August 11, 2024


Ep. 450 - Live Bonus Show - All Four One: Live Reactions to Disney Cruise Line's D23 Announcements

Hosted by

Brian Sam
Ep. 450 - Live Bonus Show - All Four One: Live Reactions to Disney Cruise Line's D23 Announcements
DCL Duo Podcast: A Disney Cruise Line Fan Podcast
Ep. 450 - Live Bonus Show - All Four One: Live Reactions to Disney Cruise Line's D23 Announcements

Aug 11 2024 | 00:18:26


Show Notes

We're reacting live to the Disney Cruise Line announcements at the D23 Horizons parks and experiences presentation along with our friends Wes (aka "The DCL Dude") and CT (aka "Tin Foil Mouse Ears"). DCL revealed new art for the Moana stage show coming to the Disney Treasure; a new stage production of Hercules coming to the Disney Destiny, and FOUR NEW SHIPS!! It was a huge night for Disney Cruise Line fans - you won't want to miss these announcements.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: All right, Josh is coming back out on stage. We're gonna finally get the reveal. Here he is. [00:00:10] Speaker B: Saying two. [00:00:15] Speaker A: More. [00:00:16] Speaker C: Let's go. [00:00:17] Speaker A: We're adding four more cruise ships. [00:00:19] Speaker C: Four. [00:00:33] Speaker D: Hey everybody, just a quick editorial note before we dive into the show. This is going to be a rebroadcast of a portion of the audio from our livestream from last night Saturday night from the Disney Parks and experiences panel, the Horizons panel. I have trimmed the audio portion down from the two plus hours of the full panel down to just the Disney cruise line announcements, so you're going to hear that shortly. Also wanted to let you know that our guests this evening were Wes, the DCL dude. Highly recommend his show. If you're looking for more Disney Cruise line related content, love to have Wes on and he's just a great and positive creator out there. So be sure to head over to Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcast and subscribe to the DCL dude podcast if you are looking for more great Disney Cruise line content. We also had CT on. He's been a guest on the show several times here recently. He has started a blog called Tinfoil Mouse Ears and you can follow along with him across social media at Tinfoil Mouse ears or head over to his [email protected] dot. He's got some great predictions that he runs over there across parks and cruise line, so love to have him on the show. Whenever we're doing a bit of speculation, just want to thank both of them for hanging in for over 2 hours with us on the show. Uh, for Wes it was east coast time, so he stayed up well past midnight to hang out with us on the live program. Uh, and for CT, I think he was in the central time zone, so equally late. So thanks to both of them. Be sure to check them out. Also want to highlight that the audio that you'll hear underneath our commentary is coming from a listener who was at d 23 last night and recorded the DCL portion of the announcements for us, along with some other portions that we've edited out. Uh, so I want to thank them for the audio. They've asked to remain anonymous because Disney did ask folks not to live stream the audio or the video of the presentation, although several folks did. Nonetheless, these folks wanted to remain anonymous. We appreciate that and so thank you for the audio. If you're out there listening, also, just a quick shout out to our show sponsor, my path unwinding travel. If you're looking to book your next Disney vacation, please, please, please head over to my dclduo or email [email protected] it really helps support our show. And we thank my path unwinding for sponsoring the show each and every week. With that, let's get into these amazing announcements from D 23 last night. [00:02:45] Speaker A: All right, fans off stage, we're back to reset here. There's water. [00:02:49] Speaker C: There's water. [00:02:50] Speaker A: There we go. Here it comes. [00:02:51] Speaker E: Let's go. [00:02:51] Speaker A: Cruise line. Cruise line. [00:02:54] Speaker F: Yep. [00:02:54] Speaker D: Here it is. [00:02:55] Speaker E: Yes. [00:02:56] Speaker A: Cruise line. Here we go. [00:03:00] Speaker E: We got three ships there. That looks like one of the treasure adventure destiny. [00:03:06] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, I love, especially as the guy doing the live stream is talking about how much he's all about cruise line. That's right. We are all about cruise line. All right, here we go. Wes, grab a Red Bull because now we're in for the announcements. They've come. [00:03:28] Speaker F: Hey, I can see. Looks like lookout key. Looks like castaway key. Looks like the three wish class ships. [00:03:39] Speaker A: Incredible year. It is. Let's not talk about this year, Josh. Let's talk about the years to come. [00:03:45] Speaker B: We gotta look at the Disney adventure. [00:03:47] Speaker A: As we prepare our first ship out of Singapore next year. Talking about, folks, you gotta look out key at Lighthouse Point. Adventure coming out of Singapore next year. [00:03:59] Speaker F: Talking about treasure in December. [00:04:01] Speaker A: Treasure in December. Yep. [00:04:03] Speaker E: Oh, they're gonna tell us. Oh, it's new artwork for. [00:04:07] Speaker F: Whoa, look at that up. [00:04:08] Speaker A: Here we go. New stage production. New stage production. [00:04:12] Speaker C: They're talking about moana. [00:04:13] Speaker D: Moana. [00:04:14] Speaker C: No, this is about treasure. [00:04:16] Speaker A: Oh, the treasure. The treasure. Sorry, I thought it was artwork. That's crazy. That's a show for people at home. We're looking at. Is that Taka? Taka? [00:04:27] Speaker F: Yep. Taka. [00:04:28] Speaker A: Yeah. Taka. [00:04:30] Speaker F: Although looks like we see Maui there with Moana. [00:04:35] Speaker C: Yeah. Biggest puppet that they've created is what he's saying. [00:04:38] Speaker E: Oh, they're gonna tell us the stage. There we go. They're gonna tell us a lot. [00:04:43] Speaker A: Here we go. [00:04:45] Speaker F: Up. Save something just for us. Here comes more things. [00:04:49] Speaker A: Yes, we would. Josh, we would like to hear about this. Come on, Josh. Give it to us. Here we go. [00:04:59] Speaker F: What? [00:05:00] Speaker A: Hercules. Yes. Hercules. There it is. Hercules confirmed. I finally get to use my. I'm gonna use my special banner here. There we go. Breaking news. Hercules. Hercules. All right, they're going to sing one of the songs from Hercules. [00:05:26] Speaker C: It's Meg from the movie, I think gonna sing. So I have to. I'm gonna sing along. [00:05:35] Speaker A: All right, so we got the stage production. [00:05:37] Speaker E: Any of you see Hercules, the musical on the. When they had it on I've only. [00:05:44] Speaker C: Seen YouTube videos of it. [00:05:46] Speaker E: It's really good. [00:05:48] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:05:50] Speaker A: Right. So they've got Meg singing right now. [00:05:54] Speaker F: Sam, do we know who this is? Is this a Broadway talent you're familiar with? I know you get a small screen. [00:06:00] Speaker E: This. This is the voice of Meg. [00:06:02] Speaker C: This is the. From the movie, I believe. Megara from the movie. Yeah. [00:06:10] Speaker A: All right, make yours excited. [00:06:11] Speaker F: Godmother of the ship. [00:06:13] Speaker A: Taryn says she just screamed and scared her dogs. Anyone else out there watching? Excited for hercules. Cruising to see. [00:06:20] Speaker F: She's also bell on Broadway. Ed says. [00:06:24] Speaker C: Our kid is probably like, what is going on? He's playing video games right now. [00:06:30] Speaker F: Three's got a couple of good comments there, Brian. [00:06:33] Speaker A: Who does? [00:06:34] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Yeah. [00:06:36] Speaker A: Susan Egan was awesome on the DBC member cruise earlier this year. And she was also belle. Belle on Broadway. [00:06:43] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:06:44] Speaker F: Yep, yep. You got it. [00:06:46] Speaker A: Yes. [00:06:47] Speaker C: Kylie. [00:06:47] Speaker A: Hercules for the destiny. Yes. [00:06:51] Speaker C: And then Daniel is saying, chalk one. [00:06:54] Speaker A: Up in the win column for that prediction. [00:06:58] Speaker C: Yep, one there. [00:07:00] Speaker A: All right, well, that's the full compliment for the destiny. Now we've got all the bars, restaurants, stage shows. I don't think we're missing anything at this point. [00:07:08] Speaker F: No. And that's pretty early for us to have everything compared to the way the treasure kind of trickled out the musical later. [00:07:15] Speaker A: So they're going to have to do something. They're after you. Some kind of announcement event for the adventure here pretty soon. [00:07:21] Speaker F: Yeah. But I imagine they'll focus that probably for the market. Correct. [00:07:25] Speaker A: That would be my guy. [00:07:26] Speaker F: What we think about. They need heavy market from there. [00:07:33] Speaker A: Rob saying, am I the only one bummed it wasn't right? No, you were not. No, you were not. I would have loved to have seen that, Zachary. [00:07:39] Speaker C: Yes. But if they were going to bring that, though, Rob, it wouldn't have been instead of Hercules. It would have been instead of, I think, like season. [00:07:49] Speaker A: Josh is back out. Let's see if we get some more cruising. It was Josh, what else you got for us? There are five. Oh, here we go. Yes. Sailing out of Japan. Yeah. Come on, Josh. Give it to me. Let's go, let's go. Yes. I'll do better than promise. I am already loving it. What's going on? [00:08:28] Speaker C: Wait, that was nine in the picture there. [00:08:31] Speaker E: Got it. [00:08:35] Speaker A: Is this legit boy Simon right now? [00:08:40] Speaker F: I don't think so. This is all for one. [00:08:43] Speaker A: All for one. Sorry. [00:08:44] Speaker F: Yes. And it does look like double arp version. [00:08:48] Speaker A: Yeah. They're saying, I swear. Because Josh said he'll do better than promise. [00:08:54] Speaker F: He had to get us with one more song, guys. [00:08:58] Speaker A: Nine ships in the graphic, according to cruise. [00:09:01] Speaker C: I already said that, Brian. No, it's not according to him. I said it. [00:09:05] Speaker A: He said that. Sam counted it. You're getting your credit. You're getting your credit. Tracy's excited. New ships. We couldn't be more excited for new ships. [00:09:15] Speaker F: So if there's nine, right, let's count them up real quick. [00:09:19] Speaker A: We got magic, wonder, dream, fantasy, wish, treasure. Destiny takes us to eight. Tokyo takes us to nine. So. Or an adventure. There should be ten, right? Shouldn't there be no, nine. That's nine. Adventure takes us to nine. [00:09:34] Speaker F: That's nine. So they showed all nine in the fleet. [00:09:37] Speaker A: So all nine in the. [00:09:38] Speaker D: In the. [00:09:39] Speaker A: In the graphic. And what we're waiting for is what's Josh gonna give us? [00:09:43] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Rob says I'm gonna be on his team for count the ship's trivia, but not for music trivia. Thanks, Rob. [00:09:51] Speaker F: I know three is correcting us. Yes. The five right now. The four new ones already announced. [00:09:55] Speaker C: Yeah, it's not. Yeah, it's nothing new from that graphic, but I thought, I like a lot of ships. I'm like, wait, there's only five ships. But, yeah, you're right. With the four new ones that are already announced. But there's that, you know, the adventure. [00:10:07] Speaker F: Is gonna have a tricky trip. It's gotta figure out how to get to Singapore. [00:10:11] Speaker C: Yeah. From Europe, right? Yeah. [00:10:13] Speaker F: Yeah. And with the Suez currently closed, the only way for them to get there is to go around south of Africa. So they've got to catch that where. [00:10:22] Speaker A: Winter sets in next year before Josh comes back. Do we all think two west, two ships? [00:10:29] Speaker E: I'm gonna say three. [00:10:31] Speaker A: Three. Up on the count. Up in the count. [00:10:33] Speaker F: I'm gonna say one new wish class and two smaller. It's gonna be a new class of ship. [00:10:39] Speaker A: All right. [00:10:40] Speaker E: That's where I'm gonna be. [00:10:41] Speaker F: The magic wonder replacement. [00:10:44] Speaker C: Two smaller ships. Magic wonder replacement. I'm not sure about a third, but I must say. I'm gonna say two new ships. And, Chris, I think. No, we're not gonna get the names tonight for new ships. No, that'll be way later. [00:10:57] Speaker A: I feel like I should just go big and say, let's get four new ships out of Josh. Come on, Josh, or you're spending money. Let's get four. Come on, Tracy. [00:11:03] Speaker F: We'll have something on the blog quickly. Tomorrow I'll be on airports and flights, and I'll have plenty. [00:11:10] Speaker A: Rob singer, work. Don't retire the magic and the wonder sale. I think they will extract as much value out of those two ships as they can reasonably get. But the problem is, long in the. [00:11:19] Speaker F: Tooth, there is a balance sheet of how often they have to bring those into Portland. And is the juice still worth the squeeze? That's for you, Wes. [00:11:31] Speaker A: All right, here we go. I should say, for everyone out there watching us right now, when they wrap up the cruise line announcements, we're all peace out. At that point. We'll do, like, a quick wrap up, but we're all going to peace out. We have hung in with this show now for over 2 hours of this stream to get to this point. All right, Josh is coming back out on stage. We're gonna finally get the reveal. Here he is saying, or four more. Let's go. [00:12:10] Speaker C: Four. [00:12:13] Speaker B: Four. [00:12:15] Speaker A: Let's go. [00:12:16] Speaker F: Holy cow. [00:12:18] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:12:19] Speaker F: So there's got to be replacements for. [00:12:21] Speaker A: The magic of wonder, for sure. [00:12:22] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:12:25] Speaker A: There it is. All right, reactions. Four ships. [00:12:30] Speaker F: Hold on. 2027. In 2031. [00:12:35] Speaker A: Whoa. [00:12:39] Speaker F: Wow. They plan on having 13 ships at once. [00:12:43] Speaker A: Wow. I'm so proud of our tools live because it's an extension of Walt's original vision for the company. [00:12:53] Speaker F: Here's the fortnight announcement. [00:12:54] Speaker A: Oh, that's a fortnight thing. All right, I'm gonna pause the, I'm gonna pause the livestream on my end and just say, let's just wrap up quickly so we can get wes back to bed. But four new ships. Four new ships. Unbelievable. We have no details, but four new ships. What do you think, Wesley? [00:13:12] Speaker E: That's a, that's a huge shock. I did. I was trying to study the graphic a little bit. It looked like maybe the two on the left were larger and then the two on the right were smaller. If we're reading into things a little bit, I. Yeah, I'm ecstatic right now. I I thought three. [00:13:29] Speaker F: I. [00:13:30] Speaker E: The fourth one, I don't even, can't even speculate what the fourth one is. [00:13:34] Speaker A: I have no idea, man. I'm. [00:13:37] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:13:37] Speaker A: Sam, what do you, what do you think? [00:13:39] Speaker C: Holy crap. Like, holy crap. I was not expecting this. I am like, my jaw is kind of on the floor right now. I mean, but with two now. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah. If. Are these going to be wish class? Are these going to be smaller ships? I have no idea. I'm just shocked. I'm like, let's go. [00:14:07] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:14:08] Speaker A: Total shock. CT, what's your quick reaction? [00:14:12] Speaker F: Real quick on the four ships? I think we're going to see Disney really expand to new places with ships. I don't think we're going to see them run more ships out of port Canaveral than they were already doing. I think we're finally going to see. Josh said something interesting about bringing Walt stream to new places. So I think we can expect maybe a Brazil ship, maybe one around India. I'm thinking of some of the larger economies in the world, maybe a full time in Europe. Abu Dhabi. Is that. Is Dubai a stop? Could be for Disney cruise line in the future. [00:14:45] Speaker C: Can we finally get an actual west coast ship? If there's 13, can we have one over here? [00:14:51] Speaker F: Yeah, I think the west coast is already in the plan, so yeah, it must be. [00:14:55] Speaker C: Must be. [00:14:56] Speaker A: All right, well, there you have it. We got the announcements. Hercules musical on the Destiny. Four new ships coming to the fleet between, what'd they say, 2027 and 2031? [00:15:06] Speaker E: Was it 2031? [00:15:07] Speaker A: Yeah, 2031. So four new ships coming to the fleet. What a night for Disney Cruise line fans. I want to especially thank Wes for hanging in there. It is past midnight and approaching midnight where CT is. I'm pretty confident. And so thanks guys for joining us. We will be back on Monday night. 05:30 p.m. eastern. 830 sorry. 08:30 p.m. eastern 05:30 p.m. pacific with the folks from adventures and mascapades who are live in the audience tonight to talk some more about the reactions in the room and some more of this news. But for now, I just want to tell everyone thank you out there for hanging in with us for this long. It has been such a blast. And by the way, thank you. [00:15:50] Speaker C: And by the way, Shawn is saying he is just popped in to say he will never financially recover from this. Same Sean. Same. [00:16:03] Speaker B: Well, thanks to everyone out there for listening this week. We really, really appreciate it. [00:16:07] Speaker D: Be sure to subscribe to the podcast. [00:16:08] Speaker B: You can keep getting great content from us every week. In fact, twice a week we publish shows. So be sure to hit the subscribe button to get all of those great episodes. And if you want to watch us live, we have a live show now every week. Monday nights, 05:30 p.m. pacific 08:30 p.m. eastern over on dclduo. So be sure to head over and check that out. If you want help support the show, be sure to hit those five stars on Apple Podcasts. And if you leave us a written review, a five star written review, we will read it at the top of one of our main episodes. So please head over there and hit those five stars. Of course, you can also help support the show by supporting our fabulous show sponsor, mypath unwinding travel if you want to book your next Disney vacation, head over to dclduo or email [email protected] so they know we sent you their way. If you've got questions or you'd like to connect with us, the best way to do that is to head over to dot. It's got links to all of our things. 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If you have questions about a Disney Cruise or Disney vacation, please contact the great folks over at Mypath unwinding travel or Disney directly or your own travel agent. Thanks again for listening and well see you next time for another fabulous adventure with the DCL duo.

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