.
[00:24:27] Speaker B: And she was living her best life every day.
[00:24:29] Speaker D: Yeah. That was enjoying her. It was her happy place. So I love that for her.
[00:24:34] Speaker C: Yeah. Well, well, let's talk about some of the onboard activities because obviously we know this.
[00:24:40] Speaker A: Wait, no, can we, can we. Can we go to bars first?
[00:24:43] Speaker C: Sure. Bars first.
[00:24:43] Speaker A: I want to do bars first because.
[00:24:45] Speaker C: Like, I'm saving shows and restaurants.
[00:24:47] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. So for those of you at home, I'm going to put a plug in again. Please head over to YouTube and watch. And thank you to Mr. Chad Pennycuff too, who is reminding folks to smash that, like, button. So, yes, please do that.
[00:24:59] Speaker C: And Don subscribe.
[00:25:00] Speaker A: Yes. And so show up.
[00:25:03] Speaker C: Show those. Those glasses again.
[00:25:05] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:25:06] Speaker C: The one is holding up is the Mariner cup from the Haunted Mansion parlor. And the one that Haley is holding up is the Jungle Cruise boat, essentially. I forget what it's called. The Empress.
[00:25:19] Speaker D: The M's Empress Pro tip. It makes an excellent receptacle for your pillow chocolates.
[00:25:25] Speaker C: I love it.
[00:25:27] Speaker A: I love the nod there, too. The EMS Empress is for the EMS River, Germany that the ship has to sail up to get.
[00:25:33] Speaker C: Right.
[00:25:33] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:25:33] Speaker C: And. And the Empress you can get in Skipper society. It comes with a drink. And of course, obviously the Mariner comes with a drink as well. They do run out of these cups. So warning to those sailing on the treasure, if you really want either of these cups or one of the. The Mermaid Siren character in the Haunted Mansion Pub, I would. Or parlor, I would recommend purchasing it on, like, day one or two because they do seem to sell out. But they are restocking. But they're not necessarily restocking during the cruise. They seem to be restocking in between sailings.
[00:26:06] Speaker A: Okay, but let's talk about the actual bar.
[00:26:07] Speaker C: Sorry, I know. I just needed to tell people. Yeah.
[00:26:10] Speaker A: So can we. Can we start with Skipper? Can we start with Skipper? Can we start with this question from.
[00:26:16] Speaker D: When we get to Haunted Mansion?
[00:26:17] Speaker C: Yeah, when we get to Haunted Mansion.
[00:26:18] Speaker A: All right. Yeah. So what did you. What did you think of Skipper? Society.
[00:26:21] Speaker B: I loved it.
It's way better than the French Quarter, I think. Or the Bayou. Sorry. On the wish. And we love Jungle Skipper navigation, so we love the sea theming and all of those sorts of things. So we love the Jungle Skipper. I loved. One of the hidden details that I really liked was in the woodwork around the stage. It's all animals that you find on the Jungle Cruise ride. And I thought that was really cool.
[00:26:57] Speaker D: Yeah. There's a lot of fun, like little artwork in there in the two booths at the back and also in some of the corners up in the front.
So enjoyed spending time just kind of peeping around in there during a time they were not hosting trivia, looking at some of those details. So if you're like a person who loves imagineering, this is like your. Your ship.
[00:27:19] Speaker B: Yeah. So if, for. If you want one of those small details, there's two paddles in one of the booths. One has 55 and one has 71 on it for the two years that the Jungle Cruise opened in those parks. So that's pretty cool.
[00:27:32] Speaker C: Yeah. Because they're original rides. In both parks, the Jungle Cruise are original rides. And so that's the opening year of Disneyland and the opening year of Disney World. What did you think about the drink offerings? I know. Hailey, you tried the salted caramel tini. I'm curious as to how you liked it, if you liked your waffle garnish and if there were other drinks in particular that you liked from. From the Skipper Society.
[00:27:56] Speaker A: You and the wall garnish. Samo.
[00:27:58] Speaker C: I love that.
[00:27:59] Speaker D: Actually, we forgot to order the waffles separately.
[00:28:02] Speaker B: Yeah, we did.
[00:28:03] Speaker D: Next time. The problem. Okay, brief aside, the problem is that they host a lot of trivias in Skipper and it's not enough space for the people who want to be there.
[00:28:10] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:28:11] Speaker D: We did multiple trivias riding on the railing on the outside.
So yeah, that might be though. Disney music trivia live of Matt Rinky and Skipper Society. People are going to be sitting on the floor.
[00:28:25] Speaker A: What's so funny about that is they have a tailor made space for trivia. I feel like in Sarabi because they have the upstairs that has TVs and booths too. So like you could easily do the trivia in there. Yeah, that's.
[00:28:35] Speaker D: I know the questionable choice not to do that, but maybe bingo. But in my world, trivia way, way outweighs bingo. So if they were asking me, that's what I would do. But salted Carameltini was very good. I'm not an espresso Martini person. Because I'm actually not a coffee drinker, so similar vibes. I enjoyed the waffle garnish. I dipped it into my martini for a couple of bites, which I guess is what you're supposed to do. Or maybe, I don't know. It was good.
I'm not sure that I really repeated any of my drink orders because there's so many lovely spaces to have a drink over the course of the ship over the week that I don't know that I repeated any. I also got the drink that comes in the Ems Empress. Although you can get your drink served not in the boat so that you don't have a sticky boat.
[00:29:23] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:29:24] Speaker D: With you.
[00:29:24] Speaker C: Which is what highly recommend.
[00:29:26] Speaker D: Yes, recommend that strategy.
And so I'm a big tiki drink person. Like rum based drinks. So the Skipper Society was a lot of the sort of things that I liked. So I did like the drink that I got that comes in the, in the mug. Is it the Skipper Sipper?
[00:29:45] Speaker C: I don't remember the name, but there were a bunch of Skipper. And Bridget, who you met on board also is jumping in the Skipper Sipper. Yeah, yeah.
[00:29:57] Speaker B: And I really like the. So far. He's so good.
Yeah. So I had a few of those. I didn't get the Hippopotam Mai Tai because I can get that anytime I want.
[00:30:06] Speaker C: Right, you can get that Trader Sam.
[00:30:08] Speaker D: And we, we are DVC owners at the Poly.
[00:30:10] Speaker B: Yeah, we stayed at the new Poly Tower before going on this cruise.
[00:30:14] Speaker C: Yes, we did. So you had plenty of, of punny drinks and, and whatnot.
Well, let's, let's jump over to the Periscope pub. I'm curious what you all thought of that as compared to the, you know, Crown. Crown and what is it? Crown and Anchor. No, Crown.
[00:30:33] Speaker A: Yeah, Called Anchor and something.
[00:30:38] Speaker C: Oh my God. How am I blanking on the name of this place?
[00:30:42] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm like Crown and Finn. No, that's world.
[00:30:46] Speaker C: I found an anchor is Royal Caribbean.
[00:30:48] Speaker A: Talk about, talk about Periscope.
[00:30:51] Speaker D: Weirdly, we spent maybe five minutes total in Periscope.
[00:30:55] Speaker B: Yeah. We went to our Facebook.
[00:30:57] Speaker C: Thank you, Tracy. Keg and Compass.
[00:30:59] Speaker D: Yes, thank you, friends.
[00:31:00] Speaker B: We went to the Facebook meetup on the first day and then we went in there as part of the tour and that was like all the time we spent in there because they weren't.
[00:31:08] Speaker D: Having any trivias in there.
[00:31:10] Speaker B: They weren't really having anything in there. It was actually like every time we walked by and the door was open, there was maybe five people in there.
[00:31:18] Speaker D: Like maybe they showed some of the playoff football games in there. Yeah. But they were also showing those in Hero Zone and on Funnel Vision. So there were plenty of places for people who wanted to watch the NFL playoffs and the college national football championship. There were places to watch those. But. Yeah. So we didn't spend a lot of time in Periscope. The details looked cool. I did take some pictures of them when we were in there, just kind of poking around briefly, but we didn't really, like, hang out there.
[00:31:46] Speaker B: I want to look through the periscope. How can you have a venue called Periscope Pub and not look through the Periscope?
[00:31:51] Speaker C: It will. So they're working on it. So apparent it was not planned to be able to view through the periscope. And people were saying to the imagineers, like, wait, how come? Why does this work? Right. And so they are going to make it so that you'll see the bridge view, the same view that you can put up on your television in your stateroom, which makes. Makes complete sense.
And Nathan is asking about or saying that he's heard the food, and he was saying keg and compass, but he knows it's Periscope and corrected himself in a different post. And so he wants to try the burger. I can. Nathan, we can absolutely validate that. We did not have the burger, but we heard the burger was good. But we can validate that the wings, the pretzel, the tachos, like, really good. All good. And drinks are good in there as well. But of course, you can have plenty of. They have plenty of beer offerings since it is a pub.
All right, well, let's. Then we gotta turn to.
[00:32:49] Speaker A: I want to go across the hall to Scat Cat.
[00:32:51] Speaker C: Yes, exactly. I was like, we can. We got to end at Haunted Mansion.
[00:32:54] Speaker A: Oh, yeah.
[00:32:54] Speaker B: Peanut butter and jelly. The great jam.
Crustable. It was great. It was good. It was good. It's hard because I like it, but it doesn't beat the. The smoked old fashions that I get in Cook's Barberry.
[00:33:11] Speaker C: So it's a good drink, but nothing tops the whole.
[00:33:14] Speaker A: They don't come with a snack.
[00:33:15] Speaker B: They don't come with an uncrustable.
That's true. I do love it.
[00:33:19] Speaker C: They do come with a little cherry. Right. Like an amaruna. Yes, but they don't come with, like, a sandwich. Right.
[00:33:25] Speaker A: Amarina. Amarina.
[00:33:26] Speaker C: Amarina. Whatever it is. Yeah, yeah. Well, what did you like? What did you think about the atmosphere of Scat Cat? It's obviously the piano bar replacement for Nightingales, but also Kind of replaces like ooh la la and pink on the, you know, dream class ships and, and kind of the Cadillac and keys on the Magic class. Although obviously still quite different. But. Yeah. Curious what you guys thought of the atmosphere and decor.
[00:33:53] Speaker B: We are cat people and we like the Aristocats, so I really like it. It's my favorite. And I thought the bar, having the bar out into the not atrium, the grand hall. I keep saying the wrong one was a great idea and I think that.
[00:34:11] Speaker D: It feels totally different. Yeah, the space feels, it doesn't feel like I, we didn't really spend a lot of time in Nightingale's when we were on the Wish. We only did a three night sailing on the Wish and we drove from North Carolina to go on that. So six point all around there. But we didn't have a lot of time on the Wish, so we didn't like, we have, we were selective about where we were spending our time, so. But from what I remember of Nightingale's cat, Cat feels completely different and everything just feels actually finished on the Treasure in a way that the Wish did not when we were on it. You know, Covid, we all know why, why that was. But, but I agree with you that having the bar kind of, you can go into the inside of it or you can just go up to the bar from the grand hall. It just opens the space up and it feels much nicer. We didn't spend a ton of time in Scat Cat. Overall, no.
[00:34:59] Speaker B: But I, I, I prefer that theme to the night.
[00:35:02] Speaker D: Oh, of course, of course.
[00:35:03] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. Well, I love that you started by saying you're ca.
Were talking pre show. One of your cats literally kept walking across like right in front of you across the computer.
[00:35:15] Speaker B: Now that we're on the show, he has settled down.
[00:35:18] Speaker D: It's because we're no longer eating ice cream.
[00:35:19] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:35:22] Speaker D: And we don't not let him eat ice cream. But he really likes to smell ice cream and hope that he can get a taste of it, even though it's not for Cat. So yeah, he's going and doing something somewhere else which is good for the purposes of this show.
[00:35:36] Speaker A: All right, well, time for the main event. I mean, Haunted Mansion parlor. But before we dive into your review of it, I just want to ask like a kind of a tactical question here, which was how crowded was it? Did it, did it settle out after the first night where you, it was like, or was it like busy the whole time?
[00:35:52] Speaker D: We didn't try the first day. We were just like, we're here for Seven nights. We don't have to, like, storm the door. Like, it's going to be okay. So we just let it simmer for a day because we had a seat, like, we had two seated back to back at the beginning of the cruise. So we were like, we will have time tomorrow. And we did.
[00:36:09] Speaker B: Yep. We walked right the. On the second day, there wasn't. It was like, there might be a short way, but we walked in and sat down pretty quickly, started getting drinks. Unlocked the secret on the iPad. Didn't actually get that drink, but.
[00:36:24] Speaker D: But we saw that it exists, and.
[00:36:25] Speaker B: Then we stepped through the whole show, and then we went in there one or two other times throughout this.
[00:36:29] Speaker D: Yeah, I mean, it.
[00:36:30] Speaker A: It.
[00:36:31] Speaker D: It really feels like a love letter from imagineering is what I'll call it. Like, you can tell that they.
Yes, we're gonna do all of our best imagineering on this bar. We're gonna make it just so cool. And, you know, for parks lovers who like the attraction, I mean, you. You definitely feel like you're just sitting in the middle of the attraction, which is cool. It's not a great place to, like, hang out and chat.
[00:36:54] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:36:54] Speaker D: Because, you know, it gets loud.
[00:36:56] Speaker C: The effects are constantly happening at location.
[00:36:59] Speaker D: The grim, grinning ghost songs goes off every, I don't know, 15 minutes or so, which is. Which is fine. But, you know, you're not gonna necessarily hang out in there. They don't do trivia in there for obvious reasons.
[00:37:12] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:37:13] Speaker D: So if you're there, you're enjoying the drinks, you're enjoying the vibes, but you're not probably having a heart to heart with anybody in there.
[00:37:21] Speaker C: Yeah, you're right. You can have a conversation with, like, the person sitting next to you, but it's not. It's not like Periscope Pub is probably the best place to, like, sit. And if you want to have, like, a really long conversation, because there's not as many, you know, events that happen in there. Plus, it's a quieter space unless there's a football game going on. Right. But Haunted Mansion, you're right. The rotation of the show is constantly going from dark to bright to. From loud to singing from. You know, there's lightning or thunder. You know, there's. So it's. Yeah, it's probably not the best conversation place, but super, super fun.
[00:37:58] Speaker D: Oh, it's super cool. Don't get me wrong. And towards the end, I think on our last day or two, we had, like 15, 30 minutes kind of free between activities. And so we just popped in there and were Able to sit right by the fireplace and order a drink. So it was definitely not, like, a lengthy queue to get in there. From what we saw, there was no virtual queue needed, so it was not stressful, really, I would say.
[00:38:26] Speaker A: What did you think of the drinks?
[00:38:28] Speaker D: Okay.
[00:38:29] Speaker B: So they.
[00:38:30] Speaker D: I need him to.
[00:38:30] Speaker B: Honestly, of the different bars that we went to, I thought they were the weakest. Yeah, yeah. Because, like, I thought the Scat Cats were better. The Skipper Society's better. Even the drinks at Sarabi, I think were better, especially for the Indiana Jones adventure thing.
[00:38:50] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:38:51] Speaker C: But he's comparing. I. I like it. Makes sense. Wait, but we've got to ask. So there's the chilling challenge, and Tracy's ask, asking an important question. This is one of the drinks. Do you know did they have the death certificates?
[00:39:02] Speaker B: They did not.
[00:39:03] Speaker D: Because you got the chilling.
[00:39:04] Speaker B: Yes, I got the chilling challenge to see, and they did not, sadly.
[00:39:08] Speaker D: Sorry.
The drink that comes in the Mariner mug, which is just the one that I wanted, and it's the last catch, and I liked it. I think that I would be willing to drink that one again.
[00:39:19] Speaker C: Same. It wasn't, like, my favorite drink.
[00:39:21] Speaker D: Yeah, Something different.
[00:39:24] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:39:25] Speaker A: I think the mug is really cool.
None of the drinks in there really impressed me, but I thought that that was one of the better tiki mugs I've seen Disney come up with.
[00:39:33] Speaker B: It even has this, like, metal spear with it.
[00:39:36] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:39:36] Speaker D: Pretty cool. And, yeah, that comes out. So if you, I guess, want to put it in the dishwasher. I don't know. Anyways, okay, so now we can do Drew's lovely segment.
[00:39:46] Speaker A: Drew was. Drew was segueing us. I want to ask a broader question than Sarabi and a specific show. I want to ask about coriander and sage generally.
I think that's a cool addition. What did you guys think?
[00:39:59] Speaker B: I think it's. It's the coolest part of, like, cast interaction that I've had since the starcruiser.
[00:40:09] Speaker C: Wow.
[00:40:11] Speaker D: We could see stage and coriander, like, on the Star Cruiser, which is if for anybody that had the chance to do it or had a chance to hear any of us talk about it, that's, like, the pinnacle of praise that we can possibly give an actor.
So, yeah, there's our picture behind us. But I am kind of obsessed with Sandra Coriander. I was like, if they're somewhere, I want to be there, too. And I was kind of sad that they. I don't think they were doing, like, meet and greets for photos, but I would like to Meet and greet them.
[00:40:41] Speaker C: So they do sometimes come out into the atrium. Sorry, the grand hall. And if they're sort of roaming about, usually before or after one of their performances, usually after. Like after the Aladdin show that they do in the grand Hall. For folks who haven't heard, go back to our episode talking about our saline. We talked about how basically they perform all of Aladdin with just two people and a box of props, like hats and stuff and scarves.
[00:41:10] Speaker A: We might hear. We might hear about that from.
[00:41:12] Speaker C: Yeah, well, I know they listen. I know we were texting when Haley and Drew were on board, and I told them, like, from the get go, don't miss Indiana Jones. Choose wisely. And don't miss. Miss anything with. I knew once they saw that first activity with. Which is usually Indiana Jones, and then they would do the. The Jungle Cruise game, then the Aladdin show, like, basically, don't. Don't sleep on anything that Sorry, Coriander and Sage are doing. And I know they. I know they took our advice because I know that they were, like, obsessed. Right?
Yeah, they're the best.
[00:41:48] Speaker D: So let's.
[00:41:49] Speaker C: Let's talk about choose wisely first. Let's start with the. So that's in Sarabi. Tell us what you thought about Indiana Jones. Choose wisely.
[00:41:56] Speaker B: It was. The whole experience was great. So, like, the Sarabi Supper Club leading into it with, like, the lounge singer was great. The drink specifically crafted. We did a tasting later, and it was with the cocktail person who put together the drinks for that night.
[00:42:13] Speaker D: And so we got to talk to.
[00:42:14] Speaker B: Her a little bit about those. The. The monkeys.
[00:42:18] Speaker D: Yeah, it's like, there's one that's like monkeys brains or something. It's not.
[00:42:21] Speaker B: That's the best.
[00:42:22] Speaker D: It's the best one.
[00:42:22] Speaker C: And it comes in the monkey cup, right? It does that.
[00:42:25] Speaker D: You can't keep that, but you can.
[00:42:27] Speaker C: Oh, yeah.
[00:42:30] Speaker B: You can't buy that cup. Or it would also be sitting here and I could show it.
[00:42:35] Speaker A: That's fascinating that they're not selling.
[00:42:37] Speaker C: Interesting. I wonder if they just haven't been able to source it or something. Maybe.
[00:42:40] Speaker D: Yeah, maybe they just don't have enough where they feel like they can. Can sell it at that kind of volume.
[00:42:45] Speaker B: But if. If you want the one. What is it?
[00:42:48] Speaker C: The.
[00:42:49] Speaker B: The one that comes with the antidote. Whichever one it is, she said she made them source real absinthe to go in that. Like, not, like the.
[00:42:59] Speaker C: Not the fake stuff, right?
[00:43:01] Speaker B: Not the fake stuff. She wanted the real stuff and made Disney get it to go in it.
[00:43:05] Speaker D: So. So Shout out to Elena for saving the day with real but wow. But we loved the show. We went, we saw it twice. They had it at 7:30 and they had it again at 10:30 and we went to the first one because my thought process was, what if we like it so much we want to see it twice? Let's make sure we go to the first one and then we'll have the opportunity because if we didn't and then we're going to be kicking ourselves. And I'm glad that we did that.
[00:43:28] Speaker B: And I don't think we were the only ones because that second time when we went and saw it, there were a lot of people choosing the other options with us to see the other outcomes.
[00:43:38] Speaker D: Yes.
[00:43:38] Speaker C: Yeah, I love it now. So it was slightly different than the earlier one versus the later one. I know the later one is a little bit longer too, so I do think they do more of the options in the later one than they do of the earlier one. I don't know if you had the same experience.
[00:43:54] Speaker B: I'm trying to think because, well, in the first ones a lot of people just make the choices that Indy makes in the movie. Or they like we skipped the whole fourth movie the first time.
[00:44:06] Speaker C: Right, right. Which makes sense.
[00:44:11] Speaker B: But in the second time we picked all the things where they would then roll it back and show you the other.
[00:44:17] Speaker A: Are you listening to our show because you want to make the most out of your next vacation? Great news. The fabulous team over at MyPath Unwinding Travel can help guide you so you don't miss a thing. Their team of professional travel advisors are caring, knowledgeable and experienced. It's why we use them to book our own travel. Mypath Unwinding Travel is an authorized Disney Vacation planner, which means they are recognized by Disney for their expertise and service. They have sailed on all the Disney ships, including in concierge, visited the theme parks, adventured with Disney, relaxed at Alonso, and so much more. Whether it's a Disney cruise, a theme park vacation, or adventures by Disney, or if you are looking to expand beyond the mouse, My Path Unwinding Travel will elevate your next vacation planning experience. Even if you have already booked, reach out for a complimentary consultation to make your vacation even more magical. Ready to talk to the experts? Head over to mypathunwinding.com DCLDUO or email DCLDUOMYPATHunwinding.com so they know we sent you that their way. Thanks My Path Unwinding for sponsoring today's show. Now back to the episode the Sarabi Supper Club. So when we were on, it felt like it was basically like a half hour to get people into the. Into the room. There was there. In fact, when we were on, there was nothing there. Nothing happened for the first 25 minutes of Sarabi Supper Club. A singer just came in at the very end of that. Is that. Was that yours?
[00:45:33] Speaker B: Similar. She said she did sing three songs for us, so it might be. I don't know if that was.
[00:45:37] Speaker C: I think that was the same.
[00:45:39] Speaker D: There's no way they added more songs. Last, like, three weeks. Like, this is a scripted thing. So it was basically a waiting room with themed drinks.
[00:45:47] Speaker A: Yeah, okay.
[00:45:48] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:45:48] Speaker A: Which I kind of, you know, I don't mind because you want everybody in their seats, drinks, happy, ready to do the Indian. I don't mind it. It was just the way it was described in the app. It sounded like they were, like, circulating with food and beverage and, like, all sorts of stuff.
[00:46:01] Speaker D: Calling it supper club is a little bit weird because there's no food to be had, but the theme drinks are cool. And that was. We didn't expect the theme drink, so that was kind of fun. When we got there, I was like.
[00:46:10] Speaker B: Oh, also, it's listed this way, but this is very adult only.
[00:46:15] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:46:16] Speaker D: The show is definitely an 18 plus, unless you want to describe some very awkward jokes to your children.
[00:46:23] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:46:23] Speaker A: Was she doing the thing with the whip sound again?
[00:46:25] Speaker D: Oh, yes.
[00:46:26] Speaker C: Oh, yeah.
[00:46:26] Speaker D: Absolutely.
[00:46:27] Speaker B: Well.
[00:46:27] Speaker C: And. And for those who haven't listened to our prior episode about the treasure, the Indiana Jones choose wisely is. I'll call it a choose your own adventure retelling of all of the Indiana Jones movies and done, where you get to choose what Indy does at any given moment, and it either ends well or not so well. And so I'll leave it at that. We don't want to give too many spoilers for those who haven't seen it, but it's really, really fun. All right, what about the Jungle Cruise game show in the Grand Hall? Did you go?
Yes, Nathan, there is. The fourth movie is with Shia LaBeouf. The fifth movie is the one that.
[00:47:10] Speaker A: I'm sure Nathan knows that he's just making it.
[00:47:16] Speaker B: Destiny wasn't.
[00:47:17] Speaker C: It wasn't as bad. Yeah. Number five wasn't as bad as number five.
[00:47:21] Speaker A: Crystal Skull.
[00:47:22] Speaker D: Crystal Skull was pretending that doesn't exist.
[00:47:26] Speaker C: Exactly.
[00:47:26] Speaker B: Yes. We did do the jungle. We. We were in Skipper Lily's boat.
[00:47:31] Speaker C: Oh, you.
[00:47:31] Speaker A: Oh, you did it.
[00:47:32] Speaker C: You actually participated. Yeah. I love it.
[00:47:34] Speaker D: Soon we just sort of. She. They were like, get in the boat and we were like, okay.
[00:47:39] Speaker B: We just happened to be. We were standing right next to, like.
[00:47:41] Speaker D: I wanted to be in the boat. So I was like, hover and make sure this isn't just for children. And then it didn't seem like it was. Actually, Skipper Frank's boat was full of adults.
[00:47:50] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:47:50] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:47:51] Speaker B: He had, like, two kids in his boat, and we were mostly kids, and me and Haley.
[00:47:55] Speaker C: I was in Skipper Frank's boat on. On my preview sailing and then on our maiden voice voyage. I just watched from above. I didn't. I didn't jump in, but I think it's. I think it is great to, like, go. If you're down on the floor, like, five minutes before the thing starts and you stand to the side of the stage, you will be in Skipper Lily or Skipper Frank's boat. So those are sage and coriander's name for that.
[00:48:19] Speaker D: Unless you are mobility challenge. It really helps if you can, like, stand up off the carpet.
[00:48:24] Speaker C: Yes. Good point.
[00:48:25] Speaker D: Yeah. Just so a thing to keep in mind. If you cannot easily get up and down off the floor unassisted, this is maybe not the thing for you to try to participate in, but if you can, it's super fun. And they will let you sit on the stage, too. So if you can't get up off the floor, but you can off the stage, you have that option. But there's lots of fun, like, creative props that you experience along your journey. I don't want to spoil them because they're too funny if you aren't expecting what they are. But basically, the two boats are racing each other, hypothetically, to see who can reach the end point. You're going on two different rivers, and you have some nods to the attraction.
[00:49:05] Speaker B: And it made me want to ride in the other boat because they had props and stuff that we didn't have.
I was like, what is going on over there?
[00:49:13] Speaker C: Yeah. Well, and now I want to go and skipper Lily's boat, because I only went and skipped her. Frank's boat.
[00:49:17] Speaker D: I'm going, are those sloths? Like, what is happening?
[00:49:20] Speaker C: There are sloths.
[00:49:22] Speaker A: The repeatability of a lot of the sage and coriander stuff is actually really, really good because it's so. There's so much improv happening. I mean, so I love that. I worry. I will say the one thing I worry is, like, so we're going on in April. I really hope it's the same two people doing those. Those two characters on board, because when they came on. Yeah. But their vacation, I'm worried it's Kind of like Aladdin, the stage production where so much hinges on the quality of the genie. Right. And I think those two were really great. They had great chemistry. So good. So it's like, who are the. Who are the replacements for them? I'm sure that they're fantastic, but like, you know, it really is going to hinge on them.
[00:49:59] Speaker D: So I have faith because I mean, think about the star cruiser. Brief, brief aside, everybody. Like when you, when. If you interacted with a Wraith or a Lieutenant Core on the star cruiser. Like, I haven't talked to a single person who was not convinced they had the best one.
[00:50:12] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, you're right. And we had a different ones. Yes. We had a different Croy. We had a different Wraith than you guys had. And we still stand by that ours.
[00:50:20] Speaker A: Were the best fight to the death. That our Lieutenant Croy was the best.
[00:50:26] Speaker C: Exactly.
[00:50:27] Speaker D: They can find good people who have the skill set to be able to do the comedy, to do the improv. I mean, the Indiana Jones show is just wild because they're following this script and it's definitely a script, but they're also improving in the middle of it. The audience is heckling them, so then they're heckling the audience back. And it's just so fun.
[00:50:45] Speaker A: Yeah, it is fun.
[00:50:46] Speaker C: And same happens to some extent in the Jungle Cruise and the Aladdin retelling. I assume you went to see the Aladdin.
[00:50:56] Speaker A: Yep.
[00:50:56] Speaker C: Yeah, of course. And what did you think of that?
[00:50:58] Speaker B: It was great. The, the one at the end, somebody had mentioned you could meet them. Then they kind of went away and some friends came out. Yes, Aladdin and Jasmine came out and they were kind of the ones that were doing the meet and greet.
[00:51:12] Speaker D: It was also like. That was the 10:30pm showing.
[00:51:15] Speaker C: So they might have been like, they're going to bed. Yes.
Yeah. But after the Jungle Cruise thing and after the Aladdin retelling, at least the earlier one, they do stick. Even though. Yes, Jasmine and Aladdin are kind of the stars for pictures for. But to me, I got some pictures with. With Coriander and Sage. I think Brian and I together got a couple of pictures of Coriander.
[00:51:40] Speaker D: Like, we're going to stay here until we can make a selfie happen.
[00:51:43] Speaker C: But it sounds like you're just going to have to book another.
[00:51:47] Speaker D: That's what I am.
[00:51:50] Speaker C: Exactly. Exactly. And Linda saying if it's a six month contract, she thinks rehearsal started in either late July or early August, which would mean they should be sometime here soon. But then who knows how long Their vacation would be. But they might have had longer contracts for the. For the opening cast. It might be several.
[00:52:09] Speaker B: There were several entertainment and other cast members who were on it since Germany that were talking that they were going to be getting off soon.
[00:52:16] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, they've been there since September.
[00:52:18] Speaker A: So, Sam, we have so much more to cover.
[00:52:21] Speaker C: Sorry, sorry.
Main sleep shows. Is that where we're going?
[00:52:26] Speaker A: Well, yeah. Let's specifically just ask about. About Tales. Tales. Tale of Moana.
[00:52:31] Speaker C: Disney tale of Moana.
[00:52:32] Speaker A: Yeah, I just call it Moana.
Hit or miss.
[00:52:38] Speaker D: Okay. I. I really liked it. I think I liked it more than Drew did. I'll let him give his own opinion. But the. Everybody said this, but it's true. The. The actress who plays adult. Well, adult being 16 year old Moana is fantastic. We will see her going places. I am certain of it. She is just like, like amazing voice, amazing star, funky energy. Just everything that you could possibly want from that character and more.
All of the songs from the movie are the best songs in the stage show. I would say the things they added. I was.
But overall, really enjoyed the show. And I still think that this. I mean, give me tale of Moana and Beauty and the Beast and sees the adventure any day over believe or dream themes. Half the time we can't even remember which one is which.
[00:53:26] Speaker C: Y'all preaching to the quiet. Preach, girl, preach. That's all I have to say.
[00:53:34] Speaker B: So. Moana is my favorite Disney movie. I cry every time.
It doesn't matter.
I went and I liked it, but I didn't love it. One, I did not like the song they added.
[00:53:49] Speaker C: Warrior Face is not the best. Best addition. Yeah, it's fine because there's a special effect happening during it, but it's not the best song.
[00:53:57] Speaker B: And I don't know, it just like didn't hit me the right way. I wanted that emotion that I got from the movie and I didn't get the same experience. I liked it, but I didn't get me emotional like the movie does.
[00:54:09] Speaker D: Do you think your expectations were too high?
[00:54:11] Speaker B: Possibly. And there was no kakamora and that disappointed me greatly.
[00:54:16] Speaker D: I didn't know you like the kakamora.
[00:54:17] Speaker B: I'm like, take out the warrior things and put in the kakamora. With what you did with Shiny and Te Fiti and how you did all that, surely you can come up with a way to make a bunch of coconuts.
[00:54:29] Speaker C: Yeah. So. Yeah. So spoiler. There is no. There are no kakamora coconuts in the stage show. There are some other Characters missing, and we'll leave it at that. But there are some things that they don't do in the show. But it's okay. It's okay. It's fine.
But. But there are. But there. But there are. You know, there are some knocked out of the park. Like Te Fiti. I mean.
[00:54:55] Speaker A: Yes. What did you think of Maui?
[00:54:59] Speaker B: He was okay again. He wasn't like.
[00:55:03] Speaker A: Exactly.
[00:55:06] Speaker D: It's hard.
[00:55:06] Speaker B: Very different take.
[00:55:08] Speaker C: Yes. Different take.
[00:55:09] Speaker B: I don't know that it was. I think it's so different that it was somewhat shocked. Shocking.
[00:55:15] Speaker C: Okay, fair enough. Bridget. Oh, I just want to jump. Pull up Bridget's comment. She said Moana was so good. The tech, the choreography, Grandma Tala, all so good. Yeah.
[00:55:25] Speaker D: I thought some of her jokes were a little bit too, like, modern.
[00:55:29] Speaker B: Yeah. The story is a little weird.
[00:55:32] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:55:32] Speaker B: Starts.
[00:55:33] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:55:34] Speaker B: Because they're all in their, like, traditional outfits, but it's supposed to be like, modern day. And that was.
[00:55:40] Speaker D: There's a lot. But I wanted to talk about Maui for just a second, which is like, I don't know to me. We were talking about this in Hana Mansion Parlor afterward, and I was like, what did you think? And he was like, I liked it. I was like, what do you mean? But for Maui, like, I think that you can't do it, like, the rock, because it's just going to look like a person badly trying to impersonate the rock. And I think that would be worse than just doing something totally different, in my opinion.
[00:56:06] Speaker C: I'm with you, Hannah. Kaylee. The same person, worse than Potico. Like, listen, Maui is very different than. If you go in expecting the rock, you are probably going to be disappointed. So it is a very different take. Taryn is saying she feels the same way as Drew. Don't come at her.
[00:56:30] Speaker D: And talk about it.
[00:56:31] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:56:32] Speaker A: Like, it's like a lady Aladdin. It's the genie is the like. And they recognize that in Aladdin by trying to make a genie like the genie in the show. And this one, it just feels like. Like, they didn't even try, which is fine. But, like, he's such a big personality in the movie. It's really hard to, like, do a stage production where he's kind of like a secondary character.
[00:56:53] Speaker B: What's the point? I. I think I wanted him to not necessarily be physically bigger, but be a bigger. Like a bigger presence in the show.
[00:57:01] Speaker C: And it.
[00:57:02] Speaker B: Yeah, it kind of feels like he isn't.
[00:57:04] Speaker D: I think it was.
[00:57:04] Speaker C: I think that's true.
[00:57:06] Speaker D: Yeah. I would agree with that. I think he gives Like, a little bit of Flynn Rider energy.
Like, it's more of like a trying.
[00:57:12] Speaker C: To be tongue in cheek kind of energy.
[00:57:15] Speaker D: Tongue in cheek and, like, kind of trying to be more attractive, I would say.
[00:57:19] Speaker B: Too cool.
[00:57:20] Speaker D: Like, yeah, like, Maui, the animated character is not somebody that you're like, wow, what a hot body. But I feel like, like, on stage now, he was like, trying to do that vibe a little bit more.
[00:57:32] Speaker C: Yeah, I think that's a good way to describe it. But I think in. In the stage show, and Brian still loved the show, by the way. So I would say, like, he. He and Drew different in that respect. I mean, I know Drew liked the show, but Brian still loved the show. Although he has some criticisms of the Maui character. But in the stage production, it is definitely Moana and Grandma Tala who carry the show and not the Maui character I love.
[00:57:59] Speaker D: And I'm glad you put that up.
[00:58:00] Speaker C: Because I was like, yeah, so he says, I think Maui needed to shrink a little for Moana to fully lead and to have room for Grandma Tala. So, yeah, that is exactly how I think of it and how Haley thinks of it. So anyway, we're right. The guys are wrong. Sorry, Taryn, you're also wrong. But with that, we'll move on.
[00:58:16] Speaker A: Yeah, I was gonna say with that. I will say one casting decision that I think they just knocked out of the park is Miguel from Coco.
[00:58:24] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:58:26] Speaker A: Yeah. So what did you think of the new cocoa themed restaurant and show?
[00:58:31] Speaker D: And yeah, it was my favorite of the three restaurants on the ship. So we went to Palo steakhouse instead of 1923, night two. We didn't plan it that way, but it worked out that way. And I was like, well, the duo didn't like the Night two menu that much anyway, so I think this is good because I didn't want to miss the shows in Plaza de Coco or in Marvel. Um, but I'm like, low key obsessed with the night to Plaza de Coco menu. Like those enchiladas and the Berea beef area empanada. Like, I seriously considered ordering them again the next night. Like when we were in a different restaurant. I ended up not doing that because I wasn't hungry enough.
But I. The food was so good. There were people that we. We were sitting near that we befriended because they sat us by ourselves, which was odd. We had no friend, no new friends. So we just made new friends. But the people that were sitting, you know, one foot to our left, I mean, yes, we're social people. It's fine. But we were talking to some of our neighbors. And I think they maybe are not as adventurous of eaters as we. We tend to be. So they were like, why couldn't they have just, like, had Mexican food like we have at home?
And I'm like, you can get chicken, rice, and cheese back in Ohio. Like, let's enjoy something different. I love.
[00:59:47] Speaker A: I gotta agree with them. I gotta. I just. I gotta agree with them just a little bit. Like, I just.
[00:59:52] Speaker D: I feel like the entrees, that's fair. But.
[00:59:54] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:59:55] Speaker A: Oh, the appetizers, I agree.
[00:59:57] Speaker C: I'm with you. I think that, yeah, they went a little bit too. Or tried to go too fancy, sort of a little bit. Trying too hard. We've sort of coined that in. In Coco on the entrees. But there's still a lot. Lot of good there. It's just you. It is a little bit more on the adventurous side versus the appetizers are a little bit more tame. Oh, one of your cats is coughing.
[01:00:19] Speaker D: He know.
[01:00:19] Speaker C: He's.
[01:00:19] Speaker D: He's. No, he's on their fridge. He's on the top of the refrigerator, which is, like, where all the liquor bottles live. Not that we like those all the time, but they're. They're up there and they're breakable. So anyhow, yeah, I'm going to carry by myself. The salsa needed help. Yeah. Definitely not like, the best salsa you've ever had in your life. We did follow the. The advice of the duo and got extra salsa up front. Front. We're like, bring us a second salsa.
[01:00:44] Speaker A: They invested money in designing specific glasses for the Scat Cat Lounge, but they couldn't put some money into buying a bigger salsa.
[01:00:51] Speaker D: They don't understand how Americans consume chips and salsa. Also, our server was. He was from Colombia, and he called them nachos, which I thought was funny because.
[01:00:59] Speaker C: Oh, that is funny.
[01:01:00] Speaker D: They have no cheese on them.
[01:01:01] Speaker C: Right.
[01:01:02] Speaker D: We did not call them nachos. But I will say that the. The show in Cocoa, I think, was the right balance of, like, great entertainment without being, like, so obtrusive that it takes over your entire meal.
[01:01:16] Speaker C: Yeah. And Ed is asking that question, how loud are the shows in the restaurants? Can you actually carry on a conversation with your table mates? I think the answer is, while the show is going on, it's loud, so you probably. It interrupts your conversation, but it's sort of a back and forth, more so than in Arendelle. And same with Marvel. Like on Marvel. Marvel Night 2, they're sort of quiet times and louder, but not loud times. And So I think I thought the.
[01:01:44] Speaker A: Volume overall though for that show was.
[01:01:46] Speaker C: Lower than an arendelle probably, but it's still not. When the show is happening, it's not a lot.
[01:01:53] Speaker A: Pretty easy to talk to someone across the table. What did you think, Haley? Andrew?
[01:01:56] Speaker C: I thought it was.
[01:01:56] Speaker B: Yeah, we were talking, like Haley said, the tables around us and to other people.
[01:02:01] Speaker D: So, yeah, and we, I mean, I think we could even do that during the show if we wanted to.
There was a family next to us that turned out in coco that lives 45 minutes from us, which was really random.
[01:02:12] Speaker C: Oh, really?
[01:02:13] Speaker D: And they had like a 4 year old kid and a 17 year old German exchange student who is a girl, but she's really into theater. So she was like getting very like weepy during the Coco show, which was so sweet. It was really speaking to her heart there. But we were able to talk to them and learn these things about them between the times where they were doing more of the singing. I mean, you don't want to be like, that's great. Yeah, yeah. Remember me? But what were you saying about, you know, wax off? Like you don't want to miss the show because you're talking.
[01:02:44] Speaker A: So let's talk for a second about. So it sounds like Coco was a hit. You liked both night menus.
What about the second night of Marvel?
[01:02:55] Speaker B: I want to know what my trivia score was. I was pushing all those buttons and then they don't, like, give me a readout and see table 222 at the top. That's what I wanted.
[01:03:05] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah.
[01:03:06] Speaker D: Drew, really? You might know we're competitive at trivia just a little.
[01:03:13] Speaker C: They did. Listen, guys, they did win a trivia. So we did.
[01:03:17] Speaker D: We won Marvel trivia. And then I actually won Disney song trivia with some new friends that I made, you know, on the cruise. Drew went to bed and I was like, I'm staying up, I'm gonna.
[01:03:27] Speaker B: I went to bed because I had a migraine that day.
[01:03:29] Speaker D: Well, there's that.
[01:03:31] Speaker A: Excuses, excuses.
[01:03:33] Speaker C: Yeah, Drew, I mean, you're on vacation.
[01:03:35] Speaker D: I didn't rally.
[01:03:36] Speaker C: Take some Advil and rally. Come on.
[01:03:38] Speaker D: No, it was actually great because there was like a high school age girl and me, and I'm in my, we'll call it early 30s. And then there was a couple that were like 60, 60, 64. So we had different generations going on where, like they have some of the older songs that I don't have that instant recall for. So shout out to. To my team on that one. And then I came in second in The Star wars super fan Challenge. Just making that.
[01:04:03] Speaker C: Wow, Haley, that's some street cred. Now I got to ask, which medals did you get? Because the different characters versus the ship one. I got to know which ones you have in your collection.
[01:04:14] Speaker B: Now we got the ship and.
[01:04:16] Speaker D: And my. My solo medal that I got is Donald.
[01:04:18] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:04:19] Speaker D: And I can't remember what the other ones are that we have.
[01:04:22] Speaker B: We have a Mickey and we have a mini. Mini, I think.
[01:04:26] Speaker D: I'm thinking we do.
So goofy, I think, is still missing.
[01:04:31] Speaker C: Yeah. We only have so some of the trivias. By the way, they don't always give out medals to some of the adult trivias. At least not on the Witch.
[01:04:39] Speaker B: We got a luggage.
[01:04:40] Speaker D: Yeah, we got a luggage.
[01:04:41] Speaker C: Yeah. So sometimes you might not get a medal, but we have the cruise ship one and Captain Minnie, and those are the only two we have of this kind edition of. Yeah, yeah.
[01:04:52] Speaker D: I will say it's, like, less exciting to go on to trivia on a cruise that has a lot of platinum and pearl people, because they've been on a lot of cruises. They've heard a lot of trivia questions before. So what one to you if you don't get a perfect score. And now they've got this, like, tiebreaker thing where you basically have to come up with a random number out of your rear end. And I don't like that.
[01:05:11] Speaker C: Yes. Yes.
[01:05:12] Speaker D: What is the length in meters of.
[01:05:14] Speaker C: A ship or whatever? I'm like, yeah, I don't know. I know. Sorry. Jumping back to Marvel, what did you think of the new. That's okay. We, you know, trivia is a part of that new show. What did you guys think of the new show? The Groot and rocket themed show.
[01:05:32] Speaker A: And the food.
[01:05:33] Speaker C: And the food. Yeah.
[01:05:34] Speaker B: I thought the show was cute and how it ended is really cute.
And in the music coming from Guardians, I really enjoyed. I enjoy the move.
[01:05:44] Speaker D: We were doing some dancing in the.
[01:05:46] Speaker B: Seat and we got September, which is like our song. We were married on September 21st.
[01:05:52] Speaker D: So our unofficial songs. I'm trying to remember what was on the menu. Okay, so I got the Peri. Peri chicken. It is not that great.
[01:06:01] Speaker C: Yeah, I told you it was okay. It wasn't my favorite dish. I thought the. I know you're not a seafood eater, but the. I did prefer the salmon and the shrimp dishes in that. On that menu. There is a decent, like, udon bowl or ramen bowl in that menu as well. That's a vegetarian option.
[01:06:19] Speaker B: Yeah, I got the. The shrimp pasta, and it was Pretty good.
[01:06:22] Speaker D: You also got the lamb and the.
[01:06:23] Speaker B: Lamb and it was, it was like the lamb you get anywhere on the. On Disney cruise line. Like it tasted the same. Not really any different.
[01:06:33] Speaker C: Yeah, I think it's the same as the anime. So a lot of the. The stuff on that Marvel Night 2 menu or some of the stuff is from the Animators Night two menu.
[01:06:43] Speaker B: That's probably where I've had it before then.
[01:06:44] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And. And versus the 1923 menu. A lot of the option, a lot of those items are from like the Royal Court, Royal Palace, I think menu. But it's also the lobster, the baked lobster, which I know people love. The, the sort of having lobster on a cruise ship. And I will tell people lamb if that helps you. Oh, yeah, yeah, exactly. It's this. Yeah. So lamb. Yeah. So those are. I don't know if that's. I don't even know what that is. If that's. That's rack of lamb. But it comes already cut.
[01:07:17] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[01:07:19] Speaker C: Lamb lollipops.
[01:07:20] Speaker D: The menu was fine. I wish I had just number one not been so full. But I had like a. I didn't put this on our castaway day. I don't like the food on castaway really. And I didn't really want it when we were out there. So I waited to eat till we got back on the ship and waited till I was hungry. So that meant that I was eating like pizza and soft serve at like 3pm and then we had 5:45 dinner. So it's my own fault. I ruined my own dinner. And I should have saved room so that I could have gotten my favorite appetizers from Positive Cocoa again because that would have been my happy place.
[01:07:52] Speaker C: Yeah, that's a good point. That's absolutely a good point.
[01:07:56] Speaker D: So then you. That one's fine. I think Marvel might be my least favorite of the three restaurants.
[01:08:02] Speaker C: Yeah.
[01:08:03] Speaker D: Because I like the show in Coco is really good. The food is really good. The shows are like fun for me, for Marvel, but I don't feel like they have as much repeatability.
[01:08:14] Speaker C: Well, and the trivia questions. Somebody in the chat was asking about the trivia questions. They don't change. At least I can tell you from having been on two sailings close in time, they did not change. The same trivia questions in Marvel happened.
[01:08:28] Speaker D: Yeah, that reminds me, if there's a trivia of imaginary on the ship, they only have one set of questions. Do not do what we did and go twice. Because you'll just be getting the exact same Questions. But unfortunately, so did everyone else who's there. So you have like six people with a perfect score, and then you have to do some inane tiebreaker, and then you've wasted an hour of your life. Yes, yes, that's my tip on the imagineering trivia. Go once, not twice.
[01:08:55] Speaker C: Yeah, that's a good point. You know, most of the trivia is they have a battery of questions and it sort of randomly generates which questions you'll get now that they're all knows, more trivia. But it sounds like maybe not for that one, but.
[01:09:09] Speaker A: Well.
[01:09:10] Speaker D: Oh, I saw Larry asked about Uncharted Adventure. There was no mention of it happening.
[01:09:15] Speaker A: Yeah, it's not working yet.
[01:09:16] Speaker C: Not working? No, it's not working. Not yet. It was working on the preview. Let me just put that out there. And then it wasn't on. It wasn't up on Voyage.
[01:09:25] Speaker D: I mean, we didn't try, but we didn't see anything about it anywhere, so we just assumed it wasn't a thing. We did it on the Wish.
[01:09:31] Speaker C: And I heard it's. I heard it's broken. I don't know what that means, but I heard it's.
[01:09:35] Speaker D: We actually had some technical issues on Marvel Night. One, we didn't get to finish the show properly.
[01:09:40] Speaker C: Oh, interesting. Okay. They were.
[01:09:43] Speaker D: They had, like, you know, done the battle sequence, but then, like, the. It just kind of just like went down.
[01:09:50] Speaker B: Spider man came out eventually, and then.
[01:09:52] Speaker D: It was just kind of like. And Spider Man. And we were like, oh, interesting. We hadn't seen the Spider man because when we were on the Wish, they had not made that update yet. It was still just Ant man and Wasp and various props. So that was kind of interesting. And I was like, oh, I gotta make sure to remember to tell Brian and Sam about this. So.
[01:10:07] Speaker C: Yeah. Well. Well, is there anything that we haven't talked about that you thought was sort of exceptionally good or exceptionally bad on the Treasure as we won, I'd like.
[01:10:18] Speaker A: To pivot specifically on Is there.
[01:10:20] Speaker C: Are there.
[01:10:21] Speaker A: Beyond the layout, was there anything that was like. Just felt like kind of a miss on the ship for you?
[01:10:30] Speaker C: I don't.
[01:10:30] Speaker D: There's nothing that really occurs to me. Oh, that's not true. Okay, two things I thought of that. I did a long Disney survey and I was like, why? I can't remember. And now I remembered number one, the trivia. The proportion of people who want to do trivia versus the size of the spaces where they do the trivia is not good. Like, we did 90s music trivia in Triton. Lounge. There were people all over the floor. There was like 4 square feet of empty space in that whole, whole room. It's not big enough.
[01:10:57] Speaker B: It's a good thing they don't have a fire marshal on the scene.
[01:11:00] Speaker D: Seriously. Like, we were breaking a fire code for sure in there.
And then when we were going on our port adventure out, we did a Disney port adventure for St. Thomas, and they had us meet in Worlds of Marvel and on the other ships we've been on. You checked in outside of the meetup place, whether that was the Walt Disney Theater or wherever. Oh, no. They told you, go in and sit down and somebody will find you and check you in. I'm like, how are they going to know? So we sit down and there's like, cast members, you know, crew members, like, kind of randomly scattered throughout the restaurant. And you're supposed to, like, wave your hand and flag them down to come check you in. But they had a ton of groups meeting at 9:45, and we got started to get really concerned that we were.
[01:11:44] Speaker B: Gonna, like, because they started calling groups to leave.
[01:11:46] Speaker D: And we were like, we're not checked in yet.
[01:11:47] Speaker C: So we finally, like, stood up, like.
[01:11:50] Speaker D: You must check us in.
[01:11:51] Speaker B: And we were. Were one of the groups that our.
[01:11:54] Speaker D: Group had already left.
[01:11:55] Speaker A: So then we were like, oh, wow.
[01:11:56] Speaker D: You know, like, power walking out there. And like, we're looking for the person with the sign for our Pinocchio or whoever our character was, and they are literally walking away.
[01:12:05] Speaker B: They're, like, getting on the vehicles to.
[01:12:07] Speaker D: Leave, and we were there, like, on time.
[01:12:11] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:12:12] Speaker D: So I thought that that system was terrible. And I did tell them that when I took this multiple surveys that they sent me, I'm like, this is a bad system and you need to rethink this. So those are my two misses. Do you have anything to add to that? No, it's a great.
[01:12:27] Speaker A: He has Maui.
[01:12:29] Speaker C: Quiet.
[01:12:29] Speaker A: All right.
[01:12:30] Speaker C: Your mouth.
[01:12:30] Speaker A: All right, well, with. With that, I actually, I actually. So I. I want to wind us down, but I have some breaking news from Disney that I actually discovered as we were recording the show. And I want to put it up because I know if there are two people who would appreciate what I'm about to show, it will be the two of you. So let me see if I can get this to work. For those of you at home, you're going to just have to, you know, you're going to have to come over and watch us on YouTube. Watch us on YouTube. So I'm just going to share my screen here. If it's going to come up. And so some of you may know just to set this up, that Disney has been working on some droids. And the question here in this video is, where will they go next? Let's see if I can get it to play.
[01:13:11] Speaker C: You might not be like star cruiser.
[01:13:12] Speaker D: I know. It's like that's the star cruiser window.
[01:13:15] Speaker A: Why is this not playing? Playing.
Please play. It's so good.
Oh, no, it's not gonna play. I'm have to go over to their imagineering the. The direct page and see if I can find it. There it is.
Look who made it aboard the Disney wish. That's right.
Yes. They have actual working droids and they show them heading into the. What do you call it? The sublight lounge. It's not it, but the hyperspace.
[01:13:44] Speaker C: Oh, no, this isn't the kids club.
[01:13:46] Speaker A: No, no, no. Give it a second.
[01:13:48] Speaker C: Okay?
[01:13:48] Speaker A: Give it a second because they are headed to the kids club soon, so. Or, sorry, headed to the. To the.
[01:13:53] Speaker C: This is the kids club space that they're in right now. That is the Star wars themed kids club space. There they are going into the hyperspace.
[01:14:00] Speaker A: Yes, they're scanning now. I don't think this is a permanent thing because their thing is like they're. They're showing them. They're. They're showing them off kind of around the world, but. Oh, man, this would reinvigorate hyperspace lounge for me if I could get a droid. Encounters in the. In the. In the bar. So there you go. Thought I'd have to share that. And I thought two people who would appreciate this the most are two people who also went on the star cruiser. So I just wanted to share.
[01:14:23] Speaker D: Tracy, report back. We need you to do the important research for us.
[01:14:28] Speaker C: Nathan is saying evidently is at one time only.
[01:14:30] Speaker A: Well, that's what.
[01:14:31] Speaker C: That's what this is destroys, according to Scott.
[01:14:32] Speaker A: Yeah, that's what this is looking like. But who knows?
[01:14:35] Speaker C: Who knows?
[01:14:35] Speaker A: Who knows?
[01:14:36] Speaker C: Okay.
[01:14:36] Speaker A: Who knows what they end up doing in the future with this?
[01:14:38] Speaker C: Tracy is on board this weekend or next. This coming weekend with the moral family. And so she will hopefully be able to report back on it. So. Yeah, she's on it. She says. Thank you, Tracy. She a roving reporter?
[01:14:53] Speaker A: Yes. All right, well, with that, we're going to wrap things up here. I do always like to let folks know what our next live show is going to be. And our next live show, I believe Sam is at the. I think it's Valentine's Day because of our travel this weekend. Right?
[01:15:09] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, that's right. We will not be on next Monday because we will be heading this weekend. We're heading to Disneyland in Anaheim to run the Disneyland. While I'm running the the Dumbo Double Dare Challenge, which is the 10k and the half marathon, Brian is running the 10k and Nathan will be just spectating. So we're gonna spend some time at Disneyland. We don't fly back until Monday evening, so we will not be live next Monday. But in two weeks we will be back on Monday, February, I don't know, 10.
[01:15:40] Speaker A: Monday, February 10th. We'll be joined by CT, who I think has probably been furiously. That there's smoke coming off the page of the night about the adventure and some other things. So can't wait to have CT on. We're gonna do a little Valentine's Day show. Ct. CT loves to surprise his wife with things. And so he was going to talk to us about some fun things that he's done around Disney Cruise Line with his wife. So that's going to be great. So looking forward to that. But for now I will just say so. Back on the 10th. Regular time, 5:30pm Pacific, 8:30pm Eastern. But Haley, Drew, it's always fun to. To catch up with you. It's always fun to see you. I really hope we get to sail with you again sometime soon.
[01:16:17] Speaker C: I wanna, yeah, I wanna see you in person again soon. It's been too long. So let's, like, figure out a way.
[01:16:24] Speaker D: Costa Rica abd that I won.
[01:16:25] Speaker C: That's right. That's right.
[01:16:27] Speaker A: We got a lot of great ABD content coming up over the next couple weeks, including a couple of ABD guides who are going to be coming up. So we're pretty excited about that.
[01:16:36] Speaker C: Rebecca's coming back and we've got Danny Adventure Guide. Danny is coming also.
[01:16:40] Speaker A: Friends with the Genie.
[01:16:42] Speaker C: So, yes, friends with the Genie back in Disney's California Adventure. Yes, for many years, actually.
[01:16:48] Speaker A: So lots of fun stuff. With that, though, we will say goodbye to all of you out there. Thank you for watching. Thank you for listening to this afterwards and thank you to Andrew for coming on.
Well, thanks everyone out there for listening this week. We really, really appreciate it. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast. You can keep getting great content from us every week. In fact, twice a week we publish shows. So be sure to hit the subscribe button to get all of those great episodes. And if you want to watch us alive, we have a live show now every week, Monday nights, 5:30pm Pacific, 8:30pm Eastern, over on YouTube.com DCLDUO so be sure to head over and check that out. If you want help support the show, be sure to hit those five stars on Apple Podcasts and if you leave us a written review, a five star written review, we will read it at the top of one of our main episodes. So please head over there and hit those five stars. Of course you can also help support the show by supporting our fabulous show sponsor My Path Unwinding Travel. You want to book your next Disney vacation? Head over to mypathunwinding.com forward/dcf or email them at dclduoypathunwinding.com so they know we sent you their way. If you've got questions or you'd like to connect with us, the best way to do that is to head over to DCLDuo.com it's got links to all of our things, full catalog of the podcast episodes including a searchable catalog for the podcast links off to our vlog, a link to our Etsy store where we sell some fun fan inspired magnets Link to our Patreon if you'd like to help directly support the show each and every month, just head over over to the website or patreon.com DCLDUO also as a way for you to sign up for our substack newsletter that we're hoping to start really pumping out monthly here, at least on a few blog articles that we've written. So DCLDUO.com is the best way to connect with us. You can also of course email
[email protected] or reach out to us on our voicemail line at 402-413-5590. That's 402-413-5590. The DCL Duo podcast is not affiliated with Disney Cruise Line, the Disney Company or the Disney family of theme parks. The views expressed on the show are solely those of the individuals on the podcast and in no way reflect the views of the Disney Company or Disney Cruise Line. If you have questions about a Disney Cruise or Disney Vacation, please contact the great folks over at MyPath unwinding travel or Disney directly or your own travel agent. Thanks again for listening and we'll see you next time for another fabulous adventure with the DCL Duo. Good night.